来温哥华西蒙弗雷泽大学体验Tamwood 温哥华的7-17岁儿童和青少年英语夏令营。夏令营活动在大学校园内进行,包括英语语言课程、激动人心的体育和创意活动课程、文化活动和温哥华周边的观光游览。学生可以选择入住几种不同的住宿选择,包括校园内的住宿、寄宿家庭或自己的安排。学生在学习英语,交朋友,尝试新的体育和活动时会有很多乐趣。
Free gift for some courses and accommodations from 1-52 weeks Show details »
EH Canada provides classes online and in-person classes in Vancouver, Canada. We help people from all over the world achieve their English goals for permanent residency, university, work and life. IELTS, CELPIP and CAEL Preparation Get your highest possible score on your first exam and get more points for your permanent residency, university or visa application. Our exam professionals are certified, experienced and give you everything you need to get higher results on your next exam. English Reach new levels in your English skills and feel confident anywhere. Enjoy learning with interactive, modern and practical English classes. Our teachers are creative, smart and make learning English fun. Enjoy learning English. Free Class Want to try us out? No problem. We offer a free class to new any customers. No sales. No stress. See how fast you improve. Free English and Exam Preparation Lessons Our teachers make creative and useful videos for English, IELTS and CELPIP. Check us out on Youtube, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook at: English Hangover
跨越语言(LAB)温哥华,前身为CSLI,是一个备受推崇的屡获殊荣的语言学校,位于市中心时尚的耶鲁镇。 LAB Vancouver拥有并经营超过25年,为来自103个国家的学生提供优质和专业的英语课程,并通过英语将世界各地连接起来。 LAB Vancouver提供各种级别的英语课程,课程多样,旨在平衡会话和学术英语。 通过互动式教学风格以及各种活动和社交活动,高素质的教师确保您的教育体验充满乐趣和实用性。温哥华的敬业员工营造了一个友好的环境,使学生能够实现他们的英语目标,同时也结交来自世界各地的朋友。我们的目标是创造一个家外之家的氛围和体验。参加免费试用课程,了解是什么让我们的课程如此独特和受到追捧。
ARV Canada College offers you a professional and disciplined atmosphere with learning and co-curricular activities. Our campus is situated in the city of Richmond, 15mins drive from YVR Vancouver Airport of British Columbia. We ensure the best environment for a student pursuing their education with us. The campus is easily accessible within 5 mins walk to high-speed Skytrain transit and 3 mins walk to bus stop. ARV Canada College also process study permit application for international student. ARV Canada College currently provides Diploma and Certificate programs to meet the educational needs of students. Our curriculum emphasizes teamwork, creativity, and critical thinking and is built on the bedrock of practical hands-on learning. For more information on our programs, click on the Programs and Training tab above. At ARV Canada College, we strive to provide comprehensive and content-rich instructional resources that encourage effective learning and accumulation of theoretical and practical knowledge. This college has been established with the objective of offering quality education to students who are desirous of pursuing a professional career. With a comprehensive curriculum, interdisciplinary approach, hands-on training, effective communication, and an integrated learning environment, our college makes every effort to engage its students in rigorous academic development at any stage of their career.
The CISS Vancouver programme operates on the grounds of Capilano University, situated in beautiful North Vancouver. Students are sure to be impressed by the vast natural surroundings of an area that is considered one of the top destinations for tourists and locals alike. Easy access to the Pacific Ocean, combined with spectacular views of the Rocky Mountains make this the ideal place to be during the summer. Distances from campus: • Public Transportation = 0.5 km • Vancouver International Airport (YVR) = 27 km • Whistler = 125 km • Stanley Park = 13 km NEARBY AMENITIES • Deep Cove Marina • Walking Paths • Medical Centre/hospital - 6 km ACCOMMODATION: RESIDENCE BUILDING Each residence floor has 15 double rooms, plus a common room with kitchenette and common washrooms with toilet and shower facilities. Rooms include: 2 individual beds, desk, chair, dresser, wardrobe Room Style: Shared - double rooms Boys & Girls Accommodated: separately and placed according to age Supervision Staff: live on each residence floor Bed Linens: Included & changed weekly Pillows & Blankets: Included Towels: Bath towel is included Laundry Machines: in residence; use and detergent included Internet / WiFi: Available free on campus Toilets & Showers: Shared common on each residence floor (1:8 ratio) Common Room: One per floor with seating area, TV, and kitchenette MEALS Monday - Sunday 3 meals daily: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner • Breakfast and Dinner served in a modern cafeteria located next to the residence, featuring a wide choice of nutritious meals • On excursion days, either money or a boxed lunch may be provided • Adding to the cultural experience, some meals may also be held off-campus at local restaurants at no extra charge FACILITIES: • Large, air-conditioned classrooms • Spacious, bright student lounges • Free WiFi access • Food court • Indoor gymnasium
The host are located in Vancouver and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Vancouver with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) offers immersive language courses in 20+ languages across 30+ countries. With HLI’s unique approach, students live and learn in their teacher’s home, combining personalized one-on-one lessons with full daily language immersion. Throughout your stay, you’ll practice the language naturally—in conversations during meals, social activities, and everyday interactions. This continuous exposure accelerates progress and builds confidence in real-world communication. Enhance Your Home Tuition Programme (supplements apply): Activities: Practice your language skills through engaging activities like cooking, shopping, bowling, and sightseeing with your host. Includes transport, entrance fees, and activity costs. Cultural Visits: Explore museums and landmarks with your host as your private guide, immersing yourself in the language and culture. Includes transport and entrance fees. Sports: Enjoy three weekly sessions (unless specified otherwise) with professional instructors or family members. Includes transport, sessions, and equipment rental. Leisure: Experience local attractions, theme parks, or traditions with guided excursions. Includes entrance fees and supervised trips. Personalise Your Programme (supplements apply): Business & Specialised Courses: Improve language skills for work, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and industry-specific vocabulary (medicine, law, marketing, etc.). Exam Preparation: Tailored courses for tests like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, and more. Gain confidence through structured practice, past exams, and targeted feedback. Seasonal & Online Options (supplements apply): Christmas & New Year: Celebrate with traditional festivities and seasonal activities. A supplement applies for courses covering Dec 24-26 and/or Dec 31-Jan 1.
Zoni温哥华位于温哥华市中心,交通便利,提供便利的交通、活动、餐厅和购物场所。校园就在温哥华公共图书馆的街对面,周围的社区干净、安全,距离学生所需的一切都只有几步之遥。 Zoni的英语课程帮助学生更好地说和理解英语,消除口音,使用正确的发音,提高语法,并学习北美特有的日常英语。Zoni拥有来自世界各地的国际学生,提供各种课程和活动安排,以及几种类型的生活住宿。最重要的是,Zoni的最终目标是让学生对我们满意!
欢迎来到IH温哥华! 我们位于温哥华的创意和艺术中心,在IH温哥华,您将在我们学校的第一次欢迎中感受到家的感觉。我们的学校代表着最高质量的教育,通过积极主动和敬业的老师和员工,使您在温哥华的逗留和学习体验成为您生命中难忘的时光。您将沉浸在这个非常年轻、开放和国际化的小镇,沉浸在令人惊叹的“海天”风景中。除了各种各样的课程之外,您还可以找到各种各样的课外活动,这样您就可以轻松找到新朋友,发现美丽的温哥华以及令人惊叹的户外活动。
FACILITIES - Free WIFI - Student common room - Table tennis - Self service kitchenette - Printing facilities - Residential/Homestay accommodation - Exam venue - Accessible facilities - Ample natural light - Shops and cafés nearby
在GEOS温哥华分校,行政人员和教师的想法致力于提供优质服务,从我们第一时间认识您,到您选择课程和住宿、准备签证、踏上旅程、机场接机、开学、咨询会、课程评估、毕业典礼,最后是您离开我们美丽的城市。您的学习、满意度和幸福感是我们努利的理由。 关于温哥华: - 温和的气候和美丽的风景相结合,温哥华是世界上最受游客欢迎的旅游目的地之一。 - 受到太平洋洋流的冲击并受到山脉的保护,温哥华全年气候温和。温哥华冬天潮湿但不冷,很少下雪。幸运的是,距温哥华一小时车程的学生将找到世界上最好的滑雪胜地之一惠斯勒。 - 这个城市的一大优点是,选择在温哥华学习英语的学生将能够从城市的几乎任何地方看到山脉。 - 从学校出发,学生可以步行或骑自行车前往著名的斯坦利公园。在那里,他们可以欣赏温哥华著名的原住民的艺术。 - 温哥华提供独特的休闲户外活动组合,拥有令人惊叹的大自然和您在城市生活中能享受的一切。这意味着,对于那些认为这是一个完美的环境的人来说,在温哥华学习英语可以是一种真正的快乐和难忘的体验! GEOS温哥华校区位于盖斯镇的中心地带,因其魅力、历史遗产和文化活动、精美的商店和餐馆而深受国际学生的喜爱。这是温哥华最古老的地区,拥有维多利亚风格的建筑。GEOS温哥华的学生可以从学校的窗户看到著名的蒸汽钟。距离盖斯镇不远,是北美第三大唐人街,学生可以在那里购买纪念品,享用正宗的中国美食。 想了解为什么温哥华被认为是世界上最宜居的城市之一,亲自来看看吧!
GEOS 温哥华分校位于一栋历史悠久的建筑的夹层楼,从其中2间教室可以欣赏到蒸汽钟。砖墙内部和学校的木地板会加深学生对盖斯镇的体验。学校电梯口配备轮椅通道。盖斯镇位置允许学生乘坐公共汽车、轻轨或海上巴士,以及步行前往大部分市中心的位置。盖斯镇提供一流的购物和餐饮体验以及各种葡萄酒庄里的丰富活动。 我们在温哥华的学校配备现代化设施,并提供: 10间舒适的空调教室 带厨房的午餐区 电脑室配有免费网络连接和学校无线(WiFi)网络连接 为学生提供的学习和资源材料 Sprachcaffe语言学校提供一系列语言课程。为确保学习效果,每班最多学生人数为14人。 温哥华英语学校的位置 学校位于温哥华市中心。距离最近的巴士站仅有几步之遥,距离空中列车火车站有5分钟路程。距离温哥华最著名的观光景点斯坦利公园、最受欢迎的购物和娱乐区罗布森街,也只有几分钟的车程。学生们可以从教室的窗户即可欣赏海洋和山脉 客人可以步行或搭乘市区的公共交通工具前往温哥华所有著名的景点。 在温哥华的活动 温哥华提供许多休闲娱乐活动。您在温哥华可以享受的活动清单几乎无穷无尽! 我们温哥华英语学校的同事将很乐意帮助您组织休闲娱乐项目。当然,学校本身也组织城市旅游,参观博物馆和剧院,以及电影之夜。您将有很多机会与其他国际学生会面并建立亲密的友谊。
This unique school is for students who are 30 years and over, and who want to share their EC experience with other mature, likeminded students. CENTRE INFO: Centre capacity: 150 Classrooms: 5 Minimum age: 30 Students per class: Average 14 (Max 15) FACILITIES: Access to EC Online from booking Online Placement Test Orange Carpet Experience Extra language workshops and activities Social and cultural programme Free Wi-Fi internet access throughout the centre Self study room Student lounge Library Interactive whiteboards throughout 24 internet connected computers (shared with EC Vancouver students)
UCW成立于2004年,提供一系列以职业为重点的课程,包括商学学士、商业传播文学士和工商管理硕士。课程在我们温哥华市中心的校园和网上都有提供。网上提供的课程给教育带来了灵活性,使那些在其他方面没有机会获得受尊重的资格的人获得了机会。 使命。 加拿大西部大学是一所以商业为导向、教学密集的大学。我们提供的课程,为学生提供应用和理论基础,在工作场所和未来的学术努力的成功。 目标。 作为当代加拿大大学的典范。 具有相关性、可及性和创新性。 提供以职业为中心的课程,将学生转变为具备领导才能的毕业生。 为学生提供卓越的服务和支持,无论他们是在网上还是在校园里与我们一起学习。 提供灵活性,使那些渴望在学术和专业上取得进步的人更容易接受教育。 培养多样化和富有挑战性的学习环境,注重知识的实际应用,在全球背景下培养学术能力、领导能力和负责任的公民意识。
RPI College is a privately owned Canadian college with dedicated and highly skilled teaching staff. Conveniently located in the heart of North Vancouver, Central Lonsdale, RPI College provides an active, friendly, and engaging environment where you can improve your language skills both inside and outside of the classroom. Our professional and helpful teachers and our wide variety of courses enable you to focus on your areas of interest, improve your language and communication skills, enhance and expand your career options, and open up the world of education. With the help of supportive and experienced teachers, state of the art facilities, and the very best teaching materials, you'll enjoy a life-changing experience and leave with the skills needed to pursue your dream.
壮观的山脉,美丽的海滩,令人兴奋的夜生活和友好的人们,都在一个安全和干净的环境中 - 难怪温哥华是世界上最好的城市之一! 温哥华夏季温暖宜人,冬季温和,所以您可以全年享受户外活动。 SSLC温哥华校区位于市中心,一个位于梅尔维尔街,另一个位于豪街。 放学后,我们门外就有许多商店、咖啡馆和餐馆。 SSLC也接近所有形式的公共交通。 校园概况: - 549 Howe Street Vancouver,BC V6B 2C2 - 12,582平方英尺(1169平方米) - 22间教室 - 乘坐公共交通工具(轻轨和公共汽车) - 免费无线网络连接,学生休息室和计算机实验室 - 校园内提供微波炉,冰箱和自动售货机
Based at a modern, downtown campus, Bayswater Vancouver combines high-quality English language and professional courses with a truly unforgettable social programme. Students go for bike rides through Stanley Park, snowboard at Whistler Mountain, and take weekend trips to the Rocky Mountains or Seattle. It is all part of the student experience at Bayswater Vancouver.
在Tamwood,我们提供千载难逢的学习体验。Tamwood位于加拿大最受欢迎的城市和度假中心,提供全方位的独特项目,为每个人提供所需的东西! Tamwood于1992年成立,作为单一项目,并于1993年迎来了第一批学生。今天,我们在加拿大的3个地点为成年人开设了20多个英语课程。我们相信,我们的成功源于我们提供的高度诚信和个人关注。我们投资于最先进的设施和技术,我们只雇用最好的 - 大学认可的教师和管理员 - 我们仔细筛选我们的寄宿家庭。我们对待每个学生,就像他们是我们的第一个客户。今天有超过30,000人参加我们的计划或与我们一起出国旅游!
国际语言学习中心温哥华英语培训学校是一个较小,并充满关怀的学校。自1993年以来,欢迎来自世界各地的学生。我们位于温哥华市中心,离大商场和餐馆只有几分钟路程。我们的青少年英语课程将英语教学与各种趣味活动和旅行 结合到一起。 • 每周20节课,每节课50分钟 (共计16.7学时) • 初级到高级的进阶 • 下午活动/周六旅行 • 13-17岁的孩子可选择双人间寄宿制,或单人间住宿(仅安排在夏季) • 7-12岁的孩子须在父母或监护人的陪同下选择寄宿制 • 课程不超过16人
卡普兰温哥华英语学校位于城市的黄金地段,靠近城市的所有名胜景点,距离北美一些最知名的滑雪胜地也只有很短的路程。温哥华是一个户外运动爱好者的天堂,拥有美丽的国家公园、河流、森林和格兰维尔岛,从位于温哥华前院的英语学校不到两小时即可抵达这些地方。 我们在温哥华的英语课程让学生通过满满的日程安排充分享用不列颠哥伦比亚省的滑雪胜地和自然景点。我们的社交团队通常在附近的国家公园组织滑雪之旅和周末出行,参观博物馆和画廊的一日游,以及在俱乐部、酒吧和餐馆的夜生活。
加拿大国际语言学院(ILAC)是加拿大最著名的英语语言学校之一。 20年来,ILAC为国际学生提供了全面的学习体验,包括英语课程、卓越的客户服务、令人兴奋的社交活动和充满活力的氛围。我们新近装修的校园(多伦多四个,温哥华四个)拥有现代化的室内设计和充满活力的学习环境。 ILAC提供各种级别和需求的英语课程,如通用英语,剑桥FCE和CAE,商务英语,托福和雅思考试准备,大学衔接课程,青少年课程,GAP年和高中课程。 ILAC每年都会欢迎来自75个国家的数千名学生,在学校创造了多元化的学生群体。 ILAC与超过75所加拿大高等教育机构签订了合作协议,并为超过1,000名ILAC毕业生提供大学和大学安排。 ILAC是大学衔接课程的先驱,并继续成为加拿大大学和大学实习的领导者。 多年来,ILAC已经获得了来自世界各地的众多奖项(ilac.com/awards/),表彰ILAC对英语教学和卓越客户服务的承诺。 “我们的愿景不是成为世界上最大的语言学校连锁店。我们的愿望是成为世界上最受尊敬的教育品牌。“ - Jonathan Kolber,联席总裁 97%的学生会向朋友推荐ILAC ILAC的学生中有70%是由他们的朋友推荐的
我们位于市中心的学校位于温哥华市中心商业区的一个受欢迎的区域,距离主要的购物和娱乐区仅几步之遥,距离壮观的海港仅数分钟路程。我们的英语学校占据了现代办公楼的一层,拥有专业、宽敞的感觉。 温哥华人口超过60万,实现了完美的平衡:它融合了现代都市生活的所有景点,同时又小到足以提供安全,温馨的氛围。我们友好的现代化学校非常适合寻求高水平个人关注和支持的学生。
The Cutting Room, owned by apparel and production expert, Liza Deyrmenjian, was born in Vancouver and is the result of 25 years in the fashion and apparel industry. The Cutting Room is where it all happens—ideation and design, pattern making, sourcing, sampling, and production. It is also where beginners and seasoned designers alike come together to better their skills and learn new ones with The Cutting Room’s Fashion Design and Merchandising Academy—The Cut. With one foot in Vancouver and the other in New York City, The Cutting Room supports established fashion and lifestyle brands, coaches up-starts, and teaches the next generation of makers and doers through The Cut’s array of fashion design courses.
兰利学区,位于温哥华以东只有45公里。这是一个友好的、以家庭为导向的社区,具有小城市的氛围和强烈的社区精神。我们有近20万居民说英语作为他们的第一语言,国际学生将有机会在融入加拿大文化的同时提高他们的英语水平。 兰利学区由不列颠哥伦比亚省教育部管辖。自1989年以来,我们一直欢迎国际学生。我们的国际学生计划提供广泛的教育选择,包括初等、中等和暑期英语和文化课程。想要参加我们8所高中的一所中学(8至12年级)的学生可以在9月份学年开始时开始学习,也可以在第二学期开始时在2月开始学习。除了有特殊的计划和教师,我们有一个内部寄宿计划。我们所有的寄宿家庭正在仔细筛选和选择,以确保国际学生在兰利学习期间的安全和舒适。 我们的学校提供良好的学习环境,为国际学生提供全方位的学术和选修课程/高中学生可以在他们选择的任何领域为大学做准备,包括科学、人文、技术、数学、语言、商业和美术。兰利大学的毕业生在世界各地上大学。 鼓励国际学生参加学校和社区提供的课外活动、俱乐部和运动队。我们也有全面的ESL支持,从初学者到高级水平。每个学生在抵达后都会接受评估,并根据他们的能力和目标提供适当水平的英语语言和学术指导。 如需更多信息,请访问我们的网站:www.Studyinlangley.com。
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在New Westminster学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。