Learn German & live in your private teacher's home around Vienna with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including German lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Austria. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one German lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Vienna. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in German. All of our teachers in Austria have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Vienna, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
We love languages! Learn to live languages with us! Language lessons immersed in language culture in the most modern language lab in Vienna. Competent, practical, and stress-free - our team of language enthusiasts and certified language trainers combines your learning with fun! Experience high-quality language learning in groups of up to eight people as well as a piece of Viennese history. Visit us at our renovated Biedermeier style language institute, which was built 1695 in Spittelberg in the seventh district of Vienna. Our high tech language lab adds even more value. There, you can listen your way to better pronunciation. Additionally, we offer lessons in sign language, language workshops, and our academy for seniors. Listen. Speak. Read. Write. - Understand! Our passion: language training as a holistic experience. Flexible, personal, multi-faceted! Our history: language teaching based on experience. Between the 3 members of our management team, we've learned 7 languages since childhood: English, Turkish, Bulgarian, Polish, Ukranian, and Russian. Many of these languages, including German for some of us, were ones we had to learn as part of our schooling. Because of this, we understand the difficulties of the often lengthy learning process. But our experiences have taught us how to make language learning easier, increase motivation, and make joy, a predictor for success, a part of the process. Now we get to pass this knowledge on to you with the help of our many years of experience in adult education and our team of carefully selected language and communication specialists. Our mission: innovative learning acquisition. We live languages. We want to deliver an enjoyable, high-quality learning experience to our clients using new technologies and innovative teaching methods. Our skills — your success! Experience language with us! Our 60-minute lessons are built also on a healthy dose of fun and enthusiasm.
我们的现代语言学校位于美丽的维也纳,拥有20多年的德语作为外语的领先学校之一。 我们的课程计划在全球范围内得到认可,并由国际教育顾问推荐。 ActiLingua Academy - 在维也纳学习德语的正确选择!
The host are located in Vienna and surrounding areas.
管理人际沟通。 2008年,出生于英国的马克·希瑟(Mark Heather)和他的斯洛伐克妻子玛丽安娜(Mariana)在维也纳奥地利商会(WKO)附近的维德纳·霍普斯特拉(Wiedner Hauptstra)开设了他们的第一家办事处。自那时以来,MHC商业语言培训已动态扩展到东欧,通过其在当地的办事处提供成功的商业语言培训。 语言方面的专业知识.。 MHCBusinessLanguageTraining的创始人兼总经理马克·希瑟(Mark Heather)对这种快速增长有明确的解释: “许多国际公司和面向出口的公司正在不断扩大它们在中欧和东欧市场的业务。其主要雇员的语言技能在这一努力中起着至关重要的作用。我们保证与我们在维也纳和布拉迪斯拉发的客户在其他中东欧国家的所有分支机构印象深刻的相同的质量标准。“。 专业的技术和工业诀窍.。 我们的75多位经验丰富的语言培训员也为他们的教学带来了专业的商业专业知识。这种双重资格确保了每个行业和培训任务中,我们的员工中都有一名非常适合的培训员,无论是在财务管理方面的谈判培训,还是在制药行业中领导科学讨论的培训。
学校位于奥地利首都的中心地带,距离美景宫仅有短短的15分钟步行路程,该宫是该市最知名的景点之一。与此同时,维也纳的新主火车站就在附近。步行不到10分钟即可到达 - 这是一个完美的出发点,可以舒适而快速地探索这座城市及其周边地区!从这里开始,我们将在一周内开始三个下午的活动,探索维也纳的历史景点和名胜古迹。该项目也包括周六探索这个城市周围的有趣目的地的一日游。
Lernpoint is a language institute with two branch offices. One of them is located in the 1st district - the heart of Vienna - called Stephansplatz and perfect to reach with U1 and U3 metro. It is close to the University College Vienna, everything from concert halls, museums and shopping malls to typical restaurants and flea markets are only minutes away from our institutes. The other one is located in the 10th district - 5 minutes walk away from the main train station - called Keplerplatz. The school's excellent locations mean it's perfect to reach with U1/U3 metro and you are never more than a short walk away from all the major attractions in Vienna.
Students can choose from a wide variety of courses taylored to their specific demands and interst. e.g. from basic A1/A2/B1 to build a solid foundation, to B2/C1/C2 for University access, professional requirements, visa, citizenship etc. Standard courses for each level in groups of max. 8 students Individual courses one to one anytime upon request. Sprachschule Dr. Lenz is located a few steps away from the heart of Vienna and the famous Ringstraße, Museums and historic sites. Shopping area Mariahilferstraße and easy access by public transport U3, bus and tram make it the ideal Vienna location to LEARN GERMAN from the native speakers...............or STUDY ANY OTHER LANGUAGE!! Sprachschule Dr. Lenz has facilities that include kitchen with dining area, free internet access and self-study materials and library. !!!!! We support your visa application with the relevant documents for the Austrian Consulate in your country !!! Our motto: " wo´s leichter geht, weil´s Spaß macht!" = "where learning is easy because it´s fun"
维也纳的阿克提夫语言学校不仅仅是一所语言学校!我们的团队由以英语为母语的人和优秀的教练组成,他们有丰富的经验,并且愿意全心全意地教书。我们的国际团队充满活力,灵活多变,具备教授外语、和跨文化交际的必备资格。 我们不仅把自己看作是一所语言学校,而且把自己看作是文化的交汇点。 自2001年以来,我们提供强化、半强化、私人和公司课程,以及40多种不同语言的集体课程。我们在德国、瑞士、西班牙和奥地利都有语言学校。我们的语言学校阿克蒂夫是成功和著名的十多年来。我们现在与3000多名受过教育的、经验丰富的母语教师合作。当任何人搜索某个特定的课程时,他/她都会在Google的第一个位置找到我们的网站。
高品质标准 高品质不仅仅是我们的一句话;它既是对我们的承诺和责任的陈述。 它始于我们的合格、积极和优秀的教师,他们能够满足个人需求,同时引导学习者达到目标,将辛勤工作与轻松的氛围相结合。 一本好的课程和材料也很重要。我们与课程书市场保持同步,以便为您选择最佳选择。在我们的德语课程中,我们目前正在使用Menschen(Hueber)课程,在我们的特殊目的课程中,我们使用精心挑选和准备的材料。 我们已经与已经和我们一起学习的参与者提供了很好的反馈。 良好和公平的条件:影响课程价格的因素有很多,除了为教师提供最好的条件外,我们还尝试将最优质的品质与参与者的最佳价格结合起来。 教室干净舒适,休息时使用咖啡机。 最后更重要的是,由于我们所有的参与者都是学生、学者和习惯于深入学习的人,因此您也可以为高课程质量做出贡献。 我们相信,一旦您完成了我们的课程之一,您将希望在整个语言学习过程中一次又一次地返回。 学习外语 学习外语意味着深入了解新的文化维度和视角。这是一个在很长一段时间内完成许多步骤和阶段的复杂过程。我们希望在这次旅程中为您提供支持。我们的语言课程教授当代语言,并指导我们的学员从初级到高级。所有四种技能都是平等的:听,说,读,写。 培训师 我们的培训师非常敬业,高素质。他们都是母语人士,拥有德语或英语作为外语教学的学位,并喜欢与国际学习者合作。他们提供专业、互动的课程,配备最先进的教学方法和个人支持。 教学法 您将学习真实的文本,为您在课堂外使用真正的语言做好准备。快速而持久的成功将继续激励您在真实情境中进一步提高您在语言和语法等领域的语言和书面语言技能。 课堂 课程大约有6-10名参与者(最多16名)需要具备高级学习技能。这允许快速学习进度。我们课程的关键之一是团队动态。交际活动有助于连接参与者并创建需要实时语言应用的真实情境。我们的经验表明,舒适的课堂气氛有助于使学习更加有效和愉快。 地点 我们位于欧洲中心的维也纳市中心。我们的地址是Favoritenstr。 4-6 / 1/1 - 1040维也纳 - 奥地利。
浮动教室:船上的课程“Bertha von Suttner” 在我们的维也纳计划,甚至是教室里,一切都非同寻常:我们德语课程的“Bertha-von-Suttner-Gymnasium”不在普通的教室。这里有一个长189米的船,共有36个舱室 - 这在欧洲是独一无二的!这艘船停靠在多瑙河上,可以轻松安全地从我们的住处步行抵达。直接位于多瑙河岛上的独特位置以及船舶“肚皮”中无与伦比的课程氛围有助于使这个德语课程体验非凡而难忘。 强化课程 在我们几乎所有的青少年中心,我们都会教授强化德语课程,每周30节课。这些课程特别针对青少年学生进行了结构化设计:它们具有互动性和趣味性,同时又要求高效且非常有效。 语言水平 在维也纳,我们根据欧洲共同语言参考框架提供A1至B2语言水平的德语课程 班级规模 我们的课程包括约10名学生。如此小的规模确保了每个单独的课程参与者都能得到个人关注。由于我们非常关注语言的交际方法,而不是忽视语法,我们注意让每个学生都交流和参与。 测试 所有课程参加者每周参加一次考试,该考试涵盖前一周所教授的所有课程内容,以便学生和教师都可以评估德语的进展情况。 家庭作业 我们的学生每天都要做一些功课,但他们仍然有足够的时间参加课外活动。
转让-完美。房屋-好!友好的女佣和干净的房间。活动-我能说什么。时间表不是很舒适;它开始在 2:15.,但可以接受。老师们都非常好。我学到很多。学校在学校的一个舒适的位置。不远处的中心!一般情况下,它是一个好的经验。 more
老师们也很好,和学校的位置是完美的附近的一切。设施和活动是非常有趣。我不能说是我不喜欢的东西。房屋不国际提供了语言,所以我不能对此说什么。 more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在维也纳学习德语的地方. 具备德语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。