学校是由一个高素质的团队管理的,他们相信教育不仅是未来成功的重要组成部分,而且可以改变你现在和未来的生活。您可以在这里找到所需的一切:教室、图书馆和客厅、Wi-Fi连接以及确保语言学习过程令人满意的专业团队。 我们提供每周15或20个小时的强化西班牙语课程;从星期一到星期五上午,目的是在一个愉快和友好的环境中学习西班牙语,为我们的学生提供适合他们水平的学习方案。他们还将提供个性化的教程,以评估为每个学生设定的目标是否实现,还将进行一次考试,以确定课程结束时达到的水平。 此外,与我们的课程一样,我们还提供文化和休闲活动方案,旨在从不同的角度了解塞维利亚市,作为运用课堂所学语言资源的手段。为此,监测员将负责这些活动,保持良好的小组内部动态,所有这些都是用西班牙语进行的。
Clic International House塞维利亚位于市中心。靠近市议会、塞尔佩斯街的商店和大教堂。这个优越的地理位置意味着您将始终足够接近塞维利亚的所有主要景点。
我们的团队由具有丰富西班牙语作为外语教学经验的合格教师(西班牙语言和文学学位)组成,我们长期以来一直被认可为DELE官方考官。 我们是一个并肩工作了十年的团队,并且在其他领域也有专业经验。所有这些都促使我们研究学生的真正需求,现在我们已经得到了行之有效的方法。我们的基础是:教学质量,贴近度和个人关照。 这就是为什么我们决定为西班牙语学习创造自己的完美空间,这是一个友好的感受,让学生在学习过程中感到放松。 整个团队100%参与Blablalab项目。教师和管理团队是Blablalab,我们认为自己对学习过程的各个方面负责。我们都参与为您提供个性化服务。您的成就是我们的满意,因此我们将尽一切可能确保您取得成功!
Learn Spanish & live in your private teacher's home around Seville with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Spanish lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Spain. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Spanish lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Seville. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Spanish. All of our teachers in Spain have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Seville, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
G International Education为来自世界各地的个别学生、学校、学院和大学团体组织语言课程提供了二十五年的专业经验,将有助于他们在塞维利亚度过愉快的时光。 SG提供适合您需求的课程,无论是学术、社交还是商业目的。SG提供灵活的住宿时间和日期、课时和课程内容。SG促进机场接送、住宿、社交活动、文化之旅以及您和团体组织者可能需要的令人兴奋的塞维利亚的额外课程和娱乐活动。 作为小组组长,请告知我们您需要的西班牙语课时数、学生住宿类型(半人或全膳,住宿或酒店的家庭)活动以及塞维利亚的文化参观。 有关您的报价请求,请咨询我们的集团领导和学校集团规划指南。如果您想包括前往不同安达卢西亚城市的旅行,我们将为您提供量身定制的计划并提供完全没有义务的报价。 关于SG 圣加布里埃尔国际教育有三个中心,西班牙语系在Nervion中心。 地点 Nervion中心位于Seivlla中心的Avenida EduardoDatonº22enNervión。学校位于Nervion地铁站前,靠近Nervion商业广场和El corte Ingles购物中心。毗邻Día新鲜超市和Caixa银行。 我们的Nervion中心周围环绕着咖啡馆,拥有美妙的氛围和现代化的商店。学生可以在课前和课后享受他们的时间。 Nervion交通便利,地铁1号线,公交线路C1,5,32,步行10分钟即可抵达老城区。 塞维利亚的自行车系统非常方便。我们学校旁边有一个“sevibici”租金点。如果你喜欢骑自行车,这是一个很好的选择。 我们的设施 SaintGabrielNervión是一个高品质的中心,我们很好地照顾我们的学生。 两名学生服务助理。 教室数量:5 学生来源:美国和加拿大(15%),法国和意大利(30%),德国(25%),英国(30%),东欧(10%) 图书馆藏有西班牙语和英语书籍、DVD和参考学习材料。 免费无线互联网和电脑。 沙发、咖啡桌、微波炉、咖啡和水。 音乐角 - 适合喜欢音乐、钢琴和吉他的学生。 任何信息或问题,在教师休息室打开门政策。 SaintGabrielNervión(JackRose)的多用途房间用于我们的各种活动,如感恩仪式、欢迎派对、演示、水平测试和毕业典礼。 我们的学生服务区是一个帮助学生申请交通卡,获取塞维利亚和我们的文化项目信息的地方。复制服务。 Saint Gabriel是CEDRO认可的授权中心。我们关心并帮助保护作者的权利。
Taller Flamenco是一所弗拉门戈和西班牙语学校,成立于1994年,位于La Macarena区,非常靠近塞维利亚时尚且受欢迎的Alameda de Hercules区。 Taller Flamenco全年提供各种课程,涵盖从初学者到高级课程的各个级别。每门课程仅限7名学生,通过更加个性化的教学,保证了学习过程的成功。 我们所有的课程都是定期从周一到周五进行,我们全年只关闭学校三天。 Taller Flamenco的每位老师都具有高素质和经验,足以教授弗拉门戈语和西班牙语作为外语。 作为我们服务的一部分,我们很自豪能够安排不同类型的住宿,无论是在共用房屋还是私人公寓,都在学校和市中心的步行范围内。 Menu课程 弗拉门戈舞 弗拉门戈技术 弗拉门戈吉他 Compás&Palmas(鼓掌和节奏伴奏) 唱歌 打击乐器 西班牙语 私人课程(一对一或私人团体,从一天课程开始) 全年开设特殊课程(在一年中的特定日期将课程组合为特殊交易) 我们还提供: 从塞维利亚机场接机服务 免费上网 图书馆包括书籍、杂志和视听材料。 弗拉门戈表演和弗拉门戈商店的折扣 您入住期间有关弗拉门戈表演的信息 关于塞维利亚的旅游信息和安达卢西亚的周末旅行。
ESPAÑOL DE SALÓN is a Spanish language school that offers experiences in Spanish in Seville and Andalusia (Spain). This includes language classes, taught by qualified, native and experienced teachers, as well as a program of cultural activities. These are personalized, unique and meaningful. Our clients are adults that travel, either by themselves, with a partner, family or small group of friends, who want to grow closer, get to know more, and experience Seville as a local, using Spanish to communicate while in a professional yet friendly environment. As experienced organisers, we offer you a high quality, innovative product. We want you to feel at home and to enjoy, live in and get to know Seville and Andalusia as if you were a native, receiving at all times an exclusive, friendly and professional service. Seville is our classroom.
The host are located in Seville and surrounding areas.
More than 5,000 international students have studied at Spanish Institute since it was founded in 1982. Students of all ages, teachers and professors, interns and volunteers have participated in our language programs which enable students to improve their Spanish as they learn to communicate easily and effectively in a short period of time. This wonderful, unique and enriching opportunity to live a cultural immersion in the magestic city of Seville is a life changing experience. What Makes Us Different One of the most important features that characterizes us is our personal attention every step of the way. From the moment you decide to come to Seville, to your arrival at the airport and during your stay, we will make sure you feel at home. Another essential feature is that we work with an effective learning methodology that promotes fluency from the beginning. In fact, we offer training for teachers who teach Spanish as a foreign language in many countries. In addition to language, we want to share our culture and history, our way of life to strengthen ties and promote understanding between different cultures. One more feature to highlight is the quality from a human and professional point of view of our programs.
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在塞维利亚学习西班牙语的地方. 具备西班牙语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。