学生公寓更适合那些提倡整洁,只需基本、平价设施和的独立性强的人。 所有入住人员必须7 - 18。 除了特殊情况,住宿日从您第一天课程的前一个星期日算起,从最后一天课程的下一个星期六结束。 更多有关学生住宿的信息
特伦特学院位于英格兰中心的诺丁汉,是萨米德夏季学校的理想下榻之地。 Trent College结合了传统建筑和特色设施以及最先进的设施,拥有宽敞的环境,在您入住期间我们可以为您提供各种活动。
有疑问? 您可以从 我们富有经验的学生顾问,Samiad Ltd 的工作人员及之前的学生获得解答。
HI Kamala,
I hope you're well. Our courses begin and end each week on Sunday, so the course start date would be from the 8th July rather than the 9th. Would that be okay?
The most popular course is our mutli-activity programme which you can see detailed on our school profile, or at www.samiad.com.
The price is £950 per week, or £1,900 for two weeks.
If you need anything further please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Good morning. We're a summer camp for juniors (7 - 18 years old). Thanks!
Hi there, you are welcome to attend this summer, what dates do you have in mind? Of course, we offer non-residential options as well. Please don't hesitate to email us at [email protected] if you need any more information. Thanks!
Hi, no it isn't a problem, our programmes are for 7 - 18 year olds! :-)
Hi! Thanks for your question and my apologies for the late response. Please email me at [email protected] if you're looking for a 2023 summer school, we would love to welcome your daughter. Thanks! :-)
Hi! We only offer courses for 7 - 18 year olds. Please email me at [email protected] if you have a closed group of adults, we could create a programme for them. Thanks. :-)
Hi! Thanks for your questions. Please email me at [email protected] if you'd like any information about our 2023 summer school. Thanks!
Hi! Apologies for the very late response. Please send me an email at [email protected] if you're looking for a summer school for 2023... thank you! :-)