Learn French & live in your private teacher's home around Geneva with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including French lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Switzerland. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one French lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Geneva. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in French. All of our teachers in Switzerland have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Geneva, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Geneva and surrounding areas.
我们在工作场所、舒适的家中或自己选择的地方教我们的客户。我们也辅导他们的配偶。 我们教授私人客户以及公司员工、一对一或团体。 我们指导成年人努力学习或完善他们的法语,对小组课程效率的缺乏感到失望。 在过去的20年里,我们一直作为自由职业者教授法语,我们是法国本土人,我们总是试图解释词源,在大多数情况下我们可以将法语与你自己的母语进行比较,我们教导出对母语的热情。 我们也提供准备DILF,DELF和DALF。 私人课程的价值远远超过任何小组课程,原因很简单,没有老师可以只为你的小组中的特定需求献身。任何个人都有自己的领域和自己需要改进的人。这就是为什么我们真诚地相信,通过第一级,小组课程不能带来任何个人尽可能多的教练帮助。我们是语言教练。一旦你知道如何游泳,世界冠军与其他任何游泳运动员的不同之处在于他的奉献精神(早上5点到达游泳池,每天跑100圈)和他的教练。你不可能在一个团队中获得世界冠军。你可以拥有一位优秀的教练和很多决心。我们不会为你做几圈,但我们会在每一步都在那里。需要多长时间在你手中。 我们根据您的需求定制课程:从A1到C2,您将立即掌握法语,网络练习,纸质练习,聆听乐趣和各种音频部分,阅读,口语和写作。我们根据水平和需求混合了许多不同的技术,我们的教学随着学生的进步而发展。会话,商业或金融法语。 我们可以在周一至周五的9:00至19:00在日内瓦任何地方任教。
¥ 6,035 discount for some courses from 6-6 weeks Show details »
LTG is located in the heart of Geneva with a beautiful view on the lake. We customise all the programs to the students' needs and after every course finished LTG will provide a certificate. Students can choose from general language courses, examination courses, or executive courses, and can decide between just a few lessons per week to fifty lessons per week. LTG has facilities that include a computer room with free internet access and self-study materials, a library and a student lounge. The school offers a monthly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their language skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city.
过去40年来,ASC Languages一直致力于提供高质量的语言课程。在ASC,您可以在安全和丰富的文化氛围中与我们高质量的教师一起学习法语,英语或德语。 您将在瑞士最国际化的城市与世界相连,享受日内瓦湖泊和山川的美丽的风光:日内瓦是联合国的欧洲所在地,红十字会以及400多个非政府组织所在地。一旦您来到日内瓦,旅行变得如此容易:因此这个城市位于欧洲的正中心。
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在日内瓦学习法语的地方. 具备法语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。