Genki Japanese and Culture School (GenkiJACS) is an internationally acclaimed communicational Japanese language school that offers short-term study abroad courses, learning the Japanese language and culture in a relaxed and friendly environment in Fukuoka, Tokyo and now Kyoto! We are located in the heart of Gion district in Kyoto, Japan's old capital. GenkiJACS was nominated by popular vote as one of the world's top language schools every year from 2009 to 2021 winning in 2016 , 2018,2019 and 2020! We are one of only two Japanese language schools in the world that are accredited by IALC, the International Association of Language Centres, and the only one that focuses on Western students. We offer courses in a range of areas, including conversational Japanese, pop culture, Japanese culture, and study for exams, all with an emphasis on practical work, inside and outside of the classroom. For students coming from overseas to study abroad at our language school, we can prepare a range of accommodation options including dorms and private apartments, and arrange various activities for the duration of your stay. We're here to make learning Japanese worthwhile and enjoyable - that's why students return to GenkiJACS again and again! All of GenkiJACS' teachers are graduates of a 420-hour Japanese teacher training course at a recognized study institution. We hire only the best, and perform regular training. Students agree: you won’t find better teachers! We have 9 classrooms, and a large communal lounge for students to relax. Our classrooms are designed to facilitate learning in a relaxed and comfortable environment. The following facilities are available at the school for student use: PCs, free wireless Internet access, study space, game console, DVD/TV, manga/book library, and free coffee/tea. For holidays, GenkiJACS either arranges an alternate event for students for the day it is closed, or refunds tuition for that day.
ISI京都校区是2017年7月开设的全新语言学校之一,拥有全新的校园! 我们欢迎任何对日本语言和文化感兴趣的人来到我们这所位于著名历史名城京都的学校。我们的新课程,日语普通课程提供以会话为重点的课程,并在下午安排很多活动。我们的日语学术课程适合那些希望在日本接受高等教育,通过考试或达到更高水平的学生。 学校特色: - 2017年7月成立,拥有经验丰富的经理和校长。 - 拥有最先进设施的全新校园。 实用日语课程特点: - 初学者到中级水平。 - 集中于对话。 - 从未学过日语的学生每个月都可以报名。 - 学生可以自由接近老师,在轻松的氛围中顺利互动。 -提供四种选修课 “阅读理解/写作”,“文化体验”,“JLPT考试”和“实用对话”。 - 丰富的课后文化活动(每周约3次)。 - 在学校活动中与当地日本人会面的许多机会。 - 课程仅安排在早上。 普通日语课程特点: - 拥有所有级别课程。 -四种语言要素:阅读,听力,写作和学生的职业道路。 - 中级以上,除常规课程外,还有“大学衔接课”,“研究生衔接课”,“大学衔接课”,“JLPT预备班”,“实用对话班”。 - 个人关注和学术支持得到高度而持续的保持。
Kyoto JaLS is located in Kyoto, the old capital of Japan, and specializes in short term Japanese language study. We are part of the JaLS GROUP which has won numerous awards since its establishment in 2012, combining professional Japanese tuition and our belief that each student should have the most valuable experience possible whilst studying in Japan. We use intensive and practical language study alongside a variety of activities and cultural experiences to welcome and support all our students in a warm and family-like atmosphere. It is our desire that all students feel at-home in Japan, are able to return to study in the future, and have a wonderful and deep experience of Japanese culture.
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Manage my school profile »KJLS几乎毗邻皇宫,历代皇帝在这里居住了数千年。它也靠近同志社大学、剧院、Noh剧院、以及一所初中。我们相信您可以在这充满受历史和文化氛围的安静区域学习。