在International House都柏林,我们致力于达到最高的英语水平教学。我们学校位于一个令人印象深刻的现代化专用校园内。我们的学校建筑拥有5层楼和40间教室,每间教室最多可容纳14名混合国籍学生。最先进的设施包括屋顶餐厅和室外露台、大型图书馆、设备齐全的计算机实验室和学生休闲室。International House都柏林位于都柏林市中心,享有城市的壮丽景色,是所有年龄和背景的学生的理想选择。选择与我们一起在都柏林国际学院学习的学生享受顶级品质,在友好和支持的环境中收获有效的学习体验。
CES was founded in 1979 and is an award winning English language school with 7 centres across Ireland, England and Scotland. CES is recognised by the Irish Department of Education and ACELS in Ireland and is a full member school of EAQUALS. CES is also now a full IALC member and is also teh 'Official IELTS Test Centre' for Dublin city as well as a Cambridge Exam test centre. CES staff will dedicate themselves to making sure that your stay in Ireland is as positive and worthwhile as possible! CES is located in the very heart of Dublin on the same street as Trinity College and Dublin Castle. Our three teaching centres are within the boundaries of medieval Dublin. The school has a total of 32 classrooms, all the latest technologies and their multimedia centre and computer room have the most up-to-date technology and software with free internet access.The school's "CES Cafe" is located in the basement of the second teaching centre, Dame Court, and is an ideal environment to chat with fellow students or to just relax after class. Our new 3rd centre is just off Grafton street, Dublin's main shopping street, on Coppinger Row. We look forward to welcoming you to CES.
都柏林的阿特拉斯语言学校成立于2003年,之后在规模和声誉方面发展迅速。我们是一所年轻、充满活力并且专业的语言学校,致力于在友好和激励的环境中提供独特的学习体验和优秀的英语课程。学校凭借优秀的教师和设施,全面而有趣的社交计划,让我们的学生真实地体验爱尔兰的生活和文化,以及完美的中心位置,我们相信我们是都柏林最好的学习英语的学校! 无论您是想参加暑期课程,提高商务英语水平还是准备考试,阿特拉斯语言学校都能为您提供合适的课程。阿特拉斯的目标是确保您在有趣、友好和具有挑战性的环境中最大限度地发挥您的潜力。从您开始上课的那一刻起,我们将帮助您成为优秀的学习者并实现您的英语语言目标。
Delfin提供优质的英语课程,并十分强调会话。我们的老师具备大学和TEFL资格,能够使课程有趣和生动。我们提供广泛的精心策划的课程,包括通用英语、考试准备、个人课程,以及商务英语等专业课程。 Delfin提供从初级到高级的各种课程,您将在来到学校之前进行分班考试,然后在抵达时进行口语考试,以确定您的水平。在Delfin学校完成写作和口语测试后,您将被告知您的最终成绩。
天鹅培训机构位于都柏林市中心的格拉夫街,距离三一学院和斯蒂芬花园仅有几步之遥。天鹅培训学院是爱尔兰最著名的英语学校之一,每年都有成千上万的学生来自世界各地学习英语、工作和交朋友。在天鹅培训学院学习英语的学生在有效学习语言的同时享受乐趣。我们的老师根据我们的精神创建友好和高质量的学习环境。 天鹅培训学院旨在以友好、支持和高效的方式为学生提供高质量的英语语言辅导和寄宿家庭住宿。我们还与客户合作开发课程和内容,以最大限度地提高学习者对爱尔兰生活和文化的体验。 我们的学校位于都柏林市中心,靠近三一学院,以及所有主要的交通、旅游、购物、酒吧、餐馆和娱乐区。 我们还有第二个中心,靠近奥康奈尔街 - 都柏林的另一个主要购物街和文化中心。两者都在另一个的步行距离之内,周围都是商店、酒吧、餐馆、旅游景点等等!在夏天,我们的初级课程位于圣帕特里克令人惊叹的拉姆康德拉住宅区 - 绿地、运动场和美丽的学校建筑的绿洲。我们把都柏林覆盖了!
Your English is a small, independent language school founded in 2006 and located in the city centre. The school’s address: 76 Talbot Street, Dublin 1 is 500 meters from the Spire and General Post Office (GPO) on O’Connell Street, a short walk from Temple Bar and Trinity College. ►Our Courses The school offers classroom tuition as well as online courses designed for non-native speakers who visit Ireland to learn and improve their English.. Whether you a student coming to Ireland for the summer to practice your language skills or a professional who needs to work on their written and formal English, or an au-pair wishing to take a Cambridge exam, Your English have a suitable programme for you. ►Our Recipe for Your Success in Learning English • Small classes with students of similar ability • Experienced and qualified teachers with lots of enthusiasm for teaching English • Carefully designed courses, well-planned lessons and excellent teaching materials The school combines all these ingredients to create a unique learning experience that has earned us a good name among foreign learners of English in Dublin. It’s a simple formula that provides great results. Their students must share this belief as they keep coming back to us bringing their friends and relatives with them. ► How Can We Help? Being small in size we are big on quality teaching and on helping our students to reach their full potential and to get the best of what Dublin and Ireland have to offer. Join one of our full-time courses and enjoy a great learning experience, friendly atmosphere, flexible timetable, small study groups, fun-packed social events and a city centre location. Our offer includes General English (all levels welcome), Business English as well as exam preparation courses (IELTS, B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency). We pride ourselves on maintaining a high pass rate in Cambridge exams of over 80%! ► Who Are Our Students? Our students come from all over Europe and from as far afield as South America, Africa and Asia. This diverse mix of nationalities contributes to the vibrant atmosphere at the school. Many students combine work, study and family commitments and our timetables are designed to fit in our students’ busy schedules. ► Who Are Our Teachers? All teachers at Your English have a minimum of 5 years teaching experience and relevant qualifications. Most teachers are native speakers of English and have worked at Your English for over 5 years. All academic staff are approachable, love teaching English to foreign students and would be delighted to answer any questions you might have! ► School Facilities The school facilities include: • Bright, spacious and adequately equipped classrooms • Library, computer and study room • Social area with a tea and coffee station • WI-FI across the building
韦斯利学院是一所独立的私立寄宿学校,位于Ballinteer,距离都柏林市中心仅有15分钟的电车车程,距离邓德拉姆购物中心有5分钟的步行路程。学校坐落在都柏林山脉的山脚下,位于城市的一个非常安全的住宅区,方便快捷地前往市中心。 这所学校的一大优势是占地50英亩,尽管靠近市中心。学校的设计采用“校园风格”,现代教室设有互联网、新近翻新的餐厅、音乐和艺术中心、图书馆和计算机实验室。 该中心非常适合体育爱好者,提供着4个橄榄球场、3个草地球场、2个泛光灯全天候运动场、7个硬地网球场、2个篮球/网球场和一个带淋浴和更衣室的大型室内体育馆。 该项目包括: 每周15小时的英语语言辅导,混合国籍班的专家IH老师 基于Web的电子档案袋,让每个学生都能与朋友分享并一直保存下去 寄宿学校住宿在共用房间,每间卧室有2个、3个或4个学生 学校餐厅提供各种早餐、午餐和晚餐 下午当地短途旅行,体育活动和'IH数字中心'活动的各种节目 每周3次半天游览市中心 每周六全天游览著名的景点 每天晚上的节目包括许多校外活动 项目亮点: 理想的位置乘坐电车到市中心只需15分钟,步行5分钟即可到达邓德拉姆购物中心 高级寄宿住宿和体育设施 数字媒体活动包括创建电子档案袋、电影和动画、播客、视频游戏编码、博客创建和在线学校通讯
来我们位于都柏林市中心的现代化学院,从众多的英语课程中进行选择吧,这是一个拥有乡村感觉的大城市,最近被评为世界上“最宜居”的城市之一。 都柏林被居民亲切地称为“博览会城市”,都柏林热烈欢迎所有游客的到来。都柏林拥有优雅的文化历史中心,步行就可逛遍这个精致的城市,以及众多时尚的酒吧、咖啡馆和设计师精品店来满足每个人的需求。 学院坐落在一栋宏伟的乔治亚风格建筑内,可以俯瞰利菲河。学校一流的设施包括一个大型学生公共休息室,还配有可供个人使用的新平板电脑、自习室、专用书房和免费无线上网。
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Dublin with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Ireland. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Dublin. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in Ireland have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Dublin, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Future Learning Dublin City Campus is located in the very heart one of Europe's most vibrant and historic cities. Our school is one of the most modern educational buildings in the sector with facilities which reflect our methodology of teaching focussed on communication, collaboration and technology skills. Our school is in the perfect location for those who are looking to explore Dublin city and enjoy everything it has to offer. Future Learning Dublin City centre is located at Abbey House in Jervis Street, a few steps away from the Jervis Shopping Centre and Henry Street, one of Dublin’s major shopping precincts. Our newly refurbished building features 23 classrooms, a teachers’ room, meeting pods, a bespoke coffee shop and student zones spread across the four floors of the building. The school is located in the very heart of Dublin city centre, a fantastic location for students and group leaders with a wide range of activities all within a short walking distance.
爱尔兰英语学院成立于1992年,是一所获奖的英语语言学校。 我们获得了ACELS,爱尔兰质量和资质服务,英语语言教学(ELT)的认可。我们也是MEI的成员,MEI是一个促进爱尔兰优质教育和提供学习者保护的机构。 积极的学生体验是我校精神的前沿。2014年,我们荣获Malahide商会颁发的“卓越服务奖”,以表彰我们对卓越和始终如一的客户服务的明确表现。2016年,我们荣获“年度组织奖”。 2015年,我们成为爱尔兰第一所入围学习旅游杂志的“初级课程奖”的英语学校。2016年和2017年,我们再次入围“初级课程奖”,以及2017年的“英语学校欧洲奖”。 我们的主要学校位于Malahide,都柏林一个美丽的海滨小镇。我们还在利默里克的格伦斯塔尔修道院和基尔代尔的克隆威斯森林学校举办了两个精彩的住宅英语夏令营。 作为专业运营的英语学校,我们的优质英语课程以其卓越和专注于提供高性价比的进步而闻名。我们全年为成人提供全日制和兼职课程,全年欢迎学校团体,通过我们的初中英语夏令营,我们专门为儿童和青少年提供英语课程。
Located in the beautiful coastal suburb of Dún Laoghaire, just outside Dublin city centre, our school offers the perfect setting for learning English in a city rich in cultural heritage and literary history. Dublin has been home to some of Europe’s greatest writers, such as Jonathan Swift, George Bernard Shaw, and Oscar Wilde, making it an inspiring place to study. Dún Laoghaire is a peaceful town known for its picturesque pier, seaside walks, and charming harbour – an ideal location for students looking to experience authentic Irish culture in a relaxed and welcoming environment. At EP, we believe in helping students achieve their dreams, whether it’s preparing for the IELTS exam, improving General English, or reaching other personal goals. We are committed to providing high-quality teaching and a student-centred approach, ensuring that you have a fulfilling and memorable experience. Our friendly staff are always here to support you and guide you through your journey, making your time with us a rewarding investment in your future. Choose EP Dublin for an unforgettable English learning experience in one of Europe’s most inspiring cities.
都柏林是爱尔兰自豪和充满活力的首都,凭借其国际化和现代感,它一再被Trip Advisor评为欧洲最友好的城市。都柏林与文学,音乐,舞蹈和讲故事有着密切的联系。当您走过圣殿酒吧的街道时,您可以吸收从众多酒吧和餐厅流向街道的音乐传统。这是一个真正的美丽城市!都柏林充满了令人叹为观止的自然风光,将为您留下终身难忘的回忆。它完美地位于爱尔兰的东南海岸线上,是通往欧洲其他地区的便利通道。 奥斯卡国际位于都柏林市中心的女爵街,交通便利,方便您前往都柏林市以及巴士和电车线路。 我们的校园距离坦普尔酒吧区(音乐区),格拉夫顿街(购物中心),三一学院,都柏林城堡,圣斯蒂芬绿色公园以及城市最佳活动场所等景点仅有很短的步行路程!在学生们的课程开始时,我们将为学生们组织一次环绕都柏林市中心的徒步旅行,我们的奥斯卡学生体验官将为您提供有关探索城镇的最佳方式的建议。
质量是我们在积极的语言学习中所做的核心。我们的重点是学生学习使用真实世界英语的实践课程。我们的教师素质很高,拥有来自爱尔兰和英国的多种母语口音。我们所有的老师都有多年的英语教学经验。 我们有一个非常简单的哲学。我们希望我们的学生学习现实生活中的英语,并能够自然和流利地交流。学校的小组课有很强的口语重点,即使在学习语法的时候,学生们也会有很多机会用他们的英语互相交流。在下午,我们提供一些额外的活动,以帮助学生继续使用他们在课堂上学到的东西。我们有会话课、电影下午、当地景点之旅、炸鱼和薯条之夜等等。这些活动帮助学生练习英语,也有助于结交新朋友。 我们的课程得到了ACELS的认可,ACELS是爱尔兰一项高质量和高质量的英语教学服务(ELT)。我们也是EAQUALS的认可成员,EAQUALS是一个欧洲组织,为高质量的语言学校提供倡导和培训。All也是MEI(爱尔兰市场营销英语)的创始成员。
这栋现代化的学校建筑共有3层,设有10间教室,均配有视听设备,以及舒适的休息室和室外区域,提供茶/咖啡和小吃,安静的下午学习室,无线网络连接以及笔记本电脑/ ipad使用的充电座。大楼提供电梯服务,前门内设有温馨的接待处。
Explore English in Dublin’s heart by the river Liffey. The city blends history, energy, and attraction, epitomizing Ireland’s culture. Dublin’s neighborhoods brim with traditions, languages, and flavors, knitting a vibrant tapestry. From the General Post Office’s spire to Phoenix Park’s serenity and Temple Bar’s cobblestones, Dublin harmonizes past and urban life. Teens, join the English program for a linguistic and exploratory journey in this captivating city.
The International School of English是一所高质量的专业学校,致力于为国际学生提供最高的教育标准。自1997年以来,它已经成功运作,获得了ACELS和MEI的全面认证。 经验丰富且合格的教师通过尖端的教学方法确保友好和专业的语言学习体验,这些教学方法针对个人需求量身定制,从而实现语言成果并确保学生的成果。 学生由经验丰富且富有支持性的学者在紧凑的互动课程中进行教学,并持续不断地进行开发。 ISE小班授课可以让学校专注于最大限度地提高学生的参与度,使他们能够通过参与小组学习环境更快地学习,同时也可以通过同时获得专业化和个性化的治疗。 学校位于都柏林2,毗邻格拉夫顿街,以其旅游景点和文化氛围而闻名,步行即可抵达学校。 ISE 爱尔兰位于市中心,所有区域均可轻松直达。 ISE是一所经完全认证的英语学校,为专业学生提供英语课程、考试准备、国际预科课程和晚间课程。
Babel Academy summer school (on-campus residence programme) takes place from the beginning of July to mid of August in Dublin City University. It would be a fantastic opportunity for junior students to experience university campus and residence.
爱尔兰都柏林的首都以其友好和健谈的人民、强大的历史文化和紧凑而安全的城市中心而闻名。梅努斯距离都柏林市中心30分钟路程,距都柏林机场45分钟路程,是一座美丽的18世纪爱尔兰小镇,人口8500。 梅努斯受益于一个充满活力和风景如画的乡村大学城,同时被描述为都柏林的郊区。梅努斯的游客可以参加各种各样的活动,包括马术活动、滑翔、游泳,镇上有许多咖啡馆和餐馆。 梅努斯大学校园距离市中心仅有5分钟步行路程,由两个相连的校区组成,一个较旧的南校区,19世纪的建筑和占地100英亩的现代化北校区,为新大学提供了令人印象深刻的新旧组合。设施包括一流的体育场馆、网球场、舞蹈室和广泛的户外足球/曲棍球场。
Sutton Park School位于都柏林湾美丽的霍斯岛,距离都柏林市中心有12公里,距离都柏林机场有15分钟车程。萨顿是一个友好而安全的住宅区,毗邻霍斯渔村,这个地区以游客和爱尔兰人民而闻名! 萨顿公园学校是一所著名的私立高中,拥有一流的教学和体育设施,20多年来一直欢迎国际学生。 学校的设施包括众多的计算机实验室,艺术和手工艺室,烹饪室,网球场,室内体育馆和广泛的全天候户外足球/曲棍球场以及自己的自助餐厅,学生每周一至周五每天都可享用热午餐。 住宿由经验丰富的当地寄宿家庭提供,双床/三人间与不同国籍和年龄相近的学生分享。Apollo提供自己的私人巴士服务让学生每天往返学校,以及私人交通工具,可以进行半天和全天游览。
Babel Academy summer school (homestay programme) takes place from late June to the beginning of August in the beautiful Dublin suburb of Raheny. Our campus is a 20-minute train ride from Dublin city centre, 5-minute walk to Raheny train station.
都柏林教育中心位于都柏林市中心,距离都柏林繁华的街道和都柏林最受欢迎的会合点千禧尖塔仅几步之遥。学校地理位置优越,课程种类繁多,是学习英语的理想场所:学生可以选择通用英语课程,考试准备课程或高级课程。都柏林教育中心拥有一流的设施,包括带免费网络连接和自学材料的电脑室,图书馆和学生休息室。学校提供每月社交和休闲日历,邀请学生练习他们的英语技能,同时访问城市及周边的热门景点。欢迎18岁以上的学生参加,平日每天3小时的课程。无论您是想参加全日制课程还是住在爱尔兰,或只是在享受休闲旅行时学习英语,DCE都有适合您的课程。 都柏林教育中心为我们的英语语言学校的成人提供各种课程。我们广泛的通用英语课程适合各级英语学生。优质的英语教学与小班教学相结合,保证了成绩。 学生可以在都柏林教育中心注册通用英语的长期或短期课程,每周学习15个小时,并可选择增加短期强化课程的学时。学生可以在他们选择的任何星期一开始他们的课程。课程持续时间为短期1周至3个月,长期为25至52周(仅限非签证学生 - 需要签证学习的学生必须参加为期25周的课程)。 标准通用英语课程涵盖语言的所有方面:语法,词汇,阅读,写作,听力和口语。非常重视口头交流,材料既相关又刺激。学生会定期接受测试,以确保他们在校园内水平正确的等级。 我们的考试准备课程侧重于培养必要的技能,以通过课程结束外部考试。这涉及提高阅读,写作,听力和口语的四项技能,以及从事词汇发展和语法准确性的工作。 我们提供剑桥PET,FCE,CAE和IELTS以及TIE的准备课程。
The host are located in Dublin and surrounding areas.
Travelling Language是世界上唯一获得认可的旅行学校。 我们独特的课程让学生每天全天都沉浸在英语语言中,使其成为学习英语的理想方式:学生不断练习语言技能,同时参观迷人的风景或跟随我们的合格导游探索城市。 我们的课程确保真正的全浸入式课程,我们的学生可以在短时间内获得切实的成果。
Twin Dublin formally known as Alpha College was founded in 1989 and started as an executive training centre providing high level management and technical courses in English to non native-English speakers. We found that the demand for high quality English language courses was just as important and we started providing the General English courses with a focus on Business and Specialised Programmes. Over the last 28 years we have stayed true to the founding principle of offering the highest quality standards to our students from around the world. When we first opened our famous green door we had approximately 20 students starting with us from 3 different countries. Last year we welcomed 52 different nationalities to Dublin and we always try to ensure the best possible nationality mix in all our classes. We are fully recognised by the Irish department of Education. We are also members of two of the most prestigious quality marks in the International Language Travel industry – EAQUALS and IALC. Our General English curriculum covers a rolling 12 week period at all levels from Elementary to Advanced. Our core classes take place from 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday with a short coffee break at ten to 11. We offer 2 junior summer programmes for young learners in Dublin. We have homestay or residential accommodation options and offer the same level of quality teaching to all our junior students. Whether you are coming as a General English or General Business English student, for an English for Special Purposes course, Teacher Training, Work Experience or as a Young Learner; we aim to offer you the highest quality courses with the best student support while you are in Dublin.
Castleforbes College is a very friendly student oriented school operating in the vibrant scene of Dublin city centre. Owned and Run by young Irish professionals who are dedicated to academic excellence in the field of language learning, the college has quickly become an established entity in this industry. Our main goal is to satisfy all students through quality and fun courses and to make your experience in Ireland unforgettable. What makes us different from other English schools in Dublin is the love for this work, which represents our biggest passion.
如果你想在都柏林学习英语,珠穆朗玛峰语言学校是适合你的地方。珠穆朗玛峰语言学校位于都柏林市中心,提供最好的教学和最有趣的社交活动。 珠穆朗玛峰语言学校是都柏林的第一所学校,它的所有学术决定都建立在学校内所做的语言研究的基础上。我们与都柏林三一学院的系合作,为每个学生创造一条独特的学习道路。这所学校是由三位老师Anne-Marie、Maria和Rob创办的,目的是为学生提供在都柏林难忘的经历,并帮助他们实现语言目标。
ULearn是一所家庭经营的英语学校,位于都柏林市中心,毗邻圣斯蒂芬绿地。 ULearn以极具竞争力的价格提供优质的英语课程。我们所有的老师都是母语人士,都拥有英语教学资格和大学学位。 ULearn被爱尔兰教育和科学部认可,我们也是爱尔兰营销英语的成员。我们必须每年进行测试和检查,以确保我们始终保持最高质量的标准。 学生们将在ULearn受到员工和其他学生的热烈友好的欢迎。我们提供各种英语课程(一般,会话,考试准备,商务等),住宿和额外服务(如周末短途旅行,每周定期社交活动,免费在线课程和简历协助以及寻找工作)。 我们期待着欢迎您来都柏林与我们一起提高您的英语水平。为什么不访问我们的Facebook页面看看我们做什么? facebook.com/ULearnDublinEnglishSchool 随时与我们联系!
我们提供由合格的专业团队提供的最高质量的课程,并致力于成为都柏林的头号英语提供商。 学习英语,并在世界上最受欢迎的学习城市之一发现新世界! OHC都柏林市位于市中心,距离利菲河仅几步之遥。我们周围有一流的酒吧和餐厅,以及丰富的文化氛围,确保学生们总能有新的东西可以观赏和体验。我们通过公共交通与都柏林的所有地区相连,这使得前往城市的任何角落都非常方便。 我们的学校是学习和放松的理想场所;我们的学校配备了优秀的教学设施,以及专门的学生公共休息室,配有咖啡机、自动售货机、电视、沙发和内置图书馆。
阿尔法学院成立于1989年,最初是一个高管培训中心,为非英语母语人士提供英语高级管理和技术课程。 我们发现对高质量英语语言课程的需求同样重要,我们开始提供通用英语课程、重点是商业和专业课程。 在过去的28年里,我们始终坚持为来自世界各地的学生提供最高质量标准的基本原则。 当我们第一次打开我们著名的绿色门时,我们有来自3个不同国家的约20名学生。去年,我们迎来了52个不同国籍的都柏林,我们一直努力确保所有课程中最好的国籍组合。 我们得到了爱尔兰教育部的充分认可。我们也是国际语言旅游行业中两个最负盛名的质量标志 - EAQUALS,IALC和MEI的成员。
In a modern environment away from the capital, the aim of the courses is to encourage students to express themselves in English with confidence. The practice of English is not limited to the classroom: every day, during simulation workshops and during leisure activities, all times of the day are used to speak English. This language course in Gormanston Park is more than just a technical workout of the language, it is a complete immersion. The lessons and the accommodation of the participants will take place in an adjacent, modern building. OISE's classrooms are simple and have all the technical necessities needed for interactive teaching. Gormanston Park also has a large sports facility, a cafeteria and modern shared rooms. There is a well-equipped Indoor Sports Complex, which allows students to pursue their hobbies after school. Whether football, volleyball, basketball or hockey, Gormanston Park offers enough space for all sports enthusiasts.
这里是充斥着个性、文化和娱乐活动的爱尔兰的微型首都,也是学习英语的理想场所。都柏林以其轻松愉快的氛围和友好的人民而闻名于世。 若您想在一个充满活力的地方,与年轻的人们交谈和共事,以及永远有探索不完的新鲜事物,那么都柏林是您的理想选择。 我们的英语学校拥有最先进的设施,可以帮助您学习语言,学校靠近城市的最佳景点,方便前往公共交通枢纽。 在都柏林EC,您将会遇到来自世界各地的学生,在这里您将提高英语水平,并收获永生难忘的经历。 学校包括 ●免费无线网络 ●库 ●自学区 ●学生休息室 ●可供学生使用的计算机
如果您年满30岁或以上,并希望在时尚和专业的环境中与志同道合的学生一起学习,那么我们的成人英语学校就是专为您准备的。 EC都柏林30+适用于那些更成熟、在生活和专业领域拥有更加丰富经验的学生。您将在充满着爱尔兰独特文化的现代化的课堂进行学习。 英语学习内容丰富而有趣,学习包括通过口语、听力、阅读和写作等各方面的训练。 您还可以参加精彩的社交活动计划,其中会提供都柏林观光的一些最佳体验。 您在学习过程中会遇到来自世界各地的学生,并有机会了解他们的文化,个人和专业背景。 在您的英语课程结束时,您的个人和专业网络将更大和更多样化。
IH InTuition Languages是语言家庭学费的市场领导者 - 学生在老师的家里完全沉浸其中一对一的生活和学习。课程根据每个学生的个人要求和学术要求进行个性化 - 从通用英语到考试准备以及商务和专业课程,我们的课程完全根据每个学生的需求进行定制。即使在正规课程之外,一对一环境和完全沉浸式课程也能保证加速学生进步。 我们在英国,爱尔兰,马耳他,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,法国,西班牙,德国和意大利拥有600多名教师,我们能够提供最广泛的语言学习体验和冒险经历。 IH InTuition Languages成立于1990年,是国际众议院世界组织的骄傲成员,该组织是世界顶级语言教学组织之一。我们是英国文化协会认可的英国家庭补习课程 - 这是第一个获得此认证的组织。
Erin School of English was established in 2003 with a simple goal - to teach real English for the real world. We have a team of devoted teachers who are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. We are developing the ability to communicate in English. To SPEAK, LISTEN, READ and WRITE. Our general English courses also include exam preparation for TIE, IELTS, CAE which are accepted by universities and employers arount the world. Our goal as a school is not for students to have learned a set of grammar items but to be able to express their thoughts in English as they do in their own language. This means that the learning objectives for all our courses are based on real world language use and mapped from the Common European Framework.
International House都柏林在夏季的萨顿公园学校(都柏林一流的私立高中)为个人和团体提供优质的混合国籍初级英语语言课程。伯明翰萨顿公园学校的项目提供寄宿家庭住宿和附近鹿园度假村的豪华酒店式住宿。 萨顿公园学校是一所独特的私立学校,拥有一流的设施,位于自己的场地内,包括室外温水游泳池、天文木场、室内健身房、电脑室和工艺品室。该中心位于都柏林湾北侧美丽的霍斯半岛,距市中心12公里,靠近传统的霍斯渔村。
College Green Language and Study is at Trinity College Dublin in Dublin city centre. Stay at Trinity campus this summer and be a student on 1 of our 5 English Language Courses: General English 20 hours per week Intensive IELTS 20 hours per week Practical Teacher Training Course 30-hour 1 week course Practical Medical English 20 hours per week Private Closed Program for 1 to 2 students (families) 15 hours per week During the afternoons, students do more practice of what they have learnt in class, during our excursions and activities program. Students also enjoy a full day tour full of more opportunities to use English and speak to more people outside of Dublin City on a Saturday or Sunday. The CGLS Team is qualified, experienced and interested in supporting you to use more English and improve your communicative confidence. Our Academic staff are all highly qualified and have Cambridge-accredited teaching qualifications. *Students who have their own accommodation can book the course without campus accommodation.
教室有点小, 教室楼下不舒适。我们没有足够的自然光!这些班级很活泼, 很好。我们有不同的部分 (读, 写, 说, 听) 在每一个不同的班级。下午的 C1 课 (准备考试) 对我来说很有挑战性。但我感谢每一个教训! more
我认为这是在阿特拉斯语言学校学习的最佳选择。学校的老师真的很好, 你可以注意到他们真的很喜欢教英语。学校的位置也很好, 所以 it´s 真的很容易到达那里。我会向其他想在都柏林提高英语的人推荐这所学校。 more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在都柏林学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。