Discover English于2010年2月在墨尔本成立,目的是成为澳大利亚首屈一指的英语语言学院之一。该学院的质量得到NEAS的认可,是澳大利亚英语的成员。 Discover English目前招收学生通用英语,学术英语,商务英语,雅思备考和剑桥ESOL课程。 通用英语课程从初级到高级级别。 学术英语课程分为中高级和高级课程。 商务英语为中高级。 雅思考试准备在中级以上级别。 剑桥ESOL课程适用于PET,FCE,CAE和CPE。 学生是我们组织的中心。我们提供灵活性和选择,以确保每个学生都在做适合他们的课程。 Discover English是第一所为学生提供的学校,每周额外提供10小时的免费说明(图书馆可选5小时,教师和5小时选修课)。我们还每周7天开展免费的每周工作研讨会和活动。在学术上,学生每周都要接受测试和评估,以确保个人能够按照自己的进度升级。 奖项 2016- 2017年 剑桥评估英语奖 - 最佳新中心(获奖者) 2015年 准备中心剑桥英语评估奖 - 杰出的业务增长(决赛) - 为客户提供出色的服务(受到高度赞扬) 维多利亚州国际教育奖 - 英语培训(入围) 2014 准备中心剑桥英语评估奖 - 学生支持(入围) 2013 维多利亚州国际教育奖 - 学生支持(高度赞扬) - 英语培训(入围) - 学生体验(入围) Discover English是托业和剑桥授权的考试中心。 选择Discover English的原因: - 学生优先 - 一流的学生服务 - 每周10小时的免费课程/教师支持 - 仅限英语的校园 - 两种不同的时间表和更大的灵活性 - 学术和有趣的方法 - 中央位置和现代化的设施,免费无线网络 - 手工挑选的寄宿家庭和学生旅馆作为住宿选择 - 与TAFE,学院和大学的数量广泛的衔接协议。 资源基础 - 人员配置,资格,图书馆,建筑物等。 Discover English位于墨尔本柯林斯街247号,占地6层。基本设施包括:18间教室,1间学生休息室,5个公共休息区,1间学生厨房,资源充足的学生图书馆和配有20台学生电脑的电脑室,一间带10台学生电脑的额外电脑室,整栋大楼均提供免费无线网络连接。 该地点为学生提供各种形式的公共交通,城市图书馆设施以及各种商店和便利设施。 根据NEAS认证标准,所有学术人员都满足资格。
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Melbourne with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Australia. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Melbourne. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in Australia have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Melbourne, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Lose yourself in the magic of Melbourne, the cultural capital of Australia! Learn English in Melbourne, one of Australia's most diverse and stylish cities. Melbourne is often referred to as the country's capital of cool, and it's not hard to see why. With a colourful arts and culture scene, incredible coffee, live music and entertainment, sports, world-class fashion and shopping, and vibrant nightlife, the city has something for everyone. Spend some time exploring its many hidden laneways, or wandering through its hip, urban neighbourhoods and you'll discover why Melbourne is repeatedly voted one of the world’s most livable cities. Study English in Melbourne Step into ILSC-Melbourne's newly-designed, modern campus and you'll discover a space that encourages interactive student learning, all with an architectural feel that fits the cool and stylish vibe of the city. The school is centrally located across from the Southern Cross Railway station, the main hub for getting wherever you need to go inside, and outside of the city. It's also close to amazing coffee shops, delicious cafés and restaurants, and shopping. Come experience all the best this vibrant city has to offer.
澳大利亚墨尔本城市学院是寻求优质职业培训的国内和国际学生的首选。我们不仅仅是一个培训提供者,而是热衷于有效和实用的教育。我们的目标是提供高质量、个性化和实践性的职业培训。 我们的校园位于墨尔本市中心,相当大,所有设施都可以让学习成为一个舒适愉快的旅程。我们使用最新的技术设备和工具来增强教学体验。 通过我们独特的“学生支持计划”和现场提供的一系列支持服务,我们的学生将始终感受到支持和授权。 如果您热衷于提高现有技能或开发新技能,请立即在澳大利亚墨尔本城市学院报名参加我们的职业课程。
Ashton College位于富茨克雷,距离富茨克雷火车站仅有几步之遥。学校优越的地理位置和各种各样的课程使其成为学习英语的理想场所:学生可以选择普通英语课程、考试课程或高管课程,并且可以在每周几节课到每周五十节课之间做出决定。 Ashton College的设施包括带免费网络连接和自学材料的电脑室、图书馆和学生休息室。学校提供每月社交和休闲日历,邀请学生练习他们的英语技能,同时参观城市及周边的热门景点。
Australian City Design College (ACDC) offers great facilities, professional teachers, and excellent student services so that you can make the most of your international study experience. We offer vocational courses in Business, Leadership & Management, Screen and Media and Marketing & Communications. ACDC is conveniently located in the heart of the city and provides its students with modern facilities and has a vibrant learning atmosphere. We are committed to staying abreast of industry trends and identifying future directions to provide our students with highly sought-after current skills and knowledge. Our team comprises of talented professionals who are passionate about design and the doors that it can open for our students. Accreditation Australian Qualifications Framework Nationally Recognised Training RTO: 45353 / CRICOS: 03684J
City Language Centre is a unique English language school located in Melbourne CBD, Australia. We inspire courage and celebrate individuality by providing an authentic Australian learning experience in a warm, caring and creative environment. This is one of the main points of difference that you will experience at City Language Centre. Our staff and teachers can be trusted to always do their very best for you. Our vision is to build a unique and special language school that will become a safe and supportive environment for international students also where they will be prepared to achieve their goals. It is underpinned by respect, responsibility and caring as well as community connections. City Language Centre provides a wide range of practical English language courses, delivered by our fully qualified and professional teachers. We can help you achieve your English language learning goals, it might be for the job you currently have or would like to have, it might be for just getting around this wonderful city, meeting new friends and having lots of fun!
The host are located in Melbourne and surrounding areas.
OHC墨尔本校区大楼位于中央商务区,靠近交通、咖啡馆、餐厅、花园、公园和名牌购物中心。澳大利亚最好的公共交通系统之一就位于校园门口,方便学生通过步行、骑车、乘电车或火车来充分体验这个美妙的城市。 富有文化气息的墨尔本是艺术、音乐、戏剧、时尚,以及主要国际体育活动和娱乐的圣地,是学习和说英语的绝佳地点。 墨尔本一直被评为世界上最适宜居住的城市之一,也是所有澳大利亚首都中最多元化和最欧洲的城市之一;墨尔本拥有南半球最好的美食,拥有令人惊叹的奇特建筑和巷道。它拥有多元文化主义,其中包括各种各样的美食,不同的背景和文化影响,是澳大利亚大学最集中的地方之一。
澳大利亚爱因斯坦学院位于墨尔本,通过向学生灌输纯粹的智力思维和知识,一直处于唤醒思想的最前沿。我们向学生展示他们在职业生涯中取得成功的方法,帮助他们在所学知识中取得卓越成就。 我们为所有本地和国际学生提供一系列有益的课程。凭借多年的专业知识,我们成功地提供了EAP(学术英语)、老年护理、英语语言、商业文凭和商业高级文凭、会计文凭和会计高级文凭课程以及各种课程、其他短期课程如OET培训。 初级或中级和高级普通英语每周$ 169澳元 EAP(学术英语) 老年护理课程 OET-医疗专业人员的职业英语考试
We are RGIT Australia trading as Royal Greenhill Institute of Technology (RGIT) Australia (National Provider No.: 22088 | CRICOS Code: 03002G). We are a Private Registered Training Organisation (RTO) accredited by the National Regulator - Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). We have campuses in two of Australia's most beautiful cities (Melbourne and Hobart), with a strategically central location in both cities. For example, in Melbourne you can find us a few steps from the central train station "Flinders station" and in Hobart we are also in the heart of the city, one block from the Tasmanian Supreme Court and Parliament House. We offer a wide variety of courses such as General English, Vocational courses in Business and Management, Health Sciences, Hospitality, Nursing and Information Technology, as well as a wide range of training and short courses. We are known for our diverse culture, inclusion and our motto is to help motivated young people with a Gateway To Skilled World.
"教训是很无聊,这让我感到讨厌英语,老师很好,但我不觉得我是属于那类"-滨城乐 more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在墨尔本学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。