ghee位于一个名为Usaquén的社区,1954年是一个安静的小镇,它曾是主要的广场,在东海岸矗立着SantaBárbara de Usaquén教堂,可追溯到17世纪中期。周围可以在狭窄的街道上散步,购买手工艺品,享受优雅的餐馆和典型的食物,以及酒吧和其他地方。 学校优越的地理位置和种类繁多的课程使其成为学习西班牙语的理想地点:学生可以选择普通西班牙语课程、强化课程、高级管理课程或语言旅行课程,并且可以在每周几节课到每周22节课之间做出选择。Glhee有设施,包括一个公共区域,无限制的咖啡、水和啤酒,免费互联网接入和自学材料,一个学生休息室,和优秀的教室。 学校提供每周的社交和休闲日程表,邀请他们练习西班牙语技能,同时参观市内和周边的热门景点。
西班牙语学校位于波哥大Chapinero Alto最传统的社区之一,该社区保存完好。家庭仍在拐角处经营小型超市和商店,而年轻的当地人正在开辟新的热点。它是波哥大非常时尚和美丽的一部分。 学校靠近旅游、文化和商业区、寄宿家庭、酒店和公寓出租、娱乐设施、公园和众多的商店和餐馆。 波哥大大的公园(国家公园和西蒙玻利瓦尔公园)距离学校15分钟路程,有很多练习运动的机会。每个星期天你都可以享受“Ciclovia”:绵延数公里的主要道路,这些道路在城市各处都是关闭的,骑自行车的人和喜欢慢跑或喜欢与狗一起散步的人都可以使用。 西班牙学校也可以从城市的任何地方搭乘巴士轻松抵达,距离国际机场和巴士总站仅30分钟路程。
Located in a modern, 5-story office building. the school has 4 spacious classrooms, a computer lab (mostly used for international exams such as IELTS) a large roof terrace where students can relax, and free internet access. We offer Intensive Spanish courses, which consist of 4 hours’ tuition per day, from 9:00 to 13:00, Monday to Friday, with a 20-minute break. The maximum number of students per class is 8. The average is more like 3-4. Students can start any Monday of the year (except public holidays) irrespective of their level. Students can also take additional classes such as Latin dancing, or Cooking courses. We also offer online Spanish courses (with tutor support) as well as private Spanish classes that are tailored for the needs and interests of each student.
Nueva Lengua is an internationally known Spanish school with alumni from across the globe. Our schools are located in amazing places with historical relevance. Our programs are structured to provide ample opportunities to enjoy the culture and spirit of the city you choose. We will put your mind at ease with assistance in finding suitable accommodation, transfers to the airport, insurance, and more. All of this helps to ensure you will have an unforgettable experience. We offer Spanish courses for students, professionals and families; as well as specialized Spanish courses (in business, medicine, etc). All of our teachers are required to have accredited degrees in teaching, which includes at minimum 5 years of study, in addition to previous experience in the classroom. If you are enthusiastic about experiencing Latin America while learning Spanish, we encourage you to take a course at any of our schools. You could even take courses at all of them to truly experience our diversity. Prices are competitive and there are special discounts by booking in advance or studying longer than one month. Once you take the first step towards your adventure, Nueva Lengua is right behind you with the best learning environment, resources, and knowledge. We look forward to meeting you!
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在波哥大学习西班牙语的地方. 具备西班牙语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。