Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Perth with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Australia. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Perth. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in Australia have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Perth, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Discover Western Australia's stunning, sunny, and student-friendly city. Learn English in Perth, a favourite Australian destination for international students. With 19 stunning sandy beaches and a balmy Mediterranean climate, Perth offers the perfect backdrop for your Western Australian English study and work experience. Australia’s most diverse city is affordable, safe, and brimming with youthful energy. It’s also one of the country’s fastest-growing economies, providing a wide variety of work and migration opportunities to international students.
The hosts are located in Perth and surrounding areas.
珀斯的斯卡伯勒海滩是珀斯最迷人的地方。漫长的夏日夜晚在海滨咖啡馆、酒吧和俱乐部活跃起来,而周末则是在印度洋干净、波光粼粼的海水中冲浪和游泳。斯卡伯勒海滩拥有充满活力的生活方式,融合了娱乐、友好的当地人和充足的户外活动。城市就在附近,或者如果您正在寻找冒险之旅,那里有许多令人兴奋的西澳大利亚目的地。斯卡伯勒海滩距离城市只有几分钟的路程,距离沙滩仅几步之遥! Lexis珀斯靠近您可能需要的所有设施,公共交通站就在学校前面,附近有寄宿家庭和学生宿舍,各种各样的咖啡馆、酒吧、冲浪店、海滩和公园 - 这里也是来自世界各地的学生来学习、工作和冲浪。Lexis珀斯拥有温馨友好的氛围,让学生感到宾至如归。星期五晚上的烧烤,优质的学生之夜和丰富的活动使Lexis珀斯成为一个非常好的学习之地!
Language Links位于珀斯市的“文化中心”中心。该地区非常“学生友好”,为学生提供了良好的周边设施。凭借学院便利的地理位置,提供各种各样的课程和作为质量提供者的良好行业声誉,它确实是在珀斯学习英语的理想地点。 学生可以选择通用英语课程,考试准备课程(雅思和剑桥大学ESOL),教师培训(TESOL)或定制课程,如企业培训,私人补习,准备工作计划和学习旅游。 灵活的课程选项允许学生在全日制,非全日制(签证许可),白天或晚间课程之间进行选择,并且全年还提供额外的“定制技能”和“选修”课程,以确保满足学生的个人需求满足。 课堂规模小而且个性化,为学生提供友好和合格的教师个人关注,这一点以及提供的关怀和支持学生服务,为学生创造了良好的学习氛围。 Language Links拥有各种校园设施,包括一个计算机学习中心,一个可免费上网的互联网电脑室和整个学院提供的无线网络连接,一个带自学材料的图书馆,一个室内和室外学生休息室,加上设备齐全的学生厨房。 学院还提供每周一次的监督社交和休闲活动计划,让学生在参观珀斯的热门景点的同时练习他们的英语技能,以及更多地了解澳大利亚文化,并有机会将他们的朋友和老师混合在课堂外。一些活动是免费的,有些可能花费10到20美元,因此要求学生预算这笔费用,作为他们在珀斯的生活费用的一部分。
我很感激小类,在那里,如果有必要,可以讨论问题与每个学生单独。同学之间的关系是非常好和支持。老师与学生之间的关系是很紧,从而影响了学习很多的乐趣。教室里不是很大的。在夏天,交流一直工作不正常。但在我看来,最重要的是老师,不是便利 !我非常喜欢周五活动。它是如此重要,一起,获得一些乐趣,这是一个伟大的方式,在学校结束忙碌的一周。我的寄宿家庭是真棒,我极力推荐他们。话虽如此,它可能是仅是一个伟大的地方,为独立的人。 more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在珀斯学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。