LSI 纽约位于一栋美丽而历史悠久的建筑内,其建筑师也是纽约中央车站的设计者。学校坐落在历史悠久的金融区中心,距离华尔街,纽约股票交易所,国家911纪念碑和世贸中心一号楼仅几个街区。 我们语言学校的特色为具有最先进的设施, 现代化、明亮及通风的教室, 面对着炮台公园和哈德逊河美景。设施包括一个电脑室、行政会议室、免费无线网络连接和一个学生休息室。 LSI纽约每周中举办各种社交活动,其中大多数免费或非常便宜,包括组织去剧院,电影院,音乐会,演出,博物馆,艺术画廊,体育活动及野餐。LSI纽约同时与一家旅行公司合作,在周末组织去诸如波士顿,华盛顿,多伦多/尼亚加拉瀑布及费城等地旅游。 普通英语课程经过精心的设计,帮助学生们有效提高交流技巧。这些课程为那些出于个人,教育或职业需求,需要学习一门全新语言或者需要深入提高语言技能的人们而设计。
为何选择曼哈顿语言学校? 真正的英语 我们专注于实际沟通,以提高你的技巧、自信和流利度。你的老师使用动态、有趣的方法来激励你学习。 强大的课程 课堂很有趣,但也很严肃!我们有至少10级的教学进阶,所以你永远都会出于正确的级别。每个级别都有一个教学大纲,你的老师会根据大纲进行教学。课程组织良好,每隔6周就有一个测试来检查你的进展。我们的美国英语课程将提高你的口语、听力、语法、阅读和写作能力。 专业教师 我们的老师将帮助您在有趣、预约的氛围中实现目标。课程气氛友好,足以指导和支持你。老师采用纠正和反馈的教学方法,以帮助您改善语言。 现代设施 曼哈顿语言位于历史悠久的地标建筑的11楼。我们的教室干净、阳光充足、通风而宽敞,从窗户可以一览无余的自由女神像。电脑室提供免费上网和无线网络连接。 完美的位置 曼哈顿语言位于曼哈顿市中心的高档社区。 曼哈顿语言分校可通过许多地铁线轻松抵达,位于华尔街的中心,靠近许多博物馆、公园、商店和餐馆。学校距离纽约一些最著名的地标,如布鲁克林大桥、纽约证券交易所和自由塔都很近。
The host are located in New York City and surrounding areas.
Home Language International (HLI) offers immersive language courses in 20+ languages across 30+ countries. With HLI’s unique approach, students live and learn in their teacher’s home, combining personalized one-on-one lessons with full daily language immersion. Throughout your stay, you’ll practice the language naturally—in conversations during meals, social activities, and everyday interactions. This continuous exposure accelerates progress and builds confidence in real-world communication. Enhance Your Home Tuition Programme (supplements apply): Activities: Practice your language skills through engaging activities like cooking, shopping, bowling, and sightseeing with your host. Includes transport, entrance fees, and activity costs. Cultural Visits: Explore museums and landmarks with your host as your private guide, immersing yourself in the language and culture. Includes transport and entrance fees. Sports: Enjoy three weekly sessions (unless specified otherwise) with professional instructors or family members. Includes transport, sessions, and equipment rental. Leisure: Experience local attractions, theme parks, or traditions with guided excursions. Includes entrance fees and supervised trips. Personalise Your Programme (supplements apply): Business & Specialised Courses: Improve language skills for work, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and industry-specific vocabulary (medicine, law, marketing, etc.). Exam Preparation: Tailored courses for tests like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, and more. Gain confidence through structured practice, past exams, and targeted feedback. Seasonal & Online Options (supplements apply): Christmas & New Year: Celebrate with traditional festivities and seasonal activities. A supplement applies for courses covering Dec 24-26 and/or Dec 31-Jan 1.
Welcome to Brooklyn! Our centre is located at Long Island University, just one subway ride away from Manhattan. The breath-taking iconic skyline of New York can be viewed from Brooklyn Heights and everything that the city has to offer is within easy reach. This is the perfect location if you want to experience "The Big Apple” but also discover more genuine parts of the city. Key Facts Location: Brooklyn, New York Dates: 23 Jun - 4 Aug Ages: 12 - 17 Accommodation: Twin, Triple or Quad rooms
纽约的五个区是世界上一些最著名的地标和博物馆的所在地。从标志性的自由女神像、百老汇、时代广场和中央公园到帝国大厦和大都会艺术博物馆。位于曼哈顿岛上的纽约市在一个紧凑的空间内收集著名符号的数量比地球上其他任何地方都多;这并不意味着城市的其他四个区域-布朗克斯、布鲁克林、皇后区和斯塔滕岛-都有自己的观光目的地列表。有这么多要看的东西和要做的事情,去纽约的旅行可能会有点令人震惊,但我们的OHC教师和工作人员将帮助你过渡到这个大城市的学习和会员资格。 在纽约OHC学习英语是一次全面刺激的体验,让你有机会在体验真正的纽约的同时学好一门语言!
Our mission is to serve diverse, foreign-born population for whom English is a second language. This institution strives to realize two primary goals: 1. Improve students' ability to comprehend the English language; and 2. Provide students with both the vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to become fluent in English. Discover an unparalleled educational experience in the heart of the city at our prime location, just a stone's throw away from Penn Station. Immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of urban life and unlock a world of city adventures at your doorstep. Learning is elevated to a new level as we seamlessly blend modern amenities with a dynamic academic environment. The strategic placement of our institution not only provides easy access for commuters but also opens up a realm of possibilities for exploration and cultural enrichment.
NYC Global Center 由一群拥有 20 多年教学和管理经验的教育工作者团队成立于 2022 年。 从一开始,很明显,大量学生需要提高英语口语和书面技能。 为了满足这一需求,NYC Global Center从一所预科学校转变为英语作为第二语言的学校。 NYC Global Center现位于纽约Forest Hills新装修的大楼设施内,提供初级、中级和高级水平的综合英语交际课程,以满足英语学习者的需求。
Global English Academy的使命是为非母语人士提供优质的英语语言教学,帮助他们了解并更加熟悉美国文化和习俗。Global English Academy致力于帮助学生实现他们在国内外进一步教育的目标,在这个全球化时代推进他们的职业生涯,并在美国生活和工作更舒适。 作为一所小型私立ESL学校,我们能够结合大型ESL课程和其他私立ESL学校的最佳品质。我们所有的教师都拥有英语教学硕士学位(TESOL)或其他密切相关的领域和多年的教学经验,这使我们能够提供最优质的英语学术准备。我们小型学校环境的优势在于我们可以为学生提供更多的个人关注和支持。我们学校位于纽约市皇后区法拉盛,提供便利、多元化和多元文化的学习环境。 全球ESL学院获得纽约州教育部的认证,并获得英语语言课程认证委员会颁发的2013年6月至2018年8月期间的认证。
我们的使命是提供强化英语课程(IEP),培养来自世界各地的文化多样化的学生团体,使他们能够流利地使用美国英语。 我们位于纽约最负盛名的地区之一的中心地带:步行即可到达宾州车站,MACYS,时代广场和港务局! 我们的教师都是美国人,并且有多年教授来自世界各地的外国学生的经验。他们提供舒适的专业教育环境,帮助学生提高语言技能。我们的教学方法侧重于学生互动和课堂参与。所有学生都能够从初级,中级和高级提高他们的语言技能。我们获得了专有学校监督局(BPSS)的许可,我们的所有教师也被授权教授英语作为第二语言并获得CEA认证。
EC纽约30+是一所独特的英语学校,专为30岁及以上的成年人而设。学校让来自世界各地的学生一起提高英语水平,同时沉浸在纽约的文化、刺激和娱乐活动中。 我们的成人英语学校非常适合那些认为自己“太老”而学不动英语的人。如果您未满30岁,请尝试我们的EC纽约其它分校。 EC纽约30+是一所位于曼哈顿中心的明亮而现代化的学校,从这里可以轻松到达这个精彩城市的所有景点。EC纽约30+让您在世界著名地标之一的时代广场学习英语。一旦您体验了“大苹果”的景点和声音,就再也难以忘记它! 成立:2016年 每班学生:平均12(最多15) 中心容量:90 教室:6 最低年龄:30岁 学校包括 访问3台连接互联网的电脑 整个中心都提供免费无线网络连接 提供自学材料 交互式白板
Welcome to Justenglish New York, a dynamic language school located in one of the world’s most iconic cities. Our New York campus is committed to providing top-tier English language education to international students eager to excel in their language skills and immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of New York City. Positioned in the heart of this bustling metropolis, Justenglish New York offers students the chance to study English in a setting that combines academic excellence with unique cultural experiences. With endless opportunities to explore world-renowned landmarks like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty, our students learn both in the classroom and beyond. Our school in New York is designed for those who crave the fast-paced, diverse atmosphere of the city that never sleeps. Whether you're interested in exploring the latest art exhibitions, attending Broadway shows, or trying cuisines from around the world, New York provides an exciting, culturally rich backdrop for language learning. At Justenglish New York, we embrace the diversity of our student community and provide a supportive environment for language growth. Join us for an unparalleled English learning journey in the heart of one of the world’s most inspiring cities.
EC纽约分校是一个位于时代广场中心的现代化空间,坐落在可能是“大苹果”的最中心。EC纽约距离世界著名的第五大道购物区、帝国大厦等等仅有几个街区,从学校可观赏到著名的广告牌、剧院和充满黄色出租车的纽约街道景致。 推出:2009年 中心容量:120人 教室:8人 最低年龄:16岁 每班学生:平均12人(最多15人) 教学设施包括 22台连接互联网的电脑 整个中心都提供免费无线网络连接 学生休息室 EC纽约学生自习室 大学招生服务 社会和文化计划
Uceda Worldwide在美国、拉丁美洲和欧洲的多个地方拥有一百年的教育经验。现已成为英语作为第二语言教学的公认领导者。 Uceda Worldwide成立于美国,从2005年开始,为所有希望来到纽约、新泽西、佛罗里达和内华达州的国际学生提供服务,以提高他们的英语技能。 我们保证在ESL教学市场提供最实惠的课程和优质教育。无论您的目标是追求更好的职业生涯、继续接受教育,还是要验证您在祖国获得的教育证书,我们都将为您提供开放的大门,让您实现更美好的未来。 “Uceda Worldwide致力于延续我们的卓越传统,无一例外”
English as a Second Language (ESL) is a study program made for non-native speakers who want to be able to think critically and communicate ideas clearly in English and demonstrate comprehension competence in English. At American English Center the ESL program is designed to be taught in small groups for each class so that students receive individual attention from their teachers, accelerating the development of the necessary skills to achieve the objectives of the course. Another important part of the program is that students participate in cultural and social activities, where they are able to put into practice everything learned in classes. In American English Center all programs develop the following skills: - Conversational English - Grammar - Reading - Listening - Comprehension - Writing - Vocabulary
布鲁克林语言学校是一所本地独立的语言学校,提供卓越的客户服务和热情的氛围。我们的重点是我们的学生,并在我们舒适和设备齐全的学校满足他们的语言学习需求。 我们的课程很小(一般英语最多12名学生,8名或商务英语)并且课程密集,以确保学生获得最佳的语言学习体验。 布鲁克林语言学校距离曼哈顿仅有1站地铁路程。学校位于布鲁克林高地的中心地带,距离著名的布鲁克林海滨长廊仅有5分钟步行路程,俯瞰曼哈顿和布鲁克林大桥。学校距离各种商店、餐馆和酒吧仅有几分钟步行路程,并且近邻地铁站有2,3,4,5和R线。 我们学校提供现代化的教室,小厨房区,免费网络连接和无线网络连接,并享有曼哈顿,自由女神像和布鲁克林的壮丽景色。我们的住宿选择包括寄宿家庭,共用学生宿舍和小型住宅。 在布鲁克林,我们能够提供靠近学校的经济适用房。我们根据向学生展示的教牧关怀水平,精心挑选了寄宿家庭。在布鲁克林语言学校学习英语,成为真正的纽约社区的一员!
Few places in New York are as iconic and beloved as Central Park, so what better place to immerse yourself in US culture than our English school just minutes away from this spectacular location? Enjoy the urban adventure of New York from the beating heart of the city and make Central Park your own personal garden from which to learn English. Equipped with state-of-the-art academic technology, Kaplan’s brand new Central Park English school has everything you need for an unforgettable English language learning experience. 12 spacious classrooms offering cutting-edge learning technology and walls of windows overlooking the park and the city Find yourself in the heart of Manhattan, near to the electric energy of Times Square, the Rockefeller Center and of course Central Park itself Enjoy the wonders of New York which includes more than 150 theatres, more than 30 concert halls, more than 80 world-class museums and of course inumerable places to eat and drink across the city
Few places in New York are as iconic and beloved as Central Park, so what better place to immerse yourself in US culture than our English school just minutes away from this spectacular location? Enjoy the urban adventure of New York from the beating heart of the city and make Central Park your own personal garden from which to learn English. Equipped with state-of-the-art academic technology, Kaplan’s brand new Central Park English school has everything you need for an unforgettable English language learning experience. 12 spacious classrooms offering cutting-edge learning technology and walls of windows overlooking the park and the city Find yourself in the heart of Manhattan, near to the electric energy of Times Square, the Rockefeller Center and of course Central Park itself Enjoy the wonders of New York which includes more than 150 theatres, more than 30 concert halls, more than 80 world-class museums and of course inumerable places to eat and drink across the city
纽约语言中心采用实用的方法教授学生英语。我们的高级会话课强调口语流利是一个主要目标。从基础水平的第一堂课开始,学生将以实际和现实的方式使用。我们相信提问的能力是一项关键技能,我们鼓励积极参与和自然生成语言形式。为了学习英语,语言必须是自发的。所有课程都包括现实生活中的现实实践。不允许翻译。许多在本国学过英语的学生都被动地知道这种语言但不能使用它。我们试图打破障碍。 我们的教练每周都有特定的目标。这些目标包括学生在课程结束时可以做的事情。口头和书面评估使学生能够衡量他们的成就。
纽约语言中心采用实用的方法教授学生英语。我们的高级会话课强调口语流利是一个主要目标。从基础水平的第一堂课开始,学生将以实际和现实的方式使用。我们相信提问的能力是一项关键技能,我们鼓励积极参与和自然生成语言形式。为了学习英语,语言必须是自发的。所有课程都包括现实生活中的现实实践。不允许翻译。许多在本国学过英语的学生都被动地知道这种语言但不能使用它。我们试图打破障碍。 我们的教练每周都有特定的目标。这些目标包括学生在课程结束时可以做的事情。口头和书面评估使学生能够衡量他们的成就。
CAMPUS EDUCATION FLUSHING is a CEA-certified language school authorized by the federal government to directly issue Form I-20 to international students. The school is conveniently located in the heart of Flushing, within walking distance of the Main Street 7 train subway station. The Address is 132-71 Maple AveFlushing, NY 11355. Main Programs: • General English (English as a Second Language) • Academic Preparation • TOEFL Preparation • Business World • Communicative approach enhancing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Includes accelerated upper-intermediate/advanced courses promoting reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing at the college level. Augments dialogue and interview skills, as well as note-taking and test-taking strategies. Our students: • Students applying for a student visa (F-1) directly from the Philippines or other countries • Students who transferred from other schools to CAMPUS Education Flushing • Students who have changed their status from another type of visa to a student visa (F-1) in the United States e.g. B1/B2,E1/E2,J,O,R,H,L Enrollment and class time: We offer morning, evening, and weekend classes that start at the beginning of each month. Program schedule: You may choose the program best for you from our 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32 week programs. After coursework completion, students may have 4-8 weeks of vacation. We help our students, mostly over 16 years of age, improve their English and integrate into the local community. CAMPUS Flushing is staffed by bilingual enrollment commissioners trained to provide warm, professional, and thoughtful services to students from around the globe. We have an open door policy, and all are welcome to consultation, registration, and teaching services even without appointment. Come drop by and let us help you find a program tailored to your needs.
YES USA为12-19岁的学生开设了令人惊叹的全包式青少年营计划。该计划包括全天候监督、英语课程、住宿、全膳、每日游览、入场费、当地交通。 课堂 在YES USA,我们的学生优先考虑英语。我们经验丰富的合格教师将确保学生不仅能提高英语水平,还能享受乐趣。学习者与老师和同学进行有趣且激励的讨论、玩教育游戏,特别是了解美国和纽约的生活。 我们计划的重点是发展对话和沟通技巧。通过与班级中的老师和其他学生的不断互动,学生可以快速提高他们的流利程度和口语准确性。 所有教室都很现代,设备齐全,与住宿位于同一栋楼内。 宿舍 我们在McKeon Hall的住宿特色: •现代化的双人或三人间配有一张单人床,一张桌子和一个为每位学生准备的衣柜; •两间客房共用浴室(1:4比例); •全新的建筑,仅在2014年秋季开业; •24小时保安; •令人叹为观止的曼哈顿景色! •内部免费洗衣服务。学校提供的洗涤剂; •提供床单和毛巾; • 免费WiFi; •学生闲逛的公共区域。 游览 我们的短途旅行计划包括5个半日活动和每周2个全天活动。该计划充满机会和短途旅行、教育和娱乐学生。每一天,学生都有机会在现实生活中练习英语,探索迷人的纽约并结交新朋友。
我们的暑期语言和活动项目使12至18岁的国际学生能够提高他们说英语的能力,同时亲身体验美国文化的多样性。该项目在住宿期间运行两周、三周或四周。工作日和周末提供令人兴奋、文化和有趣的活动,包括各种校园活动和校外实地考察。 项目包括: •每周15节课的英语语言课程 •住宿:套房式三人间、双人间和单人间,配有空调;周一至周五提供全膳服务,周六和周日提供早午餐和晚餐 •每周活动计划:每天下午和晚上进行全面监督活动 •每周5次校外活动 •可选活动,周一至周五需支付少量额外费用 • 分班测验;水平测试 •课程结束证书 •班级人数:最多15名学生 •由我们的工作人员监督的免费互联网接入 我们还将于7月27日至31日前往洛杉矶,包括迪士尼乐园,加州冒险乐园,好莱坞和比佛利山庄之旅以及拉霍亚。
Nile Language School’s mission is to provide exceptional English language programs to speakers of other languages. We are dedicated to helping students in the process of achieving their goals and improving their social and academic abilities, and facilitating the acquisition of the English language in a friendly learning environment. WHY NLS? Nile Language School (NLS): Is accredited by the Commission of English Language Accreditation (CEA) Is authorized by SEVP to enroll non-immigrant F-1 Visa students Offers direct pathways with partnered colleges and universities Has experienced, compassionate, and highly- qualified instructors Is located conveniently in the heart of Northern New Jersey Is accessible through various forms of public transportation Offers competitive tuition rates Offers new sessions every six (6) weeks Maintains small class sizes of up to 12 students Provides free placement test and introductory class Offers Free WiFi, on-site parking, and amenities
¥ 4,024 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
国王纽约学院在康考迪亚校园内的专用学习中心提供一系列英语课程。纽约国王学院是一个新的英语语言中心,是美国和英国八大分校之一,其中包括波士顿和洛杉矶分校等。 康考迪亚学院成立于1881年,是一所男女同校文科学院,是康考迪亚大学系统的一部分。迷人、宁静、安全的校园是您生活和学习、体验美国校园生活的绝佳场所,而纽约市中心的明亮灯光距离学院仅有30分钟的火车车程。 康考迪亚校区可以追溯到一百年前,拥有一系列梦幻般的建筑,包括由纽约埃利斯岛建筑师设计的原始“大学哥特式”建筑。设施包括设备齐全的教室、现代化的学术中心和图书馆、现场宿舍、带全尺寸健身房的运动中心、健身和运动训练中心、壁球场、室内和室外网球场,棒球/足球/垒球场、音乐实践工作室和表演艺术和祷告中心。
Welcome to Justenglish, Your Gateway to English Mastery in Long Branch, NJ! Located in the beautiful coastal city of Long Branch, New Jersey, our language school offers a dynamic and diverse learning environment for international students. With the most extensive class hours in the area, we provide students with the comprehensive instruction and immersive experience needed to excel in English. Our diverse student body fosters a rich cultural exchange, creating a vibrant community where learning extends beyond the classroom. Situated just minutes from the beach, students can enjoy the stunning surroundings and a welcoming atmosphere as they progress in their language journey. Whether you're seeking to improve your language skills for academic, professional, or personal reasons, Justenglish is your trusted partner in achieving English fluency. Why is the JUST ENGLISH the right choice for you? 1) We are accredited by CEA – The Commission for Language Association (Recognized by the Department of Education of the USA) 2) We are accredited by the “SACM” - Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission in the USA 3) We are an A+ Rated business by the Better Business Bureau. “We worked very hard in building a program for the last 18 years to give you the confidence and tools to experience America like never before.” Our program: ESL: Beginners through Advanced 18 to 20 hours of English instruction per week with valuable elective courses. a) Writing b) Pronunciation (Accent Reduction) c) Business English d) Cultural Immersion Classes TOEFL iBT® Preparation A strong preparation course that helps you build your English skills. TOEFL is a test required by hundreds of universities around the world. Please visit for more information: Affordable Tuition 1) 18 hours per week – Please see price list attached. 2) Additional hours are private and start at USD$40.00 per hour.
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在新泽西州伊丽莎白学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。