The Academy is established by SEG Australia, an organization with over 27 years of experience in education and training. We offer a variety of courses in the field of English, Business, Hospitality, IT, Leadership, as well as customized programs for working professionals. The Academy's forte is its English program, which has given it a reputation as one of the best language centers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Academy is also rapidly becoming known, as an institution for developing individuals that are highly sought after for their professionalism and distinguished skills. Main campus is enviously located within Sheraton Hotel precinct which is a prominent five star hotel in the Golden Triangle. In addition the location is convenient for students to commute on an everyday basis, and easily accessible to a variety of restaurants, shopping malls, banking facilities, and public transport.
Pusat Bahasa Gabungan(Inter-Link语言中心)获得了马来西亚教育部(MOE)的批准,旨在改善语言教学并提供最高质量的课程。我们意识到当今社会对高质量语言教育的需求日益增长,因此建立了ILC以满足这些需求。 从成立之日起,我们就接受了提供高质量和优秀语言教育的挑战,我们优秀的学习环境充分体现了我们的成就。凭借我们的高管和教师二十多年的经验,ILC有能力提供帮助我们的学生在短期内取得了积极的成果。 通过选择ILC,您将学习从听力、口语和阅读到写作高级课程。在马来西亚停留期间,您将能够欣赏到新的语言和生活方式。ILC致力于通过高质量、优秀、创新和技术的学习方式提高语言技能。我们打算提供高质量的语言教育,以及最好的教学资源。
Vision International Academy自2009年以来一直是一家知名的公司,具有开发技能资本的知识背景。我们的战略位置处于安邦角购物中心,附近所有的设施都在触手可及的范围内。 VIA配备了现代舒适的教室,包括视听实验室和培训大厅。我们使用世界上最值得信赖的英语课程资料中的教科书和资源。 我们高素质的教师均为英语母语人士,具有丰富的教学经验。他们灵活地使用各种材料和资源,专注于学生需求和个人技能特点。除了一般英语和雅思考试备考外,我们还提供一系列适合所有年龄段的课程,包括学术阅读和写作技巧、青少年学习课程、英语会话课程和其它语言课程。 我们的学院有助于学习,学生在这里的安全和舒适是非常重要的。我们训练有素的员工随时准备为需要任何帮助的学生提供必要的帮助。
Sheffield team would like to thank you for your interest and welcome you to our Academy. We provide high quality teaching with excellent facilities, affordable fee and easily accessible due to our fantastic location in the heart of KLCC. Set up by the Sheffield Education Group Australia, we have highly skilled and knowledgeable staff with expertise in specialist areas to ensure our students from about 30 countries have the most relevant and up to date teaching. We also offer small class sizes, a year-round enrolment, and native English speaking teachers. True to our motto “You fix the target; we help you achieve it”, you will find all you need at Sheffield to help you get great results to achieve your goals, and also have fun along the way.
Manchester Language Centre is a premier institution dedicated to providing the highest quality English language courses to students from around the world. Established with the vision of setting new standards in language education, we have emerged as a beacon of excellence in the field.
EMS语言中心成立于2011年,其基础是在马来西亚提供卓越的英语学习和教育。其母公司Citinetics Sdn于2011年变成Tetuan Citinetics Sdn. Bhd。作为教育领域的杰出人物,多年来一直是终身学习的坚定支持者。自2003年以来,Citinetics Sdn. Bhd已经开辟了在吉隆坡学习、组织和管理职业目的课程、研讨会、讨论班和学位课程的途径。 EMS语言中心的建立是为了响应该地区对英语培训的需求。其核心是如果它的运作是推动学习英语的简单,为每个人提供机会,以最有效和最刺激的方式获取和掌握本地和国际英语的使用。它旨在激发那些希望提升英语语言技能并满足其学术和现实生活期望的个人的成功。 EMS是繁华的吉隆坡的专业英语语言中心,提供最高的学术标准。我们提供英语课程,以满足不同的学习目标和多元文化在马来西亚的有效和愉快的愿望。
Brighten your ENGLISH with fun at BRIGHT LANGUAGE CENTER! BRIGHT LANGUAGE CENTER is a quality professional school dedicated to delivering the highest educational standards of our offered english courses. Our team consists of qualified professionals to make your experience memorable by making learning english fun and worthwhile. We believe learning english is more efficient through fun activities. BRIGHT LANGUAGE CENTER which strategically located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, with well-equipped classrooms and students from different countries, is your ideal place to study english!
located at the heart of Malaysia, 5 minute walk from "Petronas Twin Towers" ( KLCC ) Our mission is to take part in Student’s Journey to Success. We provide student’s from all over the world with the tools to express themselves with confidence, in an English speaking environment. Our goal is to promote intercultural respect between learners from diverse backgrounds and to enable them to fulfill their personal potential on a global stage. We strive to create a positive and encouraging learning environment that has the individual's learning experience at heart and is supported by state of the art technology.
California Language Academy is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur , a few steps away from the prestigious twin towers and Pavilion shopping mall. The school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study English: students can choose from general English courses, examination courses, or executive courses, and can decide between just a few lessons per week to 30 lessons per week. California Language Academy has facilities that include a computer room with free internet access and self-study materials, a library and a student lounge. The school offers a monthly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their English skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city. Having access to all transportations modes makes your daily commute easy and saves your time a lot. Being surrounded with thousands of shops and restaurant you never feel board .
斯特拉特福德国际语言中心是一家位于马来西亚吉隆坡的授权语言中心。由教育部评定为四星级,我们为寻求学习新语言,提高现有语言技能或为雅思、托福和托业等国际语言测试做好准备的人提供各种语言课程。我们非常注重聘请最优秀和经验丰富的语言教学专业人士作为您在斯特拉特福的指导。课程友好而有趣,致力于为您创造最佳的学习环境,以实现您的语言学习目标。我们的语言中心配备了基于计算机的语言实验室和校园范围的Wi-Fi互联网接入。通过世界著名的DynEd英语语言课程,我们为学生提供了接触母语模型并参与互动课程以及使用最先进的语音识别技术练习口语的机会。 Stratford培训师定期整合数字资料和在线资源,以提高学习效率和效率。我们的课程基于多年的研究和现实的语言教学课堂经验。由具备高能力的内容设计师和主题专家开发,帮助学习者以最有效的方式掌握英语。
ELEC Language Center is located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur, a few steps from the Petronas Twin Towers KLCC. The school's excellent location and it is wide variety of language skills make it an ideal choice to study English. ELEC provides high quality of education through worldwide advanced curriculum and top skilled faculty which help the student understand, learn and practice the English language in their academic, professional, and personal aspects. LEC has great facilities and well-equipped classrooms which offer the student better learning experience and using modern methods of teaching. Other facilities include computer lab which give the student the opportunity to develop computer skills beside the language skills. ELEC provides an adequate environment for students and enable them to further develop practicing their language through several activities after studying hours, monthly events and trips, free-internet access and self-study material, library and students lounge.
Premier Language Center是CTIC澳洲卡斯培训国际学校(法律实体 - Cass Training Pty.Ltd)的子公司。 悉尼卡斯培训国际学院提供的学习质量与Premier语言中心相同,我们的老师都是母语人士。 我们提供教学工作人员的交换,悉尼的经验丰富的教师也可以根据需要前往吉隆坡。 我们位于吉隆坡的中央商务区,我们的团队为所有学生提供最高标准的护理、协助和学术设施,并与个人风格相结合,为我们提供高度的安全保障。因此,学生体现了我们团队为悉尼校区提供的质量和标准。 我们鼓励学生按照自己的意愿,与来自不同国家和文化背景的其他学生会面和交流,这些学生总是协助他们学习和结交新朋友。 我们学生的国籍范围包括中国,印度尼西亚,中东,俄罗斯,韩国,日本,非洲等,这增强了英语的实践,确保学生拥有均衡的跨文化体验,这是良好教育的一部分。
Welcome to ELS Kuala Lumpur, located in the heart of Malaysia's capital city! We are committed to offering top-quality English education in an immersive, supportive environment. Our unique approach blends innovative teaching methods with a well-crafted curriculum, ensuring each student gets the attention they need to succeed. Here’s what you can expect at ELS Kuala Lumpur: 1. Language Technology Centre: Independent online learning and language practice 2. LiveSpeak Rooms: Online sessions with native English teachers 3. Learning Commons: Space for group activities, collaborative learning, and self-study 4. Smart Classrooms: Equipped with Smart TVs for interactive lessons Our Quality Assurance Process includes regular internal evaluations and external audits by NEAS Australia, ensuring our high standards. Our dedicated Student Advisors and Instructors are here to support you, both in and out of the classroom.
We are delighted to welcome you to ELS Subang Jaya, situated in the lively and trendy university town of SS 15. What truly sets us apart is our unwavering dedication to providing academic excellence and quality education. We are passionate about creating an immersive environment tailored to English language learning and our unique approach seamlessly integrates innovative teaching methodologies with a carefully crafted curriculum to meet the diverse needs of our students. Main Facilities at ELS Subang Jaya: - Language Technology Centre for independent online learning and language practice - LiveSpeak Rooms for online Customised Learning Support sessions with native English teachers - Learning Commons area for collaborative learning, group activities and self-study - Classrooms equipped with Smart TVs Our commitment to quality is demonstrated through our rigorous Quality Assurance Process, which comprises internal academic training and evaluation by the ELS Academic Planning & Training Unit and external audits conducted by the National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS Australia). Last but not least, our Student Advisors and Instructors are committed to providing the best student experience in and out of the classroom.
第一次我很失望, 因为我有4小时的谈话课, 但我们只有一个小时, 每天从星期一到星期四。在谈话课上, 有太多的人, 平均有10人的水平不同, 这是非常糟糕的混合不同的水平 (初级到高级), 只有一个小时的发言, 这是不够的!!!我需要说这是我的困难, 我在互联网上的一个私人对话课, 以达到我的目标。而谈话课的老师没有经验, 也不是真正的英语母语的人。幸运的是, 在语法课上, 老师是英国人, 否则我会要求还款。Saddly 语法老师下个月要搬家。没有任何活动。我看到很多人像我一样失望,... more
我在斯特拉特福德预订了4周的课程, 这是我在那里学习的一次美妙的经历, 而且位置很好, 很容易找到, 周围很安全, 我的班级时间是 4:00-8: 下午00点, 我独自去酒店是非常安全的。, 我爱每个中心的老师, 他们是如此亲切和礼貌, 感谢您的推荐, 我会推荐给我的朋友。 more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在吉隆坡学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。