Samiad works in partnership with UK boarding schools to offer children and young adults the opportunity to improve their English in a fun and engaging environment, whilst also enjoying the culture and history the UK has to offer. Our Summer schools offer a wide range of fun, safe activities and diverse excursions. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to try new experiences and make friends with people all over the world. Samiad provides: • 5 world class boarding school campuses • Excellent facilities including IT suites, library, theatres, climbing walls and swimming pools • 15 hours English language tuition per week with highly qualified EFL teachers • 24 hour supervision with a market leading staff to student ratio of 1:6 • Unique high value trips to the most famous locations and attractions across the UK • An action-packed sports and activities schedule • Nominated for the coveted ST star awards under 18’s course of the year • Specialisms in Football, Golf, Tennis, Performing Arts, Robotics and Coding, Art (NEW for 2024), Horse Riding, Multi-activities or extra English NEW for 2024: London Explorer programme!
米尔菲尔德学校是英国领先的男女同校独立学校之一。这是一个卓越的学术研究,体育和艺术中心,并有各种各样的设施。 米尔菲尔德英语假日课程在复活节和夏季举行。今年夏天,该课程吸引了来自68个不同国家的1000多名6-17岁的学生,其中许多人年复一年地返回。 假期课程由英国文化协会认可,是英国的会员。米尔菲尔德也是一个三一和剑桥考试中心,并有令人羡慕的成功率与考试结果。目前有三个校园,在整个课程的不同时间,它们都结合在一起,形成一个大家庭。 所有学生在上午和下午每周小班有15个小时的英语学费,他们可以享受额外的英语学费、他们选择的体育或专业学校或我们广泛的体育和娱乐课程(Street和Glastonbury校园)。我们在布鲁顿校区为12-17岁的学生提供一个新的、令人兴奋的项目。布鲁顿现在提供了一个灵活的时间表,这是一个理想的学习环境,为那些想探索一系列的活动和学习英语的新的和灵活的方式。有关我们在布鲁顿灵活学习经验的更多信息,请查阅手册第30-31页。 远足包括伦敦、卡迪夫、牛津、布里斯托尔、沃里克城堡和当地海滨度假胜地的旅行,以及英国最好的主题公园的活动繁忙的一天。
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在韦尔斯学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。