提高你对英国文化的理解,把它与你自己的文化和世界各地的其他文化进行比较。你可以在伯恩茅斯和伦敦的国际语言学校做所有这些事情。 今天说英语是一项基本的技能,能够在全球范围内交流,并改善你的职业前景。加入我们,并提高您的英语技能,在我们友好的,经验丰富的和合格的教师的支持下,同时与志同道合的人交朋友。同时,您还可以参观英格兰的一些美妙的地方,并享受我们在城市或海边提供的各种活动。
卡普兰国际伯恩茅斯拥有充满生机和活力的氛围,提供全面的卡普兰课程,一流的学习设施,以及在海滨小镇伯恩茅斯的优越地理位置。 伯恩茅斯是英国最受欢迎的海滨度假胜地之一。夏日演出,美妙的夜生活和精美的购物都使伯恩茅斯成为游客全年的旅游目的地。拥有七英里长的美丽金色海滩,这个小镇也很受国际语言学生的欢迎。
Free gift for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
伯恩茅斯英语学校是一所小型、友好的语言学校,具有高标准;教授通用英语和考试准备课程。学校获得英国文化协会认证,是英语英国的成员。 伯恩茅斯是英格兰最著名的地方之一,其受欢迎程度已经大大增加。该镇拥有大量活跃的学生群体,将大城市的兴奋与小城镇的温馨结合在一起。 这是一个学习的好地方,镇上有适合每个人的东西;7英里的海滩,热闹的购物和文化中心以及众多酒吧,酒吧和俱乐部的迷人夜生活! 我们学校位于伯恩茅斯市中心,这是一个位于英格兰南部海岸的充满活力和安全的小镇。当您考虑住在哪里时,伯恩茅斯有很多选择适合所有预算:寄宿家庭,住宅,酒店,住宿加早餐,公寓,私人租赁。
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Bournemouth with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Bournemouth. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Bournemouth, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Bournemouth and surrounding areas.
¥ 4,024 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
国王伯恩茅斯在城内有两个地点:布拉德利路主校区,位于绿树成荫的住宅区,距离市中心有10分钟步行路程,以及位于伯恩茅斯市中心的新圣彼得区附楼,商店、咖啡馆和海滩就在门口。 在布拉德利路学院的两座令人印象深刻的大型建筑周围环绕着带草坪和庭院的花园,可供户外用餐,还设有户外运动场和乒乓球桌。学院每天提供各种热午餐,包括清真和素食,以及学院内的自助餐厅提供的各种小吃和饮品。夏季还设有小吃店和社交烧烤。 布拉德利路学院的其它一流设施包括设备齐全的教室,交互式白板、两个电脑学习中心、一个活动大厅、图书馆、科学实验室和艺术工作室,以及免费无线网络。 新圣彼得校区是一个现代化的阁楼式环境,配有带沙发和电视的大型社交“学生区”、带交互式白板的宽敞教室、电脑学习中心和电脑热点,指定祈祷室和免费无线网络。一个全新的学生宿舍于2016年夏季开放,提供单间带连接浴室的客房,距离教室仅一分钟!
英国市场营销学院是一所商业和营销专业学校,为学生提供通用英语课程、商业和市场营销相关专业课程,职业规划和英国大学合作项目和快速通道计划。 BSMI为学生提供一系列实习选择,他们可以提高英语水平,并通过BSMI以职业为重点的项目获得专业技能。 我们的任务 BSMI提供专业和学术的商业和市场营销课程,旨在确保年轻人和现有专业人士为不断变化的全球数字经济中的大学学习和职业做好准备。 愿景声明 我们在BSMI的愿景是提供学术营销和商业课程作为大学和高等教育的准备和职业生涯的专业课程。我们希望通过增加现有的高等教育合作伙伴关系并进一步与世界各地的大学建立联系来发展学校。凭借我们成为英国四级学校的既定目标,BSMI将通过从基础到研究生水平的学习,继续将学生和专业人士转变为全球市场营销人员和商业领袖。
Capital School of English(全年中心) Capital School of English坐落在伯恩茅斯大学温顿银行区,交通便利,属于住宅区和商业区。学校位于一幢前银行大楼内,拥有许多原有的特色,经过精心翻修,营造了一个美妙的学习环境。 学校概述: 我们全年的成人学校是一个令人难以置信和鼓舞人心的学习场所。学校建筑本身已有100多年的历史,在过去的几年里经过了大规模的翻新,但仍保留了其独特的魅力和优雅。我们的许多教学区域仍然具有许多原有的特色,并且在建筑的丰富历史传统中,我们大力投入到学校的维护和维护中,为学生、员工和访客提供了一个温馨而有吸引力的学习、工作、参观场所。我们的许多学生评论了我们在学校创造的环境之美,正如我们对所有学生所说的那样,“这是你的第二个家......” 接待处: 友好和热情的行政管理人员将全天为您提供帮助,涵盖您入住的各个方面,从初步咨询、签证申请和入学到寄宿家庭和社交活动。我们的管理团队使用新的学生数据库管理系统接受所有学生管理领域的培训,以使学校在所有领域高效运行。 教室: 教室分为三层,现代而实用。在有利于学习的舒适环境中提供课程。我们所有的教室都以著名的英国作家命名。你可能会发现自己在莎士比亚的房间里上课了! 学习/听力室和图书馆服务: 该设施在学校开放时间提供,并包含一个设备齐全的听力中心,用于课前或课后的私人学习。在这里,您可以通过使用传统的英国文学、真实的分级听力材料、歌曲和考试练习来发展您的听力技巧。每周一次的图书馆服务提供从初级到熟练的各种分级书籍。学术团队鼓励学生使用学校提供的资源来巩固和实践他们在课堂上所教授的内容。 互联网套房: 该设施适用于所有学生,现在完全支持无线功能,允许学生上网冲浪并通过电子邮件发送给他们的朋友和家人。这项服务是免费的。我们鼓励学生将笔记本电脑带回家,因为他们可以在学校的指定区域免费使用。 社交领域: 社交室是您在课前和课后与同学和老师一起放松、社交和练习英语语言技能的理想场所。这里还提供冷热饮品。学校这个明亮而迷人的区域最近经过翻新,是学生经常见面讨论他们的课程,以及他们打算在那天晚上做什么或只是为了放松和聊天。 =======暑期学校2016年艺术大学伯恩茅斯校区(AUB)======= 每年以及7月和8月期间,Capital School of English都会在著名的伯恩茅斯艺术大学(AUB)开设课程。距离全年学校仅几步之遥(约15分钟),Capital School of English夏季中心是一个鼓舞人心的学习场所。该中心拥有许多一流的设施。这些包括: 食堂: 供应冷热食物。学生将获得很高的折扣,典型的餐费约为5英镑。 学生社交中心: 学生将能够与同学见面,放松,预订活动,观看电影....... 免费WiFi 学生电脑(Mac) 空调教室 优良的运输路线 设备: 我们的夏季成人课程在以上2个站点进行 您将在我们的全年设施或我们令人难以置信的夏季中心AUB教授 我们很幸运能够与英国顶级艺术大学之一AUB合作。在这里,您将在校园内的现代环境中学习,我们很自豪地称之为我们的第二个家 所有教室都设置为使语言学习舒适和放松。教师经常使用校园的鼓舞人心的环境来使语言活跃起来 整个校园的WiFi接入 校园还拥有一个美丽的现代餐厅,您可以在休息时间购买冷热午餐和小吃 成人学生可以在我们的开放式学生社交室中全天使用互联网套房。全天提供游戏机/电影和桌面游戏 所有在AUB校区学习的学生都可以使用图书馆和听音室设施,因为Capital School of English距离校区仅有15分钟的步行路程! 在Capital School of English暑期学期,成人学生可以选择入住位于市中心的国际学生宿舍。该住所是与其他在学校学习的学生见面的好地方。
Anglo-Continental距离伯恩茅斯市中心和屡获殊荣的海滩仅有几步之遥,是世界领先且最知名的英语教学组织之一。 成立于1950年,优质教学仍然是我们学校的核心,我们继续提供完全身临其境的课程,以适应所有年龄、能力和兴趣。我们已帮助超过400,000名学生实现其学术、社交和职业抱负。 我们为每个人提供各种课程选择 - 从年轻学生到老年人、完整的初学者到高级考试候选人、学校和大学学生、商业主管和专业人士。我们甚至教英语老师! 英美大陆拥有英国最大的英语语言学校。我们提供出色的学习和放松设施,包括: * 70间带交互式白板的教室 *多媒体学习中心,可上网(私人学习设施和各级语言学习软件) * 2间配有DVD /视频和电脑投影设备的演讲室 *语言实验室,可容纳16名学生(可通过轮椅进入) *免费无线上网 *现代宽敞的学生中心设有阳光露台和屡获殊荣的花园。 Anglo-Continental的餐饮服务的食品卫生等级为5(非常好)。 精心挑选的寄宿家庭是我们所有课程的既定特色,因为我们相信完全沉浸在英语语言中是目前最好的选择。但是,我们也可以为18岁以上的学生安排替代住宿,如酒店、公寓或宾馆住宿。 我们为所有学生提供全面的社交和活动计划,并提供周末短途旅行。 伯恩茅斯和盎格鲁大陆是学习和娱乐的理想场所。我们的目标是在安全友好的环境中为所有学生提供真正有益、高效和难忘的体验。
卡文迪什英语学校为我们提供的高标准英语语言课程感到自豪。我们所有的老师都是合格的专业人士,他们也非常友好和平易近人,真的很想帮助你在我们的语言学校充分利用你的时间。 我们努力确保学生们快乐和放松。无论小组规模如何,通过他们的名字了解每个学生是我们的首要任务。我们是一家家族企业,有6名家庭成员积极参与学校的日常运作,我们个人对每个学生负责。我们还有一名福利官员,他完全致力于照顾卡文迪什学生。 我们成立于1983年,拥有超过35年的外国学生英语教学经验。
Bright School位于伯恩茅斯市中心,并获得英国文化协会的认可。学习英语可以帮助您在全球化的世界中找到更好的工作。或许您想要体验新文化并进一步学习。光明学校随时为您提供帮助。 当您到达我们学校时,您将接受分班考试,并接受学校主任或高级教师的面试,以确定您的水平。我们还提供一个入学礼包,提供有关伯恩茅斯和学生卡的信息。我们会在您的课程中监控您的进度,并在您离开时提供证书。光明学校接受16岁以上的学生,没有年龄上限,我们的大多数学生都是成年人。 Bright School是一所友好的学校,您将受到所有团队的欢迎。还请记住,我们可以全天24小时为您服务,学生可以随时联系学校。 为什么要在伯恩茅斯学习? 伯恩茅斯拥有7英里的金色沙滩和波光粼粼的大海,充满活力的国际化城市所能提供的一切。伯恩茅斯拥有许多商店、餐馆和美妙的夜生活场所。小镇周围环绕着美丽的乡村和世界著名的侏罗纪海岸。伯恩茅斯永远不缺事情做。 伯恩茅斯被评为英国“最幸福的城市”,海滩经常被评为英国和欧洲最好的海滩。在夏季,伯恩茅斯举办国际航空节,吸引了超过100万游客,在冬季,您可以在城市广场享受户外市场。 伯恩茅斯还拥有前往伦敦和该国其他地区的良好交通,并拥有自己的国际机场。我们相信您将享受伯恩茅斯和Bright School。
每年我们汇集来自世界各地的5000多名学生,在欧洲的几个目的地学习英语\法语或德语。 凭借30年的经验,我们对学生对语言课程的期望有了无与伦比的洞察力。我们的国际语言中心基于创新的学习课程,提供不同层次的语言学习。这使您能够在国际环境中建立自己的知识和信心。 我们在英国\法国和德国开办了自己的暑期学校,在那里我们为家庭提供青少年和语言课程的暑期课程。我们还在伯恩茅斯开设了一所全年开办的英语语言学校。我们的英国学校是经英国文化协会认可的(欧洲英语学校,伯恩茅斯)。我们还获得德国标准化研究所DIN认证,以符合欧洲语言学习旅游提供者标准EN14804。 特别欢乐日:周日可选择前往索普公园。 (此活动必须至少有9名参与者才能参加。) 注意:6月22日至7月6日期间,如果您选择住宿,您将入住位于伯恩茅斯市中心的舒适酒店的双人或三人套房卧室。住宿仅在7月6日至9月31日期间开放。
自2003年以来,欧罗巴英语学校成功为16岁以上的学生提供各种英语语言课程。我们的重点在于为您提供友好、交流和支持的环境,以最大限度地提高您的学习进度和成果。 欧罗巴英语学校是一座历史悠久的建筑,拥有许多风格和现代化的教室、配备创新设施。我们的开放式厨房提供国际美食,提供各种健康营养餐点。在我们的夏季花园享受南英格兰的温和气候,放松并结识来自世界各地的新朋友。最好的一切:距离海滩和市中心仅10分钟路程。 我们相信有趣的鼓舞人心的教学意味着更快的学习。为此,我们使用不同的方法和教学材料来获得最佳结果。通过均衡地关注所有四种技能(口语,阅读,写作和听力),您很快就会认识到可持续的技能进步!我们经验丰富、友好的老师会定期对您进行评估,并给您机会提供反馈,以确保学生和教师之间的不断交流。 不要忘记:当你来到英格兰时,你的学习也会继续在课堂之外。我们为您提供各种活动的休闲项目。与新朋友一起探索令人惊叹的英国群岛,学习的不仅仅是一门语言!
At Southbourne School of English, we make learning English fun. Our English school is the highest rated language school in Bournemouth, ideally located by the sea in a suburb of Bournemouth called Southbourne. Bournemouth is one of the UK’s most popular locations for international students and home to numerous award winning beaches, including Bournemouth Beach – voted the Best Beach in the United Kingdom by TripAdvisor in 2023. and voted the 20th Best Beach in Europe at the Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards 2024! Tens of thousands of students of all ages and nationalities have passed through our doors since 1966. Many of our students make friends for life – and you can too. We run English language courses in well-equipped classrooms, all with interactive smart boards, heating and air conditioning systems to ensure students comfort. As well as excellent teaching, our students benefit from trips to famous British landmarks. We offer Adult English language courses for students aged 15+ and Junior English language courses for students aged 9+ (students who require homestay accommodation must be age 10+). We have a course to suit any English level, ranging from our most popular General and Intensive Courses that include 15 or 21 hours of English tuition, to our 4-week Cambridge English Examination Courses such as B2 First (Formerly FCE) and C1 Advanced (Formerly CAE). Whether you are looking to study English for university, college, work or anything else, we can help you achieve the level you wish to and make memories you will cherish forever! All year around, students study and socialise with us. But best of all, we enjoy the experience together. We are accredited by the British Council and we are also members of Quality English, IALC, and English UK. We are also an examination centre for both Cambridge and Trinity.
我们的新森林中心是一个可容纳75人的小型私密中心,在田园诗般的位置提供迷人的设施,非常适合年轻的少年。它位于施泰纳华尔道夫学校,提供专门建造的教室、艺术和手工艺活动工作室、附近的草地和美丽的森林。 新森林是一个国家公园,拥有约150平方英里的未受破坏的自然美景。除了森林,它也是由石南荒地组成,并以其野生动物而闻名:马,小马,牛和驴,你可以真正接近这里。我们的中心位于令伍特的边缘,这是一个历史悠久的集镇和通往森林的西部门户。
Premier United Football Camps in association with Berlitz International Language School are launching their summer experience programme for overseas students at Clayesmore School, located in the beautiful and charming village of Iwerne Minster, Dorset in the South West of England. The programme offers overseas students to improve their English language skills, participate in intense football training sessions, enjoy a plethora of leisure activities and exciting excursions and adventures. Students can choose from one of the courses|: Football Focus (an intensive programme for those who want to focus simply on football training) and Football & General English (a programme designed for those who want to improve their English and also want to develop their football skills. More About The English Course: We have partnered up with Berlitz one of the leading language providers in the world to provide the language sessions, which is accredited by the British Council. With its brand established through 135 years of experience, Berlitz have been a market leader in the language service market. We have developed a unique programme that combines immersive learning and classroom-based learning methods designed to use football as a motif in improving English communication skills through realistic interactive sessions both on and off the pitch. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a CEF certificate, which is sanctioned by the Council of Europe. More About The Football Programme: The football sessions will be implemented and overseen by our Head Coach, Micah Hyde who is an ex-Premier League player. The coaching sessions will focus on: • Development of individual techniques • Tactical analysis and team formation • Transitional play • Innovative attacking and defensive drills.
Weymouth English Centre is a vibrant, friendly summer school for international students aged 13 to 17 in Weymouth, on the south-west coast of England. We offer four courses: English & Activities English & Sailing English & Windsurfing English & Outdoor Adventure Accommodation is with local hosts, classes and many of the activities are held at the Weymouth College campus that offers excellent facilities. Our 'English & Activities' package includes tuition, homestay, a full programme of activities in the afternoons and evenings, a half-day trip on Wednesday and a full-day trip on Saturday. Students have the possibility to make their own choices from a variety of sports, games, cultural events, excursions and other activities. Our 'English & Sailing' and ‘English & Windsurfing packages offer the same as the ‘English & Activities’ programme with the exception that afternoon activities from Tuesday to Friday consist of sailing or windsurfing lessons that take place at the same venue as the sailing events of the 2012 Olympics. Students receive a Royal Yachting Association Certificate at the end of the course. Similarly, our 'English & Outdoor Adventure' includes outdoor adventure activities on Tuesday to Friday afternoons. These activities include windsurfing, mountain biking, climbing, paddle-boarding and kayaking. Our dedicated team is there for you 24/7 to ensure you have a lovely time in Weymouth!
The host are located in Salisbury and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Salisbury with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Salisbury. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Salisbury, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Southampton with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Southampton. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Southampton, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Southampton and surrounding areas.
The host are located in Isle of Wight and surrounding areas.
刘易斯英语学校位于南安普敦市中心,南海岸是一个充满活力的学生城市,距伦敦75分钟路程。我们位于一个美丽的公园对面,毗邻南安普敦索伦特大学。 我们成立于1976年,是一所友好的学校,提供由创意和专业教师领导的各种课程。设施包括两台Mac电脑室和免费无线网络连接、一间托儿所、一间咖啡厅和带乒乓球的花园露台。我们开展积极的社交活动计划,每年欢迎50多个国家。 我们获得英国文化协会和ISI的认可,我们是优质英语和英国英语的成员 - 反映了我们的高质量标准。 我们期待着欢迎您来到我们学校。
TEG English 南安普顿位于一栋美丽的历史悠久的二级保护建筑内。我们的南安普顿市中心位于令人放松的东方公园旁,让学生入读一所轻松、充满支持的学校,并可轻松到达港口和许多城市景点。 南安普顿是一个发展中的城市,并迅速成为南方的经济中心。它也是一个学生城市,有各种各样的国籍,其中许多人在该市的两所大学之一学习。 作为欧洲的邮轮之都,南安普顿每年有超过四百万的游客,提供从海洋城市博物馆、屡获殊荣的公园、优质剧院和音乐场所到西码头现代购物中心的精彩文化体验。
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Newport with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Newport. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Newport, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在普尔学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。