Our mission is to engage our students in language learning and intercultural communication. We do this by providing high-quality language tuition, from individuals to institutions, through our group courses, private tuition and corporate training programs. At VIVE, you’ll learn Spanish from native speakers who have undergone extensive training. Each Spanish teacher will bring their own personal experience, offering a unique perspective on the life, culture and society as the course progresses. We have facilities of more than 600m2, located in C/Guardia Civil, 30, in the heart of the university area, near Blasco Ibáñez and Avda. de los Naranjos, with all types of classrooms perfectly equipped and prepared for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. We also have spaces for workshops, study areas and spaces where you can chat before and after the lessons. VIVE is perfectly connected by the metro and bus network to any point in the city, from the city centre to the beach. In addition, Valencia is a medium-sized and completely flat city, with bike lanes all over the city, so a bicycle is ideal for any journey. We use the immersion method of language teaching. This means the majority of the course will be conducted in Spanish. Our methodological approach is communicative. We ensure that the communicative situations with which we work are close to the reality of the students and their needs. All our courses, methodology and curriculum have been developed taking into account the Reference Levels for Spanish of the Instituto Cervantes and the Common European Framework of Reference: Learning, Teaching and Evaluation.
我们的语言学校为学生提供在巴伦西亚学习西班牙语的机会。Euroace使您能够在友好的环境中从母语为西班牙语的教师那里学习,他们采用了一种实用的学习方法。 我们位于巴伦西亚的中心,在科隆街,从最重要的旅游景点和购物区步行只有几分钟的路程。附近有多种公共交通工具可供选择。 我们灵活选择的西班牙语课程使您能够从自己选择的水平开始,分组或一对一的方式学习,并为您选择最佳的时间表。 我们相信学习西班牙语是一个个人的过程,因此我们尽最大努力促进我们每个学生的个人发展,并为他们提供一个全面和独特的学习经验!
ANGEL LANGUAGES is located in the heart of Valencia, a few steps away from the city centre. On the one hand, the school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study Spanish. The most common course is “Spanish Private Lessons”, where the teacher moves to the student's house to do the class. Many students prefer a coffee shop where the atmosphere is more authentic to learn a second language. But students can also choose from Online Spanish Course, DELE Exam Preparation, Spanish for Families, Spanish for Companies or Spanish for School Groups. On the other hand, I am a lover of action research projects. Currently working with the "flipped classroom" and "blended learning" models in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. The main objective is to offer new experiences to the students who visit the city of Valencia. The school also offers "sociocultural activities" to invite students to practice their Spanish skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city.
"We are a Language School in Valencia, teaching English and Spanish to adults and kids. Our mission is to provide personalized, high-quality education in a friendly, community. Our mission is to create a supportive learning environment where each student receives a personalized approach tailored to their individual needs. Our highly qualified teachers ensure that you get the best education! We offer supportive learning environment, a welcoming atmosphere that fosters growth, personalized approach, customized lessons to meet individual goals. Join us at Spanglish Language School and embark on a rewarding language learning journey!"
At AIL Valencia, you’ll benefit not only from our teachers' outstanding academic skills but also from their true enthusiasm for sharing Spanish. Their friendly, supportive approach and dedication to each student's success create a motivating and engaging environment. Our youthful, international support team is always here with a welcoming smile, ensuring that your experience in Valencia is one you’ll never forget. Choose AIL – ¡te esperamos! Can’t make it to Valencia? Join our online Spanish classes, connecting with students worldwide to enjoy all the benefits of Spain’s top Spanish school, right from your own home. In-Person Classes in Valencia - Total immersion experience - Fun, interactive classes - Reduced school and class sizes Online Classes - The same exceptional instruction, at home - Flexible schedules - Instituto Cervantes accredited - No enrollment fee For any questions, feel free to email us at [email protected].
Hispania,escueladeEspañol现在是国际上教授西班牙语的指称。我们的学校赢得了2017年、2016年和2015年ST星奖西班牙语学校的学习旅游行业最优秀的奖项,展示了整个行业的顶级表现和奖励成就,并提高了整个行业标准。此外,我们学校还获得了最重要的专业机构的认可,如EAQUALS语言教学卓越和塞万提斯学院。 去年,来自82个不同国家的2500多名学生与我们一起学习。在国际化和良好的氛围中享受难忘的体验,与700多名学生分享课程和时光。
“Come, learn Spanish and live it!” With this motto, Costa de Valencia, Spanish school, offers all kinds of Spanish courses for all levels and throughout the year. With over 20 years experience, our school is recognized as accredited by the Cervantes Institute, which guarantees the quality of teaching Spanish to foreigners. Our teachers are native graduates in Spanish Philology and teaching Spanish in classes with a maximum of 8 students. Costa de Valencia, Spanish language school also provides accommodation to its students. The language school is situated in the center of Valencia, and is well connected with public buses and metro, close to the universities, just between the beach and the historic center. Extra-curricular activities are essential for students to apply what they have learned and to get to know the culture and personality of the Spanish people. That’s why in Costa de Valencia, Spanish school, we offer four daily activities in addition to the varied possibilities offered by the city of Valencia wit its beaches, Mediterranean climate and numerous festivals are held.
Learn Spanish & live in your private teacher's home around Valencia with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Spanish lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Spain. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Spanish lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Valencia. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Spanish. All of our teachers in Spain have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Valencia, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Enforex 巴伦西亚是一所拥有轮椅通道的大型学校,可容纳600名学生。这里有可能有西班牙人在中心学习其他语言课程,这样您可以轻松地在课堂外练习西班牙语!
在巴伦西亚沿海地区,唐吉诃德为您提供位于城市大学区中心的现代化学校,学校新近装修,注重科技、舒适和品质,方便到达城市的国际大都会中心和阳光普照的地中海海滩。堂吉诃德瓦伦西亚是游览瓦伦西亚的理想基地,学校对面设有街车/小车站,并设有多条中央公交线路。从大学区的绿洲,您可以在15分钟内轻松前往市政广场,在5分钟内到达海滩。学校拥有14间宽敞的教室。学术区环绕着100平方米的中央公共区域,配有咖啡机、小吃自动售货机、电脑和舒适的家具,可在课间放松身心。这些设施包括在愉快而现代的氛围中呈现的最现代化的技术。 堂吉诃德瓦伦西亚是一个现代化的学术中心,任何细节都保证其质量或舒适度。这里是您的西班牙语学习的温暖、舒适的家,为您提供在西班牙大学校园生活和学习的独特机会的学术中心,以及毫不费力地探索充满活力的瓦伦西亚城市的其余部分的最佳地点。 .
在El Carmen西班牙语学校,我们会照顾每一个细节,让学生有宾至如归的感觉,这就是为什么对学生的个人和直接关注对于帮助学生融入并适应西班牙文化非常重要的原因。 我们的设施完全适应学生的需求,是现代建筑与历史的完美结合,让学生感受到瓦伦西亚舒适的氛围。 由于我们的教育动力和我们的韧性,这所学校总是在不断发展,包括新的想法,以帮助学生在友好的环境中学习最好的工具。 我们对学生的承诺是基于我们优秀的教育质量,提供最好的学习新语言的最高满足感。因此,我们的老师和行政部门,我们的设施和学校都准备让学生感受到我们故事的主要特征。
我们遵循最先进的教学方法,基于交流方法和西班牙语教学的欧洲参考框架,如塞万提斯学院指南所阐述的那样。 我们的西班牙语高质量的教学人员,高质量的西班牙语课程,每周的测验和对学生的质量控制为AIP语言学校的教学提供了支撑,以保持选择西班牙语课程学生的兴趣和日常工作。
ARONJA是一所美丽而独特的精品学校,位于西班牙瓦伦西亚市中心一条优越的街道上。它成立于2004年,自2006年以来一直获得塞万提斯学院的认可。 2010年,它进入了着名的全球语言学校IALC协会。优秀和创新的教学方法,优质的住宿,可能是有史以来最好的活动计划,使这所学校成为首选。 Taronja西班牙语学校为在西班牙学习西班牙语提供了新的视角。我们为您提供友好而有吸引力的氛围,采用不同的西班牙语学习方法我们非常重视学生的社会和文化融合。出于这个原因,我们不断准备社会课外活动和文化课程,以及西班牙语课程。 我们的教学团队经过严格的质量控制测试和课堂检查。他们准备的一个重要方面在于他们通过视频会议和虚拟环境了解和使用新的课堂技术和教学计划。在Taronja,我们将口头交流与理论教学和学习方法相结合,实施语法练习,以提高沟通水平。我们采用写作,阅读和听力练习来鼓励更好的语言范围,我们还利用虚拟教室来促进教师的目的。 瓦伦西亚拥有令人惊叹的气候,海滩和精致的美食,是学习西班牙语的理想之城。 TARONJA是一个宇宙本身,一个特殊的地方,针对那些年轻人感受内心的人。
瓦伦西亚的西班牙语学校 Intereuropa Spanish of Spanish位于瓦伦西亚的历史中心,坐落在Plaza del Ayuntamiento广场(市政厅广场)。这是该市最重要和最独特的区域,距离主要的购物和商业区仅几分钟路程。 学校配有10间空调教室、社交区、图书馆服务和视频。 我们的学生也可以免费上网。 在瓦伦西亚的Intereuropa西班牙语课程是一个极好的组合包。 无论您是想从头学习西班牙语还是提高语言技能,您都可以在西班牙度过美好时光。 了解西班牙语是一个很大的优势。它是世界上使用最广泛的语言之一,也是二十一个国家的官方语言。 如果您了解它,您将能够与世界各地数百万人进行交流。 在西班牙INTEREUROPA学习西班牙语,并获得Instituto Cervantes认证中心的保证。
因佛瑞斯夏令营巴伦西亚分校的地理位置优越,位于科雷戈伽利略盖雷市中心。这个街区到处都挤满了大学生,为探索西班牙文化、结识当地和国际朋友创造了一个完美和开心的氛围! 瓦伦西亚是另一个田园诗般的城市,位于美丽的地中海,以其年轻的能量、新鲜的海鲜和海鲜饭、原始海滩和有趣的水上运动而闻名。 学校设备: *明亮宽敞的客房提供舒适住宿所需的所有设施 *附近的海滩 *游戏室,电视室,IT实验室,日光浴室,音乐室 *在港口踢足球和航海的设施
巴伦西亚夏令营位于瓦伦西亚热闹的大学附近。我们的营地距离海滩仅有几步之遥,距离市中心不远。科莱吉奥设有互联网、音乐、电视、游戏室、会议室以及洗衣房。 容量:150名住宿学生
The host are located in Valencia and surrounding areas.
Iter Camino is a school located in Valencia, a beautiful coastal city in Spain. Specifically, we are located on Calle Vicent Tomás i Martí, nº 7 in the Beniferri neighborhood, a quiet area of the city and very well connected to both the city center (30 minutes on foot) and the airport. The center is a spacious ground floor with easy access, on a pedestrian street, next to a pleasant park where you can go out to relax during class breaks or do various outdoor activities. It has spacious and bright classrooms equipped with everything necessary for the development of classes, meeting room, secretariat, rest area, toilets and Wi-Fi network. In the surroundings we can find all kinds of essential services: banks, post office, supermarkets, as well as bars, restaurants and entertainment venues, a library very close to the center and extensive public transport services: bus stops (nº 62 and 63), metro (Beniferri station) and tram (Florista station). Iter Camino is a center for teaching Spanish as a second language that has several years of experience and offers its students the best services to enjoy a unique experience. The school is accredited as a SIELE examination center (nº 32809) and offers preparation courses for said exam in all its modalities. The Iter Camino team is made up of a group of excellent professionals and teachers with extensive experience and experience in teaching Spanish to foreigners and who, we assure you, will make you feel at home.
巴伦西亚的El R.hkón del Tándem西班牙语学校诞生于一所更加个性化的西班牙语学校,目标是那些希望接触这种语言或提高其先前知识的人。我们想帮助我们的学生,不仅学习西班牙语,而且还学习西班牙文化。因为学习西班牙语不仅仅是学习一门语言。这是一种我们希望学生学习的生活方式。 作为一所西班牙语学校,我们的哲学是将我们的收入完全集中在教学活动上。然而,我们提供了比教学更多的东西。这意味着我们的大部分额外优惠和活动对我们没有任何好处。因为我们寻求教西班牙语,而不是从其他活动中获利。这为学生带来了更低的成本。 我们的西班牙语课程一般分成4到8人的小组,以便让学生从更密切的个人关注中获益,尽管我们也提供私人课程。
在我们学校,您将找到一个完整的计划,旨在帮助您实现目标:用西班牙语进行交流。学校拥有现代化的设施,并提供由非常专业的老师提供的各种课程。所有教师都是母语人士,专门为外国学生提供教学。 我们的主要重点是帮助您在语言中更流利地表达自己。因此,我们的教学方法是传统语法方法与更现代的交际焦点的结合。 学校拥有28间教室,均配备交互式白板(投影仪,电脑,互联网)和空调。我们的学生以6到10人为一组学习,每节课持续50分钟。
哪里?。 ADOS是巴伦西亚历史最悠久的私立教育机构之一。我们有你需要的一切:多功能接待室,图书馆.。我们舒适的教室配备了电脑、投影仪,而且我们经常使用交互式白板。学校附近有几家咖啡馆,你可以在休息期间放松一下,吃点小吃。 谁?。 我们都是语言学家和语言学家。对我们来说,语言不仅是一种交流的手段,也是一种思维的工具和文化的重要守护者。我们将向您解释语法,丰富您的词汇,并帮助您接触到最生动的西班牙文化表现。我们保证一定会很有趣! 多么,怎样?。 为了教我们的学生不仅西班牙语,而且它在实践中的有效应用,我们使用一种综合的方法,这意味着一种传统的方法和先进的教学趋势。 每一课都包含一个理论部分,包括语法分析、词汇训练和语音训练。然后,经过停顿,实践部分如下,在此基础上发展所获得的知识,形成沟通技巧,并达到特定的交际目标。。 文化节目。 为了帮助我们的学生发现在巴伦西亚可以看到和做的一切,以及享受和练习他们所学的西班牙语,我们组织了文化节目。在这些活动中,你通常会有我们的一位老师陪同,这样你就有更多的机会练习西班牙语,并且经常看到只有当地人知道的地方!其中许多活动是免费的,其他活动的费用很低。适合各年级、各年龄、各能力的学生使用!
In Language Surfing, we are experts in outdoor teaching. We are creating a link between a student and local community and culture. That's why our classes - trainings take place around Valencia City in bars, parks, museums, galleries, shops and many other places. We want our student to get to know local spirit and market. That's why we don´t do group classes with people from different countries. We want you to experience a language immersion you will never forget and boost your Spanish skills effectively.
AIP Language Institute Valencia is located in the artistic and cultural city of Valencia, Spain. A student-friendly city, Valencia has much to offer. AIP Language Institute is housed in a perfect area for students, between two universities and within 10-minutes of the beach and 15-minutes of the city centre. Within the prestige neighbourhood of Benimaclet, the school has many amenities, shops, eateries, restaurants and links to public transport within easy reach. There are also several green areas and attractions close by. Sites of interest within walking distance of the school include the Jardins del Real/Vivers, the Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia, the Natural Science Museum of Valencia and the Central Market of Valencia, to name just a few. The school is a short 300m walk from the Benimaclet metro and tram station and has several bus routes nearby, offering students excellent access to the city and the surrounding areas. Valencia's central train station is within a 15-minute journey of the school via public transport. The school regularly arranges activities such as Paella masterclasses and guided tours of the city. In addition to this the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe and the Valencia Bioparc are just some of the unique features that the city has to offer. Historical locations within easy reach of the school include the Valencia Cathedral and La Lonja de la Seda.
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无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在瓦伦西亚学习西班牙语的地方. 具备西班牙语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。