Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Brisbane with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Australia. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Brisbane. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in Australia have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Brisbane, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
友好、脚踏实地的当地人将帮助您在世界一流的艺术画廊、蓬勃发展的现场音乐场景和凉爽的咖啡文化中感到宾至如归。ILSC-布里斯班校区俯瞰着一个美丽的公园,距离中央火车站仅有2分钟路程。学生休息室通向一个受保护的封闭式露台,学生可以在那里休息,放松和享用午餐。ILSC-布里斯班分校还在这个舒适的露台上举办学生烧烤等有趣的活动。 布里斯班是澳大利亚第三大城市,是澳洲东部的一个时尚的国际城市,位于黄金海岸北部。您将爱上它全年温暖的亚热带气候和美丽的、在城市中心蜿蜒而过的布里斯班河。
欢迎来到IH Brisbane - ALS! 如果您正在寻找一所优秀的学校来学习英语,并且有一个伟大的城市可以做到,那么您来对地方了。我们欢迎您来到布里斯班和IH布里斯班 - ALS,感受一生的英语体验。 IH布里斯班 - ALS希望您在澳大利亚的逗留成为您一生都能记住的人。我们友好的员工和老师将帮助您实现目标,无论是在澳大利亚继续深造还是仅仅学习英语。 有关更多信息,请访问 ihbrisbane.com.au
Welcome to EP Brisbane! Our modern campus, shared with the Australian Performing Arts Conservatory, offers a vibrant, nurturing and supportive learning environment to take your English skills to the next level. Join us today to start your successful language journey in Brisbane! Our EP Brisbane campus is centrally located in the heart of the city, in a heritage listed building, directly across from Town Hall. EP shares a modern space with our partner college the Australian Performing Arts Conservatory, which means you will be surrounded by creative, artistic, and talented students from around the world! Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to develop your language skills and make new Australian and international friends. The campus is located just 5 minutes from Central Station and 2 minutes from Central Busway allowing you to explore nearby landmarks like Riverside, Story Bridge, South Bank and the shopping district of Queen Street Mall. EP Brisbane: The Green Academy Australia trading as English Path Brisbane. CRICOS Code: 04187G
The hosts are located in Brisbane and surrounding areas.
Lexis 布里斯班位于布里斯班市中心,其屋顶露台享有市政厅和布里斯班天际线的广阔景致。您可以充分利用您在Lexis布里斯班的时间,学校在校园外有公共交通,在城市和郊区都有寄宿家庭,还有我们自己的学生宿舍,位于时尚的袋鼠角河对面。 Lexis 布里斯班提供不同国籍的完美平衡、现代化的设施,以及一流的员工关怀和支持。
布里斯班是美丽的昆士兰州的首府,这里学习英语的OHC学生时常会惊叹于这座精彩绝伦的城市,这座城市以艺术、现场音乐、体育和适合游客放松并享受其市场、公园、花园、河流系统和美丽的海岸线的温暖的亚热带气候而闻名。 布里斯班的毅力谷区、南岸和城市区为娱乐,购物和观光提供了绝佳的机会。您还有机会探索附近的群岛、水道和阳光海岸或南海岸的美丽海滩。 OHC 英语布里斯班的校园位于市中心的一座现代化的建筑,距离公共汽车、火车和渡轮只有几分钟的路程。
学校坐落在城市和有良好的公共交通。学校里的老师和工作人员都很随和, 他们更喜欢你的朋友。当你在课堂上你不会觉得无聊, 想睡觉, 因为它是非常有趣的!这里的老师有足够的耐心和热情, 他们毫不犹豫地给你答案或帮助。寄宿家庭是非常亲切和房子是非常干净和整洁的。 more
嗯, 我决定开办一门英语课程, 因为我想在 "澳大利亚世界" 中加入一个简单的方法。挑衅。老师们很有帮助, 似乎他们喜欢他们的工作。事实上, 他们总是微笑着, 准备给你一只手。早上上课有时可能有点无聊, 但我认为这是一个普遍的事情: 我的意思是, 每所学校有时是无聊的。这些课程结构良好, 你可以很容易地找到你的英语水平。我真的很喜欢我的班级, 因为人们非常友好, 我们经常交谈。早上的课很有趣, 因为他们教英语词汇和游戏或者讲有趣的话题。这所学校很容易找到。我不喜欢他们提议的活动。 more
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在布里斯班学习英语的地方. 具备英语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。