牛津尖顶语言学校为年轻学生提供暑期学校课程。我们所有的课程都设在当地的学校,无论是在牛津市中心还是在雷丁外的一所著名的寄宿学校。 学生可以选择两个暑期学校 - 牛津市中心(寄宿家庭*或住宿) - 暑期课程,包括英语课程、专业工作坊、短途旅行、活动和很多乐趣! (仅限14至17岁学生的寄宿家庭) - Padworth学院(住宿) - 农村寄宿学校的暑期课程,包括英语课程,专业工作坊、短途旅行、活动和很多乐趣!
Oxford House School of English was founded in 1983, and in December 2011, Centre of English Studies acquired the main school building in High Street, Wheatley. A large number of mainly individual students from a great range of countries, as well as some small specialist groups, have studied English here. Lessons taught by dedicated and professional teachers, self-study resources, social and sports programme, weekend excursions and nearby quality accommodation with local host families all combine to form a total immersion experience which students enjoy and from which they seem to benefit greatly. Students appreciate the fact that the school remains open in the evenings, so that it becomes rather like a club outside school hours. Students are able to use the self-study and leisure facilities at almost any time and meet their friends, relax and play pool or table tennis, watch a film, make tea and coffee, use the student kitchens, the internet, and so on. All this is provided free of charge, so students do not have to spend extra money in the evenings or at weekends unless they want to.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Oxford with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Oxford. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Oxford, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
牛津卡普兰国际学院邀请学生来到历史名城牛津,世界上最古老的英语大学的所在地,从众多的语言课程中选择合适自己的进行学习。 您可从伦敦搭乘巴士或火车轻松抵达这里,牛津市中心拥有众多有趣的商店、热闹的市场以及各种画廊和博物馆。您可以选择多种休闲放松活动,包括河床垂钓、漫步在克莱斯特彻奇草地中、参观牛津大学或享受传统酒吧的氛围。 牛津卡普兰国际学院位于一栋迷人的爱德华时代建筑内,拥有3层楼和现代化的陈列室。学院位于牛津市中心以北10分钟路程处,建筑后面有一个美丽的花园和庭院:这里是夏季烧烤和体育活动的理想场所。
¥ 4,024 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
国王牛津学院包括两个主要校区,位于市中心的圣迈克尔斯(以及附近阿尔弗雷德街的附楼),以及位于康威热门学生区的圣约瑟。大多数英语课程都在圣迈克尔斯校区教授,该校区位于主要购物街旁的黄金地段,靠近所有主要的大学学院,以及中央公共汽车和火车站。 这座伟大城市的所有景点和设施就在学院门口。学院建筑已经完成翻新,达到了很高的标准,为城市提供了最好的国际学习环境之一。 校园设施: - 令人印象深刻的5层建筑 - 设备齐全的教室,配有交互式白板 - 计算机学习中心 - 宽敞的接待区 - 带电脑热点的时尚学生休息区 - 免费WiFi 休闲娱乐: - 靠近著名的大学学院建筑的绝佳中心位置 - 商店、酒吧、咖啡馆、餐馆和电影院都在步行距离之内 - 附近的著名博物馆和艺术画廊 - 步行2分钟即可到达长途汽车站 - 步行5分钟即可到达火车站 - 步行距离内的公园和花园 - 轻松抵达河上的撑船 圣迈克尔斯的课程: 请注意:假期课程、强化学术课程以及各种国王学术大学预科课程都在我们牛津大学的第二个校区圣约瑟进行授课。
用。此外,距离伦敦市中心不到一小时路程,您还可以轻松拥有我们的首都所提供的一切。 在牛津大学的英语学校学习,您将在一所被英国传统所环绕的舒适现代化学校学习。我们的员工团队关心我们的学生,他们的福利、发展和目标。我们充满活力、热情和经验丰富的老师致力于为您提供高学术标准的课程。 设施包括: 7间现代化教室 计算机房 启用Wi-Fi 外部教室:在繁忙时期,学生可能会在现场外上课。课程将始终接近并具有相似的质量。更多详情将在第一天提供。
The host are located in Oxford and surrounding areas.
“能够在世界上最著名的大学城里教英语是一种荣幸!” 牛津距伦敦只有一个小时左右,是英语世界最著名、最古老的大学城之一。然而,它仍然是一个充满活力的大学城,拥有美丽的建筑,郁郁葱葱的花园和广阔的公园。牛津大学及其周边地区有丰富的活动可供选择,如参观牛津大学、在河上游泳、或在牛津的传统英式酒吧放松身心。牛津郡展现着各种乡村景观,这里非常适合骑自行车者和步行者 – 前往牛津的文化之旅 - 以其历史和遗产而闻名。 OHC英语中心位于牛津市中心,周围环绕着牛津大学学院。放学后,您可以轻松购物或参观一些景点,如室内市场,博德利图书馆或阿什莫尔博物馆。牛津大学的氛围非常友好,为学习提供了良好的环境。 无论您学习英语的目的是什么,我们的目标是确保您获得最大的乐趣并从课程中受益。牛津OHC英语中心是一所小型友好的位于市中心的国际英语学校。我们有一个充满着支持和关怀的美好氛围,您一定会在这里受到热烈的欢迎。OHC已经获得英国文化协会的认可。
15% discount for some courses from 13-52 weeks Show details »
在牛津大学学习英语…。 个人支持下的小班学习。 在本学年,我们每班的学生人数通常不超过8人-通常是大多数其他学校学生人数的一半。CIE在整个学年都保持着密切的家庭氛围,这有助于使密集的学习变得更容易,也更令人愉快。阅读我们学生的评论。 在市中心学习。 Cie‘s Bocardo House位于牛津市中心,与举世闻名的牛津联盟(Oxford Union)相对。我们繁忙的暑期学校也在市中心的设施,如牛津大学的玛格丽特夫人大厅,在大学公园附近。 免费访问CIE Online。 当您在我们注册并且您是15岁或15岁以上,您将获得您的个人帐户在CIE在线,我们的互动学习数据库。所有的材料都是根据你的个人需要定制的,这样你就可以在你的空闲时间里学习你想学的东西了。这包括数以百计的雅思考试练习试卷和您的个性化时间表。当您离开CIE时,您将有三个月的自由时间访问您的帐户。 免费个人教程。 CIE学生每四个星期接受一次免费的个人辅导。这使他们能够确切地看到哪些领域需要改进,以及他们如何能够更快地实现自己的目标。他们与老师一起勾勒出短期和长期的学习目标,以便在CIE在线的帮助下开展工作。 通往大学和寄宿学校的途径。 我们高度评价的商业基础课程将为您在英国的大学做好准备,并帮助您达到您所要求的雅思成绩。本课程由牛津布鲁克斯大学认可及认可。我们也有一个成功的记录,在准备学生进入英国寄宿学校与我们的寄宿前课程。我们与英国超过15所寄宿学校达成了合作协议。
An academic centre of excellence, Oxford has long been associated with learning. OISE Oxford is situated in the heart of this historic city. We specialise in giving comprehensive English courses to clients of 16+ years with specialised service that is tailored to the student experience. We have adult language courses available at OISE Oxford, specialising in professional, business language for clients who are looking to increase their fluency and confidence in a short amount of time. Perfect for the executive client looking for business English training. We have been providing intensive and tailored tuition for over 50 years. Our tutors come from a variety of different backgrounds, including Oxford University academics and retired professionals. Many have worked at OISE Oxford for more than 10 years. The diversity and depth of experience amongst our tutors ensures that each OISE Oxford student has a tutor that complements both their learning style and objectives. With over 50 years of continued development and refinement OISE Oxford has created a learning environment that specialises in delivering success to ambitious learners.
St Giles Oxford以牛津布鲁克斯大学美丽、绿色和现代化的校园为基础。 St Giles Oxford青年中心位于英国领先的现代化校园之一,提供高标准的住宿、休闲和教学设施。 这是一个安全可靠的校园,拥有充足的绿色户外空间,可以放松身心,享受令人兴奋的社交活动。教室、学生宿舍和休闲/餐饮设施都在步行距离之内,距离牛津市中心仅有20分钟的巴士车程。
Oxford International College is one of the top-performing colleges in the UK, offering A-Level and one-year GCSE courses. Located in the center of Oxford, it is a bustling and exciting site to explore. Students will get to experience life as an Oxford University student throughout their stay with us, they will have their tuition in Threeways which offers state of the art classrooms and laboratories . Students will attend additional lectures in university lecture halls and auditoriums, and graduating with a formal hall at one of our multiple University reception venues. Students are housed in the modern Student Castle accommodation (the premium venue for Oxford students) which offers high-spec bedrooms and luxurious student social spaces and gym.
10% discount for some courses from 1-52 weeks until 31 Mar 2025 Show details »
OISC位于大学城的中心地带,位于保护区,位于市政厅和牛津最著名的学院基督教堂之间。中心占据了一座美丽而久负盛名的建筑,这座建筑已有四百多年的历史,保留了横梁天花板和许多其他原有的特色。学生将在学习中心和相邻的建筑物中进行教学,并在夏季进行 OISC还教授大学学院的许多大学生。该学院获得了ISI和StudyUK的认证。 OISC提供高质量的全年和短期课程,提供: •灵活性:许多项目都是为满足学生要求而量身定制的; •与大学保持良好的联系,使学生和客户能够在假期中在大学学院接受教育。夏季提供大学的完全住宿课程,并根据情况,安排访问学者成为大学图书馆的成员; •来自学术界或商界的高素质导师和访问演讲者;一系列20多个学科专业,例如,学生可以将学术英语与大学预科课程相结合; •与大量英国和欧洲学校建立了紧密联系,使年龄较小的学生能够准备进入一些最好的寄宿学校; •与牛津大学、剑桥大学和其他一流大学保持良好关系,并为希望申请英国大学的学生提供个人教育咨询; •为学生提供高水平的教牧关怀,包括个人导师和常规教育报告。
IH InTuition Languages是语言家庭学费的市场领导者 - 学生在老师的家里完全沉浸其中一对一的生活和学习。课程根据每个学生的个人要求和学术要求进行个性化 - 从通用英语到考试准备以及商务和专业课程,我们的课程完全根据每个学生的需求进行定制。即使在正规课程之外,一对一环境和完全沉浸式课程也能保证加速学生进步。 我们在英国,爱尔兰,马耳他,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,法国,西班牙,德国和意大利拥有600多名教师,我们能够提供最广泛的语言学习体验和冒险经历。 IH InTuition Languages成立于1990年,是国际众议院世界组织的骄傲成员,该组织是世界顶级语言教学组织之一。我们是英国文化协会认可的英国家庭补习课程 - 这是第一个获得此认证的组织。
d’Overbroeck’s modern sixth form center, completed in September 2017, boasts high-quality facilities, making it the ideal location for the Young Professionals - Aspiring suite of summer programmes. History: d’Overbroeck’s Oxford is a traditional city-center boarding school in the city of Oxford. Consistently ranked among the top co-educational boarding schools in the UK, d’Overbroeck’s was first founded in 1977 by Malcolm van Biervliet (the name “d’Overbroeck” comes from part of his family name, which has Flemish origins). The school quickly established itself as a forward-thinking and highly-successful boarding school with a reputation for highly quality academic tuition. Location: Located just to the north of Oxford city-center, our summer school takes place in d’Overbroeck’s’ new sixth form center, completed in September 2017. This stunning campus boasts state-of-the art and modern facilities, providing an ideal backdrop for the Young Professionals suite of summer programmes. Oxford is based in the South-East of England is one of the fastest growing and most ethnically diverse cities in England. Famous for its beautiful architecture, Oxford is only 60 miles north-west of London. Accommodation: Situated in d’Overbroeck’s boarding houses, the accommodation consists of single, twin and triple dorms, separated into male and female, bathrooms are a mix of en-suite and shared. There is a laundry room in the boarding house which is available to our students free of charge. Safety: In addition to the the residential center management team and counsellors that provide pastoral care and support to students, there are also friendly and welcoming d’Overbroeck’s staff on-site and happy to assist students.
Oxford English Camps is situated in a prime central location in the heart of Oxford, offering easy access to the city’s top attractions, shopping areas, and transport links. The school’s proximity to historic landmarks such as the University of Oxford’s colleges and the Bodleian Library makes it an inspiring place for students to learn and explore. The teaching quality at Oxford English Camps is exceptional, with experienced and qualified instructors dedicated to providing engaging and effective language lessons. Students benefit from a dynamic curriculum designed to improve both their language skills and cultural understanding, ensuring an immersive and enriching experience. The school's facilities are modern and well-equipped, featuring spacious classrooms, interactive learning tools, and comfortable study areas. Students also have access to a range of recreational spaces, providing a well-rounded environment for both academic and social activities. With a focus on creating a supportive and stimulating atmosphere, Oxford English Camps ensures that every student has the opportunity to thrive.
Our centre is located on the Headington campus of Oxford Brookes University, only a short walk from the city centre and with plenty of outdoor space. Oxford is known for its universities, museums and architecture which students will get to explore during their stay. Students can also enjoy the great campus facilities such as a sports hall, a modern dining hall and several shops. Key Facts Location: Oxford Brookes University Dates: 20 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 12 - 19 Accommodation: single en-suites and single standard rooms
我们提供A-level,GCSE / IGCSE,大学预科课程和定制课程,以满足学生的特定需求。 我们的方法与通常在这个学术水平上提供的风格不同,因为我们遵循牛津大学和剑桥大学著名的教学系统;大多数课程都是通过个人教学(一对一)进行的。这使我们的导师可以根据每个学生的个人需求指导每节课。 我们致力于提供最高标准的教育,我们的学生可以接近牛津最优秀的导师,帮助他们发挥最大潜力,培养他们成功学习所需的自信心。
A charming University of Oxford College situated on the banks of the River Cherwell, just a short walk from the city-centre. St Hilda’s College’s gardens and greenery provides a picturesque backdrop for studying an intensive English language course in a peaceful setting. The College was founded in 1893, and it was the last Oxford College to remain exclusively for women, only admitting male undergraduates in 2008.
在牛津暑期课程,我们相信最好的。最好的老师,最好的环境和最好的体验。如果你想在2018年夏天坚持下去 - 在伸展和加强它的同时 - 你来对了地方。 我们都是牛津校友。我们设立了牛津暑期课程,因为我们对大学和城市充满热情 - 我们决心与全世界分享牛津的魔力。我们很自豪能够在2017年与剑桥合作,将世界著名的“牛桥”二人组合在一起。虽然我们不是大学的一部分,但牛津大学是我们所做的一切的核心。它塑造了我们教导的内容,我们如何去做,以及在哪里。和我们一起学习,你将被牛津大学的学者们教授。你住在牛津大学宿舍。您将体验世界著名的牛津教程系统。牛津暑期课程的不同之处在于我们不会参加大型班级和大型团体活动。教程是牛津大学的基础,也是我们所致力的。我们的导师致力于研究和教学,但在暑假期间,他们喜欢与想要了解更多主题的学生分享他们的热情。 但这并不是全部工作。当您沿着伊希斯河(River Isis)划船或参观古城的景点时,您将有时间与志同道合的学生会面。我们每天晚上都会在我们最喜欢的餐厅用餐(除了周五在大学食堂的正式宴会),所以当你离开时,你会知道这个城市最好的一切。在城市之外,您将打电话给您的家,我们将前往莎士比亚戏剧,英国城堡和博物馆以及皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅的音乐。 我们在2010年创立了牛津暑期课程,因为我们热爱牛津大学及其带来的社交和学术冒险。我们已经从一个小型组织发展成为BAC认可的短期课程提供者。在七个夏天,我们迎来了来自世界各地的1500多名学生。我们以前的许多学生现在都在英国大学的牛津暑期课程中学习他们所读过的科目,包括牛津大学和剑桥大学。牛津有很多暑期学校,但我们相信我们是最好的,因为我们是牛津大学的学生,他们非常了解这座城市、大学以及在牛津大学学习的真正含义。我们希望与您分享我们的知识和经验 - 所以加入我们,让2018年夏天难以忘怀。
尽管面临一些困难,无法得到我的住宿整理刚到牛津的时候,国王是完美的柔韧性和提供替代品。我个人的经验,作为一所语言学校的国王时可以在两个点定义。首先,充分混合的社区生活在国王给像我这样的人是快乐的时间,让我熟悉了英国的文化。我的老师把放在其次,看到多少努力推我要努力工作,以提高我的英语。所以,放手一搏,你不会后悔 ! more
当我抵达伦敦对我自己时,我是琐碎的疲惫且害怕,但然后我看到一位拿着一个白色的董事会,有我的名字写在上面出租车司机。去我的寄宿家庭的路上看到了美丽的天空,很令人惊讶,因为我从未见过任何蓝蓝的天空,这是比英国天空。给我新的寄宿家庭的时候,它是从学校步行仅 15 分钟。房东有非常漂亮的烧烤对我来说,让我轻松和舒适。第二天,我去了学校。曾在国王学院牛津大学工作的职员都很好。他们就像我们的朋友。去年 9 月,我们的校长买了许多文书时音乐俱乐部开始。播放音乐是一种非凡的、... more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在牛津学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。