员工 我们最好的资产:我们的教学人员,协调员和员工。毫无疑问,我们员工的友善和效率使我们比竞争对手更具优势 我们学校的位置是一种特权 学校位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市的巴勒莫附近,远离喧嚣和与大城市相关的人群,让您在安静轻松的环境中学习西班牙语。同时,这个城市的中心距离地铁站只有12分钟的路程 学校建筑很现代 我们所有的教室都配备了最先进的资源来支持教学活动(DVD,PC,音频设备) 无限制的互联网接入 我们在布宜诺斯艾利斯的西班牙语学校每天开放12小时,允许学生无限制地使用互联网 小班教学 作为一个庞大的西班牙语学校真的不是我们的目标。我们的课程每人不超过6名学生,以确保所有学生的快速学习和积极参与 课程多样性 根据您的需求,您可以在我们的几个选项中选择西班牙语计划。 住宿质量 我们感谢住宿是您学习旅行的一个重要方面。因此,DWS将根据您的喜好和喜好为您在布宜诺斯艾利斯的住宿选择最好的房子。所有房屋都位于住宅区,距离学校仅几步之遥 球队 DWS中最受重视的一个方面是我们能够创造的优秀环境。我们始终愿意和友好的团队将不可能确保您在布宜诺斯艾利斯的每一个细节都超出您的期望。 我们关心您的语言进步,我们意识到,为了成功地快速学习西班牙语,教师的素质和教育背景至关重要。 DWS的所有教师都毕业于不同的阿根廷大学,并接受过DWS最新教学方法的培训。我们不仅根据他们的教学技巧,还根据他们外向和动态的个性,耐心,创造力,热情,以及最重要的是他们对西班牙语教学的热情和热情来选择他们。 除了教学人员外,所有DWS的工作人员:协调员,秘书和一般人员都是年轻,充满活力,友好的,并且总是愿意帮助您并教您阿根廷文化和西班牙语。
Pampa Spanish专注于西班牙语课程,适合任何想要在短时间内流利的游客的必需品。潘帕学校位于乡村,距离喧闹的布宜诺斯艾利斯首府城市很远。我们周围有牛牧场、马球马场、农场、奶牛场、奶酪工厂,这些都是典型的高乔的日常生活。 Pampa是一个舒适和休闲的地方,学生可以与老板和老师见面,并随时找到他们的服务。
Academia Buenos Aires是一所语言学校,被SEA、阿根廷语言学校协会和TANDEM International机构所认可。 该学院拥有功能性和美学吸引力的教室,配有舒适的椅子、白板、木地板、空调(冷/热)等。学校所在的建筑历史悠久,于2004年完全修复,令人惊讶的混合在百年的环境中的现代元素。旋转的艺术展品为布宜诺斯艾利斯当代艺术界提供了有趣的见解。 Academia Buenos Aires位于大楼的顶层,可通往屋顶露台。有10-12间教室可供教学。学校提供添加到4台可上网的电脑(学校周围还有wifi)、带书籍和DVD的小型图书馆、电影室、教师室,当然还有学生休息的地方。 该研究所位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心,距离著名的圣特尔莫区历史悠久的五月广场50米。我们拥有良好的交通连接到城镇的所有部分。
来与我们的合作学校一起在布宜诺斯艾利斯学习西班牙语,体验丰富而充满活力的文化沉浸吧。 您可利用我们合作学校的活动日历,选择参加文化活动和短途旅行。在阿根廷学习西班牙语的同时,了解布宜诺斯艾利斯的最佳景点。
传说中的探戈之地和Lunfardo方言,这里的西班牙语不仅仅被说出 – 它是被传颂的。这个色彩缤纷、充满活力、充满感情、充满激情的城市吸引了艺术家、知识分子和波西米亚人。布宜诺斯艾利斯是学习西班牙语和体验真正独特的感官体验的理想场所。拥有传奇的地方,如博卡街区、300多家剧院,令人惊叹的现代而传统的地方,供您彻夜狂欢。这将是你不想离开的城市!
InterBA语言学校位于布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心。在Recoleta附近。 我们提供许多西班牙语课程,从一般到西班牙语和体育。在小组或私人课程。 我们的大部分课程都包括一些额外内容,例如第一周的城市旅游和西班牙语词典。 我们还组织了许多社交活动,让您在课后享受乐趣,享受阿根廷文化。
CASA Spanish is located close to down town Buenos Aires surrounded by noble buildings and tourists spots. The teachers are all MASTER IN SCIENCES OF THE EDUCATION or DEGREE IN LETTERS. Young but experienced teachers who can use different tools to make the class more approachable. Our programs start at 10AM (not so early for travellers) and finish at 1pm for those who want to spend the rest of the day touring the city; if not you can add extra classes after the lunch break. You can spend the day at our school using our free wi fi, reading, learning or simply chilling at our living room. This is why we call it CASA (home) Once a week we arrange a social night with every students of every levels, and we give guidance to all students for tours and events that match perfect to their needs.
Mente Argentina has designed this program for participants who would like to learn or improve their Spanish while exploring Buenos Aires. Our program seeks to teach you Spanish in an innovative way by combining regular classes with cultural activities and excursions which are included in the program fee. Our Intensive Spanish Program in Buenos Aires can accommodate people at any Spanish level: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. On your first day at the Mente Argentina Spanish School, you will have to take a placement test so that we can measure your Spanish level and offer you the right course. Each Spanish course takes 40hs to complete. Mente Argentina also offers individual classes so that you can address any particular topics of interest or work on any specific points of weakness.
Buenos Aires Spanish offers a unique experience in Spanish learning, where you can live Spanish, the Spanish of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is not a tradicional school, but a private entrepreneurship run by professional recognized Spanish teacher with proven experience in teaching, but also in other métiers related to language and literature: researching, translating, editing, proofreading and writing. Buenos Aires Spanish offers customized and tailor-made one-on-one Spanish courses for one (or two students), according to their age, needs, pace and interests,and focused on conversation among native people, and on Argentine language and culture. No coursebook to follow, but a variety of resources according to students´ age, needs and interests, taken from different textbooks, mostly from Latin America, authentic texts from newspapers, videos, movies, songs, comics, games, etc.
The Best Spanish School in Buenos Aires An alternative experience with the same quality of learning. We know there are plenty of options in Buenos Aires to learn Spanish. With the traditional method of learning, students stare at a blackboard while the teacher delivers the lesson. At Wanderlust Spanish, we teach in a different way. Our aim is to make you feel comfortable with the basics of the language and also for you to learn the many uses of the words along with the typical expressions of this city. Wanderlust Spanish instills knowledge in students from the Buenos Aires area and beyond. We believe that the perfect Spanish coursebook doesn’t exist, as everyone and every group has their own needs, strengths, weaknesses… and we value this diversity. We don´t just teach standard Spanish. We want to impart our Rioplatense Spanish in every sense. Not only our language but also our customs, music, history, culture and way of living. For that reason, we believe a relaxing environment is crucial for you to have a successful learning experience. Let´s discover the magic of this language together!
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在布宜诺斯艾利斯学习西班牙语的地方. 具备西班牙语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。