The host are located in Maidstone and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Maidstone with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Maidstone. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Maidstone, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Tonbridge with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Tonbridge. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Tonbridge, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Kent West (Tunbridge Wells) and surrounding areas.
在Twin Group,20多年来,我们为国际学生提供高质量的英语语言课程和丰富的生活体验。我们的伦敦英语学校由英国文化协会认证,并由独立学校监察局进行检查,我们的教学计划旨在为您提供一个有吸引力和愉快的教学方式。 我们位于格林威治皇家自治市,坐落在格林威治广场的全新英语学校在充满活力的学习环境中为您提供最先进的教室和社交环境。我们的现代化学校靠近便利的交通站,可以在15分钟内带您到伦敦市中心,我们还有一流的设施,包括一个新的休闲中心、一个图书馆和许多咖啡馆、餐馆和酒吧。 我们的英语课程为您提供最高的教育标准,无论您选择学习雅思考试、发展商务英语还是只想在友好和支持的氛围中提高您的普通英语水平。每门课程都针对特定的学习成果量身定制,并专注于阅读、写作、口语和听力四大关键语言技能,以确保我们的学生获得全面的教育体验。作为Twin的学生,您可以使用我们的虚拟学习平台Twin e-Learning,以及一系列在线工具,如英语测试、数字练习册和在线课程,所有这些都鼓励学习并帮助您充分利用你在英国的时间。 我们希望您在英国度过最美好的时光,这就是我们为所有英语学生提供令人兴奋的社交课程的原因。我们的社交活动包括有趣的活动、派对和顶级景点的短途旅行,这将让您有机会结交新朋友,充分体验英国文化,并从中享受很多乐趣。该课程将帮助您在闲暇时间在世界上最令人兴奋的城市之一练习英语技能。 我们提供什么? 除了最好的学习环境,教学人员和设施外,Twin的学生还可以从以下方面受益: •理想的位置 - 我们的格林威治学校距离伦敦市中心仅20分钟的火车车程 •全新的学校建筑,配备现代化设施 •合格的英语教师和友好的学生服务人员 •社交活动包括丰富的社交活动,派对和参观顶级景点 •美妙的学生设施,包括社交区,学生电脑和免费无线网络连接 •优质的学生住宿选择;包括寄宿家庭,住宿和宿舍/酒店住宿 •每班最多15名学生,以确保学生得到足够的关注和支持 学校优势 最为英语教育专家,我们所有的老师都有资格为像您这样的国际学生教授英语和学术科目。无论您是想提高通用英语水平、获得大学入学的雅思成绩还是开发商务英语,我们都能为您提供课程。 学校设施 所有注册学生均可免费使用以下设施: •带学生电脑的现代社交区 •免费WiFi •社交计划 •访问我们的在线学习平台Twin e-Learning,包括英语测试、数字练习册、在线课程和新闻 •当地餐馆和咖啡馆的打折卡 住宿 我们知道住宿是您在英国逗留期间最重要的部分之一,因此我们提供一系列舒适且价格合理的住宿选择。在伦敦,您可以选择入住带有精心挑选的当地寄宿家庭或住宿的寄宿家庭,这意味着您可以选择适合您需求和预算的选择。 地点 Twin's London English Center位于伦敦Lambarde Square 12号的全新格林威治中心,SE10 9GB。
¥ 10,334 discount for some courses from 2-10 weeks Show details »
We are a small independent English language school situated in the heart of Royal Tunbridge Wells Town Centre in the beautiful area of Kent in United Kingdom, otherwise known as the Garden of England. We have classrooms within walking distance of the centre of the town. We have been established since 2005 and provide Business English lessons to groups of foreign students, au pairs, nannies, workers and tourists. We provide lessons in small groups at price that is affordable to all students, key workers and employees. We keep prices low so that you are able to afford to take further English exams. We have an international reputation for providing a wide range of quality English language courses, expert teaching and excellent student services mostly through groups coming to visit UK. We often provide day trips to London, Hastings, Brighton and Canterbury at weekends so that students in groups get to know each other well. We also use local facilities in and around Royal Tunbridge Wells to help students learn about the local area and its community. Our courses and teaching are designed to provide effective training for students who need English for their work, study, travel or personal pleasure. Royal Spa English exists to give all of our students the best teaching and learning facilities we can. We are committed to providing you with excellent courses in a warm, friendly and professional environment, as well as caring for every aspect of your stay. We understand that everyone is unique with different needs and different goals. From your first contact with us, we will provide you with individual attention to help you to achieve your goals. We look forward to welcoming you to Royal Spa English in Royal Tunbridge Wells.
Our centre is located at the campus of University of East London Docklands, by the famous river Thames and London Stadium, home of West Ham FC and 2012 Olympics. From the modern residence buildings, you’ll get a great view of London’s iconic skyline and you can enjoy easy access to public transport when you want to explore the sights and attractions of central London. Key Facts Location: University of East London, London Accommodation: Single en-suite rooms Sample excursions: Brighton, Cambridge and Canterbury
欢迎来到SkillsTeacher Learning Academy!我们开设英语课程,如外语,公民身份,专业英语,医学英语和学术英语。我们为客户准备考试,如雅思,托福,剑桥ESOL证书,TOLES法律英语和公民考试。 SkillsTeacher Learning Academy是一所以Frisby学院有限公司开发的成功英语教学理念为基础的本地学院。我们所有的课程都包括学习和培训材料,这些材料的设计和制作具有20年为英语学生提供课程的经验。在SkillsTeacher Learning Academy,您将获得由合格且经验丰富的教师提供的优质学费,以及一流的学习材料,考试指导以及整个课程中的有益建议。 School description: 欢迎来到SkillsTeacher Learning Academy!我们开设英语课程,如外语,公民身份,专业英语,医学英语和学术英语。我们为客户准备考试,如雅思,托福,剑桥ESOL证书,TOLES法律英语和公民考试。 SkillsTeacher Learning Academy是一所以Frisby学院有限公司开发的成功英语教学理念为基础的本地学院。我们所有的课程都包括学习和培训材料,这些材料的设计和制作具有20年为英语学生提供课程的经验。在SkillsTeacher Learning Academy,您将获得由合格且经验丰富的教师提供的优质学费,以及一流的学习材料,考试指导以及整个课程中的有益建议。
欢迎来到SkillsTeacher Learning Academy!我们开设英语课程,如外语,公民身份,专业英语,医学英语和学术英语。我们为客户准备考试,如雅思,托福,剑桥ESOL证书,TOLES法律英语和公民考试。 SkillsTeacher Learning Academy是一所以Frisby学院有限公司开发的成功英语教学理念为基础的本地学院。我们所有的课程都包括学习和培训材料,这些材料的设计和制作具有20年为英语学生提供课程的经验。在SkillsTeacher Learning Academy,您将获得由合格且经验丰富的教师提供的优质学费,以及一流的学习材料,考试指导以及整个课程中的有益建议。
你想体验伦敦的生活吗? 如果像每年数百万其他学生所作出的选择,伦敦是一个您不容错过的体验,我们的伦敦格林威治学校就是您理想的目的地。 在格林威治世界遗产地学习英语,您不仅可以在充满活力的学生区中心,而且距离伦敦市中心不到10分钟路程。很快你将被包围:大本钟、白金汉宫和特拉法加广场等令人惊叹的景点;各种各样的酒吧、餐馆以及您需要的所有商店! 我们新近重建的学校在优越的地理位置提供一流的设施,且价格合理。这就是为什么来自世界各地的学生每年都加入我们,以提高他们的英语语言技能,并探索格林威治和伦敦。 为什么是伦敦? 1.一所最先进的学校学习 2.不到10分钟即可抵达伦敦市中心 3.结交来自世界各地的朋友 4.探索格林威治的文化和遗产 5.以实惠的价格体验伦敦 有关更多信息和视频介绍,请访问
¥ 4,024 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
国王伦敦学院位于绿树成荫的郊区贝肯汉姆,距离伦敦市中心仅有17分钟火车车程。贝肯汉姆拥有一个充满活力的镇中心,距离学院仅几步之遥,距离学院、酒吧和商店仅有几步之遥,距离几个主要的购物中心仅有很短的车程。 该学院最近进行了现代化和扩建,包括增加一个时尚的“Link”建筑,及其明亮的接待区和受欢迎的自助餐厅,这些可通向花园。设施包括设备齐全,宽敞的配有交互式白板的教室、计算机学习中心、图书馆,艺术工作室、科学实验室和免费无线上网。学院距离新的附楼有2分钟步行路程,设有额外的教室和电脑中心。 主校区正对着一个优秀的休闲中心,这里有各种设施,包括大型游泳池、健身房、健康套房、舞蹈室、健康和美容中心以及运动场。 学院旨在友好的关怀环境中提供高质量的课程,鼓励学生实现学业和个人目标。
Tropics Global College is one of the most popular languages and academic schools in South East London. We are located in Greenwich a world-renowned location in the world as the GMT is located within walking distance of our college and the Cutty Sark Ship. All who attend Tropics Global College are accepted as if they were part of the family. We ensure a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at Tropics Global College to facilitate learning and make your time with us as pleasant as possible. Our training programmes are updated regularly to reflect current management trends and practices. Modular Training Options on most programmes are proving to be a valuable and cost-effective method of training. Tropics Global College occupies a modern well-lit building in Greenwich close to Cutty Sark station that gives access to Greenwich Park. Our classrooms are modern and spacious, and free WIFI is available throughout the school. Tropics Global College offer a variety of Training and English courses for international students. In a world where the English language is becoming more and more essentials, we will help you overcome any barriers you may face. In just a few weeks, you will be on your way to passing any test whether it’s ESOL, TOEIC, First Aid, Customer service, Exam Preparation... * Courses adapted for each and flexible lessons times (including evening) * Our teachers are English or Bilingual
EP London Canary Wharf 30+ Study English in one of the world’s top business and financial areas at EP Canary Wharf, a school just for students aged 30 and over. Whether you want to improve your General English or focus on a specialist English course, you will study with people your age in a modern and friendly environment. In and Around EP Canary Wharf Our campus is in East India Docks, East London, less than 20 minutes walk from the famous One Canada Square skyscraper. The area has amazing views of London’s skyline and is full of energy, with street food stalls, restaurants, and exciting events to enjoy. The modern campus has excellent facilities, giving you the perfect place to learn. It is close to Canary Wharf and the City of London, two of the world’s most important financial centres. Choose EP Canary Wharf to study English in a fantastic location where business and culture meet.
伦敦码头学院成立于2009年,拥有由学院创始人设定高标准并始终如一地执行并发展的卓越水平,学院致力于成为教学领域的佼佼者,并力求通过其教育实现这一目标,不仅通过其优秀的教育设施、机会、专业项目和工作人员,同时也专注于促进每个学生的永久发展、不断学习和自我实现。 伦敦码头区学院位于伦敦金融区,是城市的中心,为学习和专业发展提供了一个优越的环境。 学校出色的地理位置和丰富多彩的课程使其成为学习英语的理想环境:学生可以选择:通用英语课程、商务英语课程、雅思课程、旅游和酒店学生暑期课程以及暑期通用英语课程。 伦敦码头区学院通过不断的发展和发展,现在能够提供HNC和HND酒店管理和旅游方面的高等教育课程。
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Chelmsford with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Chelmsford. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Chelmsford, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Essex and surrounding areas.
Nestled amongst 700 acres of stunning countryside at a 19th century boarding school, our London-Woldingham summer camp provides plenty of outdoor space to learn, explore, and play games, whilst also being just a 32-minute train ride from central London. Whether you want to spend the afternoon horse-riding, or spend the weekend shopping in the capital city’s best stores, you get the best of both worlds with the London-Woldingham summer camp.
Founded in 1992, Chaucer College is a British Council accredited language school with over 26 years’ experience in teaching English as a foreign language. Our purpose built study centre is located in the world renowned city of Canterbury, Kent – ‘The Garden of England’. We offer a range of courses for both groups and individuals throughout the year, from General English (both part-time and intensive) through to exam preparation and subject specific programmes. Our popular Junior Summer Camp offers a comprehensive course alongside a packed schedule of activities. -We are a British Council accredited English language school -Located in the world renowned City of Canterbury, in Kent – ‘The Garden of England’ -Just over 1 hour from London & easily accessible from all major London airports -Perfectly positioned in the South East for popular sightseeing locations -On-campus residential & nearby host family accommodation -Secure study centre with 24-hour monitored security cameras & on-duty porter -We have a wide variety of courses available for students of all ages & levels, groups & individuals -Fully adaptable courses to meet student needs. We work with you to provide exactly what you need -Flexible & caring approach with post-course support. We go above & beyond to ensure every student experience is exceptional
Canterbury is a historic cathedral city and UNESCO World Heritage Site in the county of Kent. Here you’ll find beautiful medieval streets, churches and many ancient buildings. Our centre is located on the modern campus of the University of Kent, within walking distance from the city centre. There are excellent sports facilities available as well as large outdoor spaces for additional activities. Key Facts Location: University of Kent Dates: 21 Jun - 09 Aug Ages: 11 - 17 Accommodation: Single en-suite or standard single rooms
The host are located in Surrey and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Surrey with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Surrey. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Surrey, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
SKOLA Online Lessons provides 1:1 online English lessons to students at all levels and ages. We develop a personal curriculum matched to your interests helping you fill in gaps in your understanding. 30-minute lessons are only £16.
LVC伦敦英语学校是一所语言学校,拥有经过专业培训的教师和工作人员,旨在让您的学习体验尽可能愉快。 学校由英国文化协会和英语英国成员认证,位于伦敦市中心的大象和城堡。 我们的学校距离'大象与城堡'仅有很短的巴士车程,并提供当地巴士服务,所有伦敦的主要景点如特拉法加广场、大本钟和塔桥都在附近。 LVC的重点不仅仅是教你,而是在你选择的课程中继续进一步监督你的进步并为你提供支持。我们有专门的工作人员协调学生福利活动并监督支持服务,我们为您创造适当的氛围,发挥您的全部潜力。
The host are located in Canterbury and surrounding areas.
Time4London is an English school located in the center of London, 10-minute walk from Liverpool Station. Our goal is to give the best English language education for our students. We have students from different parts of the world, so we want them to feel like they are in their home during their time with us. The teachers will help you with everything, such as exercises, pronunciation, writing, and speaking. We provide all-levels courses in the morning, afternoon, evening and we have a weekend course on Saturday only. As a student in Time4London, you will have the privilege to get 30% off in transport, shops, etc. We also organise social and cultural activities inside and outside the school, so that you can improve your English while having fun. Time4london has facilities that include four classrooms with digital boards, free internet in the whole building, a library with books, a computer room with a printer, and a kitchen for students to take a break or socialise with other students.
This transformative summer experience results from a dynamic partnership between David Game College and Academic Summer. Here, visionary education and immersive experiences meet to create an extraordinary summer camp experience, right in the heart of the City of London. Within our unique summer programme, you can explore exciting Career Pathways on our Academy of Medicine, Engineering, Law or Entrepreneurship. Alternatively, our trusted Engagers Programme will ensure you gain real-world skills and knowledge that will set you apart. Nestled in the heart of London, our prime location provides unparalleled access to the bustling financial district, historic landmarks, and cultural treasures. Imagine exploring the ancient charm of the Tower of London, marvelling at the iconic architecture of St. Paul's Cathedral, or gaining invaluable industry exposure through our hands-on experiences. When it comes to accommodation, you'll enjoy the utmost comfort in our state-of-the-art facilities. Rest easy in single rooms, providing the perfect space to relax after a day of exploration and learning. Invest in your future with the enriching blend of visionary education, and immersive experiences, with the vibrant City of London as your backdrop.
欢迎来到圣吉尔斯坎特伯雷青少年学校 我们位于国王学校 7月7日星期日 - 2019年8月11日星期日 •在坎特伯雷大教堂内生活和学习 •安全可靠的校园 •优秀的运动和休闲设施 国王学校的历史可以追溯到公元597年,是英国最古老的寄宿学校。学校位于坎特伯雷大教堂和圣奥古斯丁修道院 - 这两个世界遗产 - 位于坎特伯雷中世纪城镇中心。 现代化的住宿,教学和娱乐设施与中世纪的学校建筑和场地相结合,提供了一种神奇的体验。附近的国王学校体育中心提供运动设施,包括室内游泳池、健身房、网球场和壁球场以及户外运动场。 我们的英语加网球和击剑选项在坎特伯雷举行。学生可以选择为年轻学生提供的5小时的职业网球和/或5小时的击剑课程。
我们的故事 由经验丰富的老师创立 雅思通行证是由两位经验丰富的考试准备作家,老师和伦敦编辑撰写的,旨在帮助尽可能多地教育国际学生。他们于2017年底启动了网站,为成千上万的面对面和在线学生提供了英语考试准备。 我们的价值 我们认真对待教育 我们希望创建易于理解的教育性内容,以帮助学生以最好的方式为雅思考试做好准备。我们欢迎任何问题,如有任何问题,请随时与我们联系。 你的教育 你的考试,你的方式 我们知道您需要高素质的老师并为考试做好充分的准备,这就是为什么我们试图将我们的知识压缩为易于理解且针对各个层次的视频。
坎特伯雷大教堂、奶油茶和水上游船-如果你正在寻找那种传统的英国体验,那么只需看看斯塔福德·豪斯·坎特伯雷(StfordHouse Canterbury)就可以了。 坎特伯雷位于肯特郡的中心,被称为“英格兰花园”。英格兰的这个角落有着丰富的历史,因为它离欧洲大陆很近-无论你走到哪里,你都会发现城堡!巴黎和布鲁塞尔只有很短的路程。我们明亮的学校距离这座中世纪城市的中心只有几分钟的路程,这里充满了历史,但学生生活却充满了活力,这些学生来自也居住在这里的三所受欢迎的大学。
Samiad works in partnership with UK boarding schools to offer children and young adults the opportunity to improve their English in a fun and engaging environment, whilst also enjoying the culture and history the UK has to offer. Our Summer schools offer a wide range of fun, safe activities, and diverse excursions. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to try new experiences and make friends with people all over the world. Samiad provides: • 6 world class boarding school campuses • Excellent facilities including IT suites, library, theatres, climbing walls, and swimming pools • 15 hours of English language tuition per week with highly qualified EFL teachers • 24-hour supervision with a market leading staff to student ratio of 1:6 • Unique high-value trips to the most famous locations and attractions across the UK • An action-packed sports and activities schedule • Nominated for the coveted ST star awards under 18’s course of the year • Specialisms in Football, Golf, Tennis Horse Riding, Performing Arts, Robotics and Coding, Multi-activities or extra English NEW for 2024: English + London Explorer! NEW for 2024: English + Art programme! NEW for 2025: English + Basketball programme!
¥ 4,024 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Outdoor courts and fields can be used at will, however indoor spaces’ access is timetabled. With a glorious swimming pool – a brand new performing arts centre, fantastic outdoor spaces and a sports centre as well as an Astro turf- not to mention a number of indoor social spaces – we are spoilt for choice. With a modern dining hall there is a great food selection at Caterham school – there is also a cafeteria open for teas, coffees, soft drinks and snacks that the students and leaders can use during the day
¥ 8,047 discount for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
贝尔伦敦位于布鲁姆斯伯里市中心,是伦敦一些最伟大的大学之一,提供了一个温馨而富有灵感的学习环境。我们所有的学生都受益于小班教学和学校的家庭氛围。 Bell London方便客人前往Holborn地铁站以及大英博物馆、考文特花园和牛津街等标志性景点。 教室配有空调,并配有交互式白板。 有一个计算机室和学习中心配备了最新的资源。 资源包括:贝尔学习资料,书籍(小说,非小说和音频),词典,DVD,日报和周刊。所有资源都按语言级别进行颜色编码,并且有专门的商业学习材料部分。学习中心团队可以帮助您提供有关使用哪些材料的任何请求和指导。所有学生都可以免费打印,扫描,复印和Wi-Fi。 学生可以在配有电视、电脑和视频游戏以及冷热饮机的学生休息室放松身心。 附近设有各种餐馆和咖啡馆以及Sainsburys超市。
Alpadia伦敦学习英语将为您在充满活力的首都城市学习英语提供卓越的体验。我们的互动课程(标准,强化或标准+私人)旨在吸引和鼓励您建立和提高沟通技巧,课程会涉及有趣的主题,并利用巩固和有效的方法确保您在学习中不断进步。现代化的教室位于安全的校园内,光线明亮,提供最先进的教学环境。 我们时尚而安全的住宅楼靠近老街地铁站,每周7天每天24小时监督。我们拥有大型门厅和带烧烤设施的屋顶露台,您可以入住带私人淋浴和卫生间的单人卧室。八间客房共用一间带厨房和休息区的公共休息室,空闲时间您可以在这里与新朋友小聚放松。这家现代化的住宅楼距离教室和餐饮场所仅有5分钟步行路程,是您理想的下榻之地,为您提供与新朋友交流并每天练习英语的绝佳空间。 Alpadia 伦敦提供许多令人兴奋的游览目的地。您可以全方位地探索这座首都城市,以及到牛津大学或剑桥大学城探险,计划单上的项目数不胜数! 我们精彩的活动计划将确保您从早到晚享受每日娱乐。通过我们的众多短途旅行,您将有很多机会前往伦敦及其它地方,探索城市的各个方面及其著名景点。从白金汉宫到卡姆登镇,从牛津到布莱顿,以及更多景点,您会希望您能够更长时间地享受我们营地提供的所有令人兴奋的体验!
Our centre is located on the campus of South Bank University, only a short walk from attractions like the London Eye and the London Dungeon. The location couldn’t be more central! You’ll be staying at McLaren House, just a couple of minutes from the main university building. Everything you could wish to see is only a short walk or underground ride away. Key Facts Location: South Bank University, London Dates: 20 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 13 - 21 Accommodation: Single en-suite rooms
Our Incredible Young Learner Summer London STEAM campus is located in City of London School, right in the heart of London. The campus, also known as CLS, is an independent day school located on the banks of the River Thames next to the Millennium Bridge, opposite Tate Modern Art gallery. Famous past students include Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe and film director Michael Apted. City of London school is one of the most academically selective and successful schools in the UK. The school's sports facilities include a multi-purpose indoor sports hall, a 25-metre swimming pool, a gym, a rooftop AstroTurf football pitch and grass playing fields and athletics tracks at Grove Park, Lewisham. Music facilities include three ensemble rooms, ten rehearsal rooms and a music technology lab. Other facilities include the Great Hall with a Walker organ and Steinway piano, a sixth form common room, a bookshop, a library, an archive room, three ICT labs, a drama studio, two playgrounds and a drama theatre.
10% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Our Garden Hall Centre uses classrooms across the University of London that are all no more than 5 minutes walk from the residence, providing students an authentic taste of studying at a top UK university.
Our London Westminster school uses the school and boarding facilities of DLD College London, a purpose build, modern school offering the best facilities: - modern classrooms (including art, drama and photography studios), - well-equipped science laboratories, - large atrium & social space, - modern dining hall serving a variety of delicious, international cooked meals, - on-site coffee shop, - on-site boarding (single ensuite rooms, with a common room on every floor, - 24-hour staff support and supervision - 24-hours security - WiFi throughout the campus ...all in one building. There is no other boarding school in central London where everything is all under one roof. Enjoy afternoons and evenings in this amazing city knowing you are safe and secure at all times.
在我们全新的校园里,我们为传统的学校生活提供了一种独特的选择,在我们为大学学生做好准备时保持了强烈的学术风气。 教学和学习是严谨和具有挑战性的,同时具有创造性并能够满足学生的个性化需求。学生可以选择各种学术课程,此外还可以参与我们众多的体育\艺术和慈善课外活动。 让我们与众不同的是我们忠诚的老师,他们对自己的科目充满热情,并鼓励学生在获取知识的同时享受学习,并指导他们取得考试成功。
The English Immersion programme at Immerse Education enables students to improve their knowledge of English, both written and spoken, whilst living in the stunning and inspirational grounds of the Royal Hospital School. Students attending the English Immersion course benefit from an English programme which has been developed by EFL experts and learning is maximised through small class sizes. Our teachers use dynamic, interactive and fun teaching methods to help push students to their absolute potential . Students will also have a chance to participate in a range of cultural activities outside of the classroom, such as excursions to London and Cambridge University. This is will provide context and the chance for students to try out the skills they have learned in class, as well as building an appreciation of the English Language and its homeland! Immerse Education, established since 2012, strives to promote a coherent, multi-cultural approach to learning the English language. A winner of the Queen’s Award in 2016 and accredited by the British Accreditation Council, we ensure a safe and secure environment whilst providing an opportunity for students to share ideas and focus on the positive aspects of actively expanding their English abilities.
这所学校专为30岁及以上的学生而设,希望与更成熟及志同道合的学生分享他们的EC经验。 London 30+是一所明亮、美丽而现代化的学校,位于1区的中心,毗邻Euston车站,可以方便快捷地出入城市的所有区域。 成立:2013年 每班学生:平均10(最多12) 中心容量:120 教室:10 最低年龄:30岁 学校包括 10台互联网电脑 整个中心都提供免费无线网络连接 图书馆设施 自习室 学生休息室 交互式白板
在伯灵顿,我们为提供合适的学习组合以满足您的所有需求而自豪。我们的英语课程不仅多样化,吸引着从初级到熟练的各个级别的学生,我们的课程也涵盖了许多专业领域,以适应每个学生的个人学习目标。 我们所有的英语教师都具备高素质且经验丰富,并将为学生提供各级(从初级到熟练)的优质课程。我们的课程得到了我们的副校长和行政人员的充分支持。无论您是在小组课程、小型专家教程还是一对一的基础上学习。在副校长的监管下,我们的教师不断改进教材,以满足他们当前学生的需求。 我们的课程范围旨在满足广大学生的需求。您可以从初级到熟练程度学习任何级别的通用英语。您可以参加剑桥通用英语考试(FCE / CAE / CPE)或雅思考试。您还可以学习专业课程,如教师英语或学术英语。这里有适合每个人的课程。
IH In Tuition Languages是语言家庭学费的市场领导者 - 学生在老师的家里完全沉浸其中一对一的生活和学习。课程根据每个学生的个人要求和学术要求进行个性化 - 从通用英语到考试准备以及商务和专业课程,我们的课程完全根据每个学生的需求进行定制。即使在正规课程之外,一对一环境和完全沉浸式课程也能保证学生加速进步。 我们在英国,爱尔兰,马耳他,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,法国,西班牙,德国和意大利拥有600多名教师,我们能够提供最广泛的语言学习体验和冒险经历。 IH InTuition Languages成立于1990年,是国际众议院世界组织的骄傲成员,该组织是世界顶级语言教学组织之一。我们是英国文化协会认可的英国家庭补习课程 - 这是第一个获得此认证的组织。
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Cotswolds with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Cotswolds. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Cotswolds, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around London with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) offers immersive language courses in 20+ languages across 30+ countries. With HLI’s unique approach, students live and learn in their teacher’s home, combining personalized one-on-one lessons with full daily language immersion. Throughout your stay, you’ll practice the language naturally—in conversations during meals, social activities, and everyday interactions. This continuous exposure accelerates progress and builds confidence in real-world communication. Enhance Your Home Tuition Programme (supplements apply): Activities: Practice your language skills through engaging activities like cooking, shopping, bowling, and sightseeing with your host. Includes transport, entrance fees, and activity costs. Cultural Visits: Explore museums and landmarks with your host as your private guide, immersing yourself in the language and culture. Includes transport and entrance fees. Sports: Enjoy three weekly sessions (unless specified otherwise) with professional instructors or family members. Includes transport, sessions, and equipment rental. Leisure: Experience local attractions, theme parks, or traditions with guided excursions. Includes entrance fees and supervised trips. Personalise Your Programme (supplements apply): Business & Specialised Courses: Improve language skills for work, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and industry-specific vocabulary (medicine, law, marketing, etc.). Exam Preparation: Tailored courses for tests like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, and more. Gain confidence through structured practice, past exams, and targeted feedback. Seasonal & Online Options (supplements apply): Christmas & New Year: Celebrate with traditional festivities and seasonal activities. A supplement applies for courses covering Dec 24-26 and/or Dec 31-Jan 1.
The host are located in London and surrounding areas.
We're a bit different. Our roots come from in-company Business English training. That means a trainer going into different companies to teach adult professionals that are often experts in their work. To teach people like this effectively, the trainer needs to: - understand and adapt to the learner's specific context - provide language that is as relevant, authentic, useful and interesting as possible - be able to train anywhere So, we have created our own online interactive multimedia material for you, no textbooks that you have to follow. Most of our training is by videocall, so you don't have to go anywhere (unless you want to!) Our trainers are all hand-picked for being excellent at what they do (and lovely people). That means you learn exactly what you want. No more, no less. Wherever you want, whenever you want. Can you ask for anything more?
卡普兰国际莱斯特广场分校地理位置优越,学校举办丰富的社交活动,旨在帮助学生结交终身朋友并从中享受乐趣。一些典型活动包括:在考文特花园购物、参观泰特现代艺术博物馆、参与布里克巷的咖喱之夜、泰晤士河乘坐游船等等。 学院最近进行了翻新,拥有世界一流的教育设施,包括10间宽敞明亮的教室。学院提供多媒体实验室供学生学习和练习英语。学院提供WiFi,所以学生可以携带自己的笔记本电脑!学院有一个舒适的学生休息室,并配有自动售货机和微波炉设施,学生可以自己做饭。设施还包括免费上网,学生可以给家人写电子邮件。 卡普兰安排完整的短途旅行和社交活动,包括游览著名博物馆、Soho夜总会和西区剧院之旅。
伦敦不需要介绍-它是世界上最伟大、最令人兴奋的城市之一-是一个真正的多元文化熔炉,既有数百年的传统,又是新的全球思维和趋势的中心。 这所学校位于伦敦市中心的高端城市布卢姆斯伯里的中心,所有的交通连接到你可能需要的其他首都在你的脚下。我们的历史建筑充满了特色,光线充足,充满了最新的技术。位于一些世界一流大学之间,你也会发现所有你需要的学术灵感在你身边。
伦敦国际学院是一所著名的语言学校,在提供语言课程和教师培训课程方面拥有50多年的经验。我们位于考文特花园附近的一所设备齐全的宽敞学校,是国际世界组织的创始成员。 International House London每年迎来来自150个国家的8,000多名语言学生。我们的学生喜欢在伦敦IH充满活力和多元文化的氛围中学习;结交新朋友,共同体验这座城市的激情。 在伦敦国际大厦,我们提供: - 通用英语和考试准备课程(雅思,剑桥和OET) - 商务和专业英语课程,包括我们专门的专业中心的个人学费 - 夏季和全年初级课程(牛津,埃尔斯米尔,莫尔顿和爱丁堡) - CELTA / DELTA,包括两周的教师培训短期课程(Erasmus +资助的教师接受这些课程)。 伦敦国际大厦在我们最近的英国文化协会检查中获得了14/15分的优势,这使我们在英国的学校中排名前1%。我们也是伦敦市中心最具价值的语言学校。
English Studio位于伦敦市中心,提供高品质、价格合理的英语课程,距离该市最受欢迎的景点和时尚的咖啡馆、餐馆和酒吧仅有几步之遥。学校本身位于一栋经过全面翻新和升级的现代化建筑中,为学生提供最舒适的市中心体验。 伦敦英语工作室拥有18间宽敞明亮的教室。所有教室都配备了先进的音频和视听技术,包括交互式白板,使教师能够使用最新技术来增强学生的学习体验。 学校位于霍尔本区,距离考文特花园、大英博物馆和牛津街等景点仅数分钟路程。我们离伦敦大学学院、中央圣马丁斯、伦敦大学伯克贝克、威斯敏斯特大学、当然还有伦敦经济学院都很近。 Holborn距离伦敦市仅有很短的步行路程,是您工作和商务的理想下榻之地。无论你来伦敦工作,学习还是休闲,English Studio都是最好的去处。 为何选择English Studio? 以下是选择English Studio的主要原因: •以合理的价格提供优质的英语课程 •中心位置 •多元化的国籍组合 •每周3次免费俱乐部 •提供付费和非付费活动计划的经验
10% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Malvern House London is part of a very experienced global educational group called Malvern International. All this experience results in great quality of teaching offered to the student which is confirmed by the level of the feedbacks we have. Our school provides a tailor-made service which matches all styles of learning and our mission is to offer first-class teaching, supported by the latest technology in the heart of London.
Global London College (GLC) is located in the heart of central London, a bustling prime location perfect for students hoping to experience everything London has to offer. Located in New Oxford street, we are served by various major transport links, and tourist hotspots are on our doorstep or a quick walk away, making it an ideal location for students wishing to study the English language while experiencing London. We offer competitive prices and students can choose to study general English courses, IELTS courses, and Business English courses. We are focused on providing students with the best educational experience possible. The college boasts classrooms with modern facilities, comfortable self-study areas, as well as free wifi. Our focus on academic excellence and individual student’s progress sets us apart from other comparable institutions. The school offers monthly social events to invite students to explore popular attractions in London and practice their English skills. GLC is a Further Education College inspected and regulated by the UK Government public body, the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
探索 伦敦中心 •宏伟的学校位于首都的中心 •在伦敦学习英语,伦敦是世界上最伟大的城市之一 •宽敞,繁忙,友好的学校 •住在学校大楼的选择 我们的伦敦中央英语学校位于时尚的布卢姆斯伯里(Bloomsbury)中心,坐落着一座拥有100年历史的宏伟建筑。学校位于罗素广场(Russell Square)对面,距离大英博物馆(British Museum)仅有5分钟步行路程。从这个优越的地理位置,学生可以轻松探索首都 - 距离着名的伦敦地标仅有几步之遥,交通便利。 St Giles London Central是一所充满活力的大型学校,拥有国际化的氛围,非常适合希望享受现代学习设施并享受首都所有景点的学生。学校里总是有各种各样的年龄和国籍,设施包括宽敞的屋顶花园、自助学习中心、交互式白板和拥有丰富资源的ELT图书馆。 圣吉尔斯伦敦中心被授予2017年度中心联合冠军(与圣吉尔斯布莱顿分享),在学生毕业问卷和质量管理项目中获得了持续高分。
Our centre is located on the large modern city campus of Queen Mary University, just a short journey on the tube from central London. Students are staying in one of the halls of residence in the student village, which is like a little village in itself. There are shops and a sports hall for students to enjoy, all within a short distance from one of the world’s most exciting cities. Key Facts Location: Queen Mary University of London Dates: 13 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 12 - 19 Accommodation: Single en-suite rooms
XUK Online offers interactive and engaging English Language Classes for students of all ages and abilities online. Experienced and qualified English teachers aim to deliver academic and fun sessions to improve your confidence, as well as English speaking ability. From improving your pronunciation, to your speaking, listening and vocabulary, XUK's teachers will target the area you would like to develop within the comfort of your own home. XUK Online offer: - Group Conversation Classes - Private 1:1 or 2:1 lessons for children / teens - Private 1:1 or 2:1 lessons for adults
欢迎来到圣吉尔斯JUNIORS伦敦 位于伦敦大学学院和威斯敏斯特大学 6月23日星期日 - 2019年8月4日星期日 •在英国首都中心的顶尖大学体验生活和学习 •在安全的环境中生活和学习,拥有出色的学习和娱乐设施 •享受伦敦眼、温莎城堡和伦敦塔的短途旅行 我们的住所位于伦敦大学伦敦分校,是伦敦最著名的大学,位于时尚的布鲁姆斯伯里市中心。虽然位于伦敦市中心,但它以其一系列的花园和公园而闻名,这使得它对大城市来说相对宁静。这使其成为在受监督且更独立的环境中寻找伦敦大学经历的学生的理想选择。 校园提供一流的学习和娱乐设施,如运动场和体育馆,距离学校仅几步之遥。学生有机会体验伦敦所提供的一切,并提供令人兴奋的活动计划,包括游览伦敦一些著名景点,如泰晤士河游船和伦敦眼。 我们技术精湛的教师将提供学术课程,重点是语言发展、项目工作和交流能力以及英国首都的主题,让学生有机会了解世界上最有活力和最有趣的城市之一!
LSI 伦敦中心分校位于繁华热闹的伦敦西区的核心地段。步行数步便可前往大英博物馆、牛津街商铺和 SOHO 娱乐区。我们的语言学校配备优质的英语学习设施,包括提供免费上网的电脑室、图书馆和学生休息室。我们提供各种英语课程,包括 TOEFL 备考课程和剑桥考试课程。 设备: 15间现代化的教室 最大教室规模15人 电子学习系统 学生休息室 学生计算机 自学区 免费无线上网 咖啡机 绝佳地理位置 学生微波炉 学生冰箱
伦敦是世界上最令人惊叹的城市之一,拥有灵感、能量和活力。这个世界标志性的旅游之都能为学生提供想要的一切,包括世界著名的观光、购物场所和令人难以置信的建筑,这些地方都可以从OHC牛津街轻松到达。我们学校优越的地理位置非常适合探索这个梦幻般的城市。 我们学校坐落在Great Chapel Street的市中心,距离牛津街仅几米之遥,靠近百货公司、时装店、餐厅、咖啡馆和剧院。学校本身配备了一流的设施,以确保您从英语学习中获得最大收益。 •一个大型图书馆,提供丰富的参考和学习材料以及安静学习的区域 •屋顶咖啡厅可以欣赏伦敦历史悠久的Soho的景致,并提供各种冷热饮品和新鲜制作的三明治和小吃。 •学生可以使用电脑,整个建筑内都有免费的高速WiFi •安静的自学区 •专门的学生福利团队,提供有关设立银行账户,以及医疗帮助等方面的支持和建议
在伦敦市中心的牛津街学习! 伦敦市中心热闹的街头拥有色彩缤纷的友好环境、咖啡馆和服装店。我们的学校被许多人描述为非常充满热情、友好和温馨的氛围,且拥有一流的设施。这是一个完美的学习环境!随着BBC新闻在休闲区全天开放,即使您不在教室,您也在保持学习!我们热情而友好的老师会让课程充满乐趣和教育意义! 牛津街是伦敦最容易到达的地方之一,这里交通非常便利。因此住在伦敦的任何地方都可轻松抵达学校。 我们提供丰富的课程选择,学生可以学习各个级别的通用英语,也可以选择备考课程,例如雅思、FCE和CAE。我们还为个别学生提供语言增强课程。 我们的授课班级规模很小,本土教师和团体来自以英语为母语的世界各个民族! 您在等什么呢?
Our centre is located on the campus of world-renowned University College London, in a lively area known as Bloomsbury. You are literally in the middle of central London close to iconic shopping areas such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden. The accommodation is split between two different residence buildings, all close to the main campus. Junior students (aged 13-17) and adult students (aged 18-25) can be in the same group and travel together. However, they will be accommodated in separate halls, taught in separate classes and do some activities separately. Key Facts Location: University College London Dates: 20 Jun - 29 Aug Ages: 13-17 (juniors) and 18-25 (adults) Accommodation: Standard single and limited twin rooms
EC 伦敦分校距离时尚的国王十字区仅有几步之遥,可以到达这个无与伦比的城市所有区域。您可在这个美丽而现代化学校体验一流的设施、明亮的教室和梦幻般的氛围。 EC伦敦 - 尤斯顿 成立:2005年 中心容量:182人 教室:13人 最低年龄:16岁 每班学生:平均11人(最多14人) 无障碍通道 教学设施包括 17台互联网电脑 整个中心都提供免费无线网络连接 图书馆 自习室 学生休息室 交互式白板
Free gift for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Rose of York是一所位于伦敦市中心的友好英语语言学校,26年来一直提供优质的英语语言课程。 我们的主要任务是帮助您实现卓越和熟练使用英语,同时确保您在伦敦享受美好时光。 我们的员工非常友好,总是很开心,愿意帮助您。 老师们都是敬业、合格且经验丰富的英语教师,他们热情而且渴望以有趣和有力的方式帮助您学习英语。 教师开发遵循教学大纲的课程,并考虑到学生的需求。 自1989年以来,Rose of York一直在成功地教育学生。 我们真诚地致力于确保您,学生在安全、包容的环境中学习英语,并能够利用您在这里所有的机会。 支持人员经过培训,经验丰富,信息丰富。 Rose of York位于伦敦市中心,为学生提供丰富的文化体验,并提供刺激、实用、真实、有趣和交流的课程,帮助您发展和进步英语学习。 跟着我们: Instagram Facebook Youtube 我们希望您和我们共度美好时光!
The main objective of Chef Academy is for students to learn the art of cooking and provide a platform to train in a professional environment, with some of the best chefs in the business. We offer highly professional courses, training you from the beginning up to Michelin star level. We also offer bespoke courses, depending on your needs and experience. We believe the best way to learn this trade is from a professional chef in a professional environment. At Chef Academy we know there is no better method than the practical one. Our students have the chance to learn from London’s Michelin starred chefs inside their kitchens. After successful completion of the course, the student will have all the practical and theoretical tools to enter a kitchen straight away. The huge advantage of training in this way means you have already gained practical experience, which a lot of graduates are lacking when it comes to finding a job. You are already one step ahead of the rest! We are very proud to say we have a 100% employment success rate.
BlueSky Education's UK courses are located in Camden, London, a place full of art and culture. Camden is close to the city centre. The school's great location and its wide variety of skills-based courses make it an ideal location to study English and learn new skills for the future. Students can choose from selection of courses including Young Leaders, Drama, or preparation for future business and university success. We offer both tuition only and full residential plus activity programmes, for the full immersive experience. BlueSky Education has facilities that include a large single rooms, a common room, free internet access and an excellent canteen. Our programmes offer a full activity, excursion and social calendar, including integration with local schools, workshops from university professors and many opportunities for students to improve their English while visiting famous places in and around the city.
SKOLA Gloucester Gate for 5-9-year-olds from 7th July to 30th August 2025. SKOLA's English Summer School at Gloucester Gate by Regent's Park, London is perfect for younger students taking their first steps in English. Students develop their English in the morning and have a hot lunch in the on-site canteen. In the afternoon students continue learning English through art, music, drama and sport. They visit the best sights and museums in London once a week and can join the Discover England excursion on Saturday with supervision. 5-9 yrs Full-day Monday - Sat: £850 (with parent on Saturday) 5-9 yrs Full-day Mon - Friday: £650 5-9 yrs Half-day Mon - Friday: £450 £50 registration fee, £25 visa letters.
SKOLA Regent's Park is the perfect location for our premier Summer School programme for 10-17 year olds. This course combines 15hrs of English in the morning with lunch on-site at a canteen, and then 15 more houses of afternoon sports, activities and excursions, with a presentation and party on Friday. With two excursions per week, our long-standing Discover London programme showcases the best museums and sights of London on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Mondays and Wednesdays, students enjoy the fresh air and space of Regent's Park for Tennis, Football and multi-sports. Students can also opt for Art, Drama and Dance. An optional Saturday trip is a great way to see famous places just outside London. A morning only half-day course is also available.
在Euro.Education,我们拥有近14年的经验,为中学生、本科生、毕业生和渴望获得技能丰富的工作人员提供工作坊和学术课程。 我们优秀的短期课程和实习计划为学员提供了参加研讨会和研讨会的机会,以获得管理相关科目的全面知识,包括企业管理、市场营销和传播、体育商业和创新管理。 我们的学生还有机会参加工厂参观、现场参观和行业讲师举办的研讨会,以及参加旨在提高他们各学科资质的模拟游戏。 我们的课程强调团队合作,这将使你能够与精心挑选的聪明和鼓舞人心的行业人士见面、交往和学习,这些人都是有很多人才可供分享的。 我们的教学人员在世界上一些最具活力和文化丰富的城市开展密集但激动人心的冬季和夏季学校课程。 有了几个短期课程和实习计划,我们的学术服务真的很有好处: ·增强您的简历。 ·参观一些世界上最知名的品牌(法拉利、宝马、巴塞罗那俱乐部等)。 ·在巴塞罗那、慕尼黑、罗马、维也纳等市中心体验一次丰富的学习之旅。 ·结交新朋友,发展你的关系网(我们的学生包括外交官、高管等的子女)。 ·享受我们生动的文化节目。 无论你喜欢大海,山脉,艺术,历史-或足球和购物-我们的节目将为你提供很多学习,而不是所有的书本。
探索 伦敦海格特 •安全、时尚的北伦敦郊区,非常适合专注于学习 •友好的中型学校,具有高度的个人关注 •距伦敦市中心仅20分钟路程 •提供教师培训的卓越学术中心 St Giles London Highgate为学生提供在伦敦北部美丽,繁荣的绿色区域学习的机会,距离首都中心仅有很短的路程。我们学校占据了时尚郊区的一座美丽建筑,Highgate拥有良好的交通连接,距离伦敦市中心仅20分钟路程。当地的体育、购物和休闲设施非常好,乘坐公共汽车或地铁平均需要15-45分钟。 St Giles London Highgate周围环绕着宁静的英式花园,是寻求宁静而专注的学习环境的学习者的理想选择。温馨的学校结合了轻松的氛围、高品质的教学和优秀的学术标准。
伦敦的弗朗西丝国王英语学校是提高个人、专业、学术英语水平的理想场所。 学校拥有40多年的经验,我们的英语课程严肃认真,教师经验丰富且授课极富乐趣,这一切都为我们学校赢得了声誉,每年吸引来自80多个国家的4,000多名学生。 我们提供多种英语课程以满足个人需求,全年灵活开课。大多数课程每周一开课。您可以在金融、法律和市场营销等各个领域提高您的职业英语水平。您可以为生活或体验而选择英语课程,也可以专注于您的教育英语与强化课程,如剑桥考试或雅思考试。 我们拥有先进的技术,为学生提供全新的工具,如交互式白板和在线学习工具,以及我们教学楼覆盖了WiFi。 我们提供各种学生宿舍或住宅,以及500多个寄宿家庭的选择,所有这些都位于我们学校的便利地点。我们还为学生开展了一项活动计划,每天出游和参观城市的主要景点(博物馆,音乐会,餐馆,派对......),并在周末期间安排跨越英格兰旅行。
CES温布尔登分校位于金士顿路,距离温布尔登市中心仅有10分钟步行路程。该学校是一座独立建筑,于2005年被CES购买后进行了完整的修缮。CES 温布尔登拥有11间教室、一间电脑室、一个学生公共区域、一个园区和自助图书馆。CES温布尔登获得英国文化协会EAQUALS认证,是IALC的准会员学校。
Apart from being named as one of the UK’s Best Language Schools by British Council, Wimbledon School of English is known as London's best value English language school by El Gazette Centres of Excellence. Noticeably, WSE is the first English school in the UK to receive the perfect score of 15 out of 15 as inspected by the British Council (the average score is 4.05). The inspection strictly looks at 15 different aspects, namely: Academic staff profile, Academic management, Accommodation, Care of students, Care of under-18s, Course design, Learner management, Learning resources, Leisure opportunities, Premises & facilities, Publicity, Quality assurance, Staff management, Student administration, and Teaching. Second, WSE. In addition, WSE is proud to offer the best courses in proportion with the price according to El Gazette. Our standard English courses have 20 hours per week, compared to London’s average of only 15 hours. Our courses also cost below London’s average cost per hour. Plus, we have free extra learning opportunities, daily guided self-study sessions, and access to our e-learning platform “e-Wimbledon” for 3 months before and after courses. Located in Wimbledon, the school has a relaxing country feel, with its large garden, but is still only 20 mins by train to London’s City Centre. Students could not only enjoy the greenery but also experience the modern city life. Students who come here will not only improve their English quickly, but will have an experience of a lifetime. Therefore, in our school, there is a multimedia study centre, free Wi-Fi, a common room, a snack bar & coffee shop, a film & reading library, a piano, table tennis & table football, a big garden, which all provide students with a warm and relaxing atmosphere throughout the day. After the lessons, students are welcome to join our social events, including a selection of free sports, guided tours, free museum visits, international student parties, and excursions to other cities. Another aspect that WSE places a high premium on is student accommodations. We have carefully selected a wide range of accommodation options with 250+ host families and 4 student houses based on individual needs. The maximum journey time from the accommodations to WSE is 25 minutes. We try our best to offer safe, convenient, and intercultural living experiences to our students.
Bayswater College was established in 1973, we are accredited by the British Council and the Digital Marketing Institute and are members of English UK and ALTO. The school has recently been totally refurbished, offering 65" interactive televisions in every classroom. We offer English courses for all ages and needs, from IELTS preparation to Family holiday courses. The College also offers a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing, an NQF Level 5 course. Bayswater College is a Social Enterprise and commits to offering underprivileged children the opportunity to have an education.
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在罗切斯特学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。