The best Spanish school Instituto Hispánico de Murcia is located right in the heart of the city of Murcia, surrounded by many interesting places of interest such as the Cathedral, museums, bars and restaurants, and it is fully equipped. Here you will have FREE access to Wi-Fi. We don´t suffer from the so-called bigness complex, so don´t expect a big school. Remember we offer all Spanish levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages! We care for all, so in our school there is also access for the disabled with a special electrical disabled ramp as well as accessible toilets. Good methodology and teachers to study Spanish The success of any Spanish language school stems from the quality of the teachers and the methods they use. That is why we count on a team of enthusiastic professionals, which, above all, aim to teach our students in an effective, enjoyable and professional manner. Here you can meet our STAFF. They are the pillars of our school and what probably stands out the most is the contact between teachers and students. They are selected on their ability to listen, their friendliness, enthusiasm and patience, but most of all their love for teaching. Most of them have been with us for a long time and are highly experienced in our effective way of teaching Spanish as a foreign language. In fact, most are examiners of the Cervantes Institute. Elementary material necessary to learn Spanish Throughout the course you will receive the didactic materials needed. Our textbooks are composed of a series of units with integrated homework exercises and practical activities through which you will, almost without noticing, learn to understand and speak Spanish. These units lead you in a structured and progressive manner through the Spanish language. We use a combination of commercially published textbooks and supplementary materials created by our teachers. And last but not least, note that every student is encouraged to speak Spanish from the very first day, and they do so, even total beginner students. Starting to speak in Spanish is starting to think in Spanish!
本课程适合希望在入住期间最大限度地进行语言学习的学生。课程重点关注口语和沟通技巧。这些课程提供了学习当地文化和习俗的机会。您将学习语法,词汇,发音和拼写,您将练习所有技能:听力,阅读,写作,最重要的是,在交流环境中,所有这些课程都是让您学习西班牙语的最佳课程。一种简单有效的方法。 这些课程强调在日常生活中使用语言。教材和各种其他材料用于教学,包括角色扮演,报纸,杂志和其他材料。主题包括:流利练习,媒体研究,电影和戏剧,当地文化,时事,政治和使用互联网的研究。中级和高级学生也可以选择在考试准备和商务课程中学习。 我们灵活的西班牙语课程选择使您能够从您选择的水平开始,为您选择最佳时间表,最后您可以全年任何一周加入我们。 我们相信学习西班牙语是一个独立的过程,因此我们尽最大努力促进学生的个人发展,并为他们提供全面而独特的学习体验!我们还在您入住结束时提供证书。
语言学校在学年和夏季(7月至9月)提供多种强化和常规语言课程。学生有机会学习或建立他们对以下令人兴奋的语言之一的知识:西班牙语,英语,意大利语,法语,德语,葡萄牙语和中文。至于我们的西班牙语课程,UCAM提供针对不同学生档案(Erasmus,Interchange,pre-master,UCAM或外部)的各种课程。这些课程对任何对学习语言及其文化背景感兴趣的人开放,无论他们是否是UCAM学生。但是,有兴趣的人必须年满18岁。 UCAM语言学校的主要目标是为学生提供必要的内容,以提高每门课程或每年规定的技能水平,具体取决于每门课程的小时数。我们所有的课程都是按照欧洲语言共同框架标准(A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2)促进教学活动的方式设置的。 认证教师专注于各自的母语直接UCAM的语言课程,包括使学习既新颖又有趣的不同活动。课程的时间表因课程而异,具体取决于课程的级别和持续时间。学生必须参加至少70%的课程才有资格参加期末考试。成功完成课程后,学生将获得正式证书。 在正常情况下,所有班级的学生人数有限(通常在8到15之间),以提高学习成果和团队合作的活动。
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在穆尔西亚学习西班牙语的地方. 具备西班牙语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。