Cultura Italiana Arezzo位于市中心的中心地带,坐落在遍布商店、咖啡馆和餐馆的步行区。小镇的大小是学习和探索文化的理想选择。阿雷佐是托斯卡纳最美丽的城镇之一,与锡耶纳、佛罗伦萨和科尔托纳一起,但从未感到拥挤 - 而且价格只有一半。您将遇到真诚的人,他们将很高兴与您说意大利语。 我们为各级学生提供灵活、量身定制的意大利语课程,由我们忠诚的教学团队以友好、风度翩翩的方式讲授。 我们的目标是在Cultura Italiana Arezzo建立一个'家庭般的'氛围,这是我们认可的意大利语学校,位于托斯卡纳最美丽的城市之一阿雷佐的中心。 我们是一群年轻、热情的专业人士,他们都热衷于教学,帮助我们的学生充分利用他们的课程。 学校每周提供几项课外活动。其中包括阿雷佐和其他附近城镇的旅游,包括科尔托纳,卡斯蒂利翁菲奥伦蒂诺,安吉亚里,圣塞波尔克罗,波皮,卢奇尼亚诺和其他迷人的地方。还有当地工匠参观,烹饪课程,品酒会等等。 学校有一个特殊的学生房,有免费无线网络连接,互联网站,参考资料和一些小团体工作空间。 学校可以在阿雷佐市或托斯卡纳乡村为学生提供住宿。我们将在课程期间预订住宿。我们有几种类型的住宿:学生可以与家人在一起,在自己的房间(单人或双人),有或没有私人浴室,与其他学生共用公寓,租用独立公寓或住在酒店,在该国的B&B或农庄。
Centro Studi Italiani offers a wide range of Italian language online courses. Discover all the online course options that will allow you to learn the Italian language from the comfort of your home. Take advantage of our new online platform where you will find all useful digital teaching materials, files, audios and videos that will help you learn Italian better and faster. We have designed a rich offer of Italian language online courses in order to meet all our students’ needs: group courses, private sessions, Italian conversation classes, business Italian courses, exam preparation sessions and virtual group programs for a deeper discovering of the Italian culture. Start now! Choose your Italian language online course!
The school is located in the Nineteenth century “Palazzo Boscarini” in the heart of the historical city center. Bar, restaurants, shops, supermarkets, banks and all other facilities are within walking distance. The main building (full wi-fi coverage) offers a wide range of student facilities, such as numerous classrooms, several piano studios, an art studio, and a lovely courtyard. The building is open from early morning until late in the evening so it will most likely become your second home in Urbania: here you will study and practise Italian, meet your new international friends, and spend your free time. A historical public library is very close by and all students have free access to the library services. The school is open all year round and during the summer it hosts social events, music concerts and public lectures.
无论您是学生,上班族或是游客,总有一个适合您在卡斯泰洛城学习意大利语的地方. 具备意大利语各类水平,年龄层和时间长度的课程。只需在下列的课程类型中勾选,就开始您的学习之旅。