RLI Language Services

Fleetham Lodge, York, North Yorkshire DL7 0SN, UK


RLI Language Services 提供以下课程类型:

¥ 35,532

¥ 39,480

¥ 44,414

¥ 49,349


  • RLI Language Services学生 1/22
  • RLI Language Services一对一课程 2/22
  • RLI Language Services学生 3/22
  • RLI Language Services学生 4/22
  • Classes at RLI Language Services 5/22
  • RLI Language Services课外活动 6/22
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  • RLI Language Services一对一课程 8/22
  • Classes at RLI Language Services 9/22
  • RLI Language Services课外活动 10/22
  • Classes at RLI Language Services 11/22
  • RLI Language Services教室 12/22
  • RLI Language Services一对一课程 13/22
  • view from the bedroom 14/22
  • RLI Language Services提供的学生住宿 15/22
  • RLI Language Services提供的学生住宿 16/22
  • RLI Language Services提供的学生住宿 17/22
  • Front of the school 18/22
  • Front garden 19/22
  • RLI Language Services入口 20/22
  • RLI Language Services公共休息室 21/22
  • view from the bedroom 22/22


!school 提供以下住宿类型:

学生宿舍(校园) - 单人房 - 早餐,午餐和晚餐


Student Residence (on campus) - Single Room - Full Board

年龄区间: 16岁及16岁以上
地址: Fleetham Lodge, Kirkby Fleetham, North Yorkshire DL7 0SN, UK
地点区域: countryside
住宿类型: 学生宿舍(校园)
房间类型: 单人房
膳食安排: 早餐,午餐和晚餐 (每周21餐)
设施: 私人浴室, 洗衣房, 无线网路, 免费上网, 电视室, 地毯, 暖气, 24/7的监督, 花园, 和 体育设施
家到学校的距离: 1 - 2 分钟
可用性: 一月 - 十二月
到达日: 星期日, 03:00 下午 后
出发日: 星期六, 03:00 下午 前
As our programmes are total immersion, all students live on site and meal times are a part of the whole experience.

All our bedrooms at Fleetham Lodge are spacious and have wonderful views across the local countryside. They have TVs and a desk for study. There are 3 private bathrooms for the exclusive use of students (the maximum number of students staying is 4).

All food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is provided as part of the immersion programme but there is access to the kitchen for hot and cold drinks and snacks.

Students may wash their clothes if they wish.

We have a very large garden with a tennis court which students can use. There is also croquet and badminton available (weather permitting). We have a selection of bicycles that students may use to explore the local area.




Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 纽约 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


有了语言国际学校的健康及个人财产保险,出国读书可以省一百个心. 如果您与我们预定了课程,你可以购买一份涵盖健康及个人财产损失的国际旅行保险。您在报名前必须购买一份保险。

了解我们更多的保险计划 »



Fleetham Lodge
North Yorkshire DL7 0SN


Fleetham Lodge位于Yorkshire Moors和约克郡山谷国家公园之间的约克郡乡村中心(两者均可从这里看到)。这是一个沉浸在英语语言和文化中的理想场所,而且除了每天都在使用和体验这些东西之外别无选择! 您可以骑自行车或步行前往大门探索美丽的乡村。花园本身很广泛,您可以打网球、槌球或者只是坐在喷泉或池塘边阅读。





有疑问? 您可以从 我们富有经验的学生顾问,RLI Language Services 的工作人员及之前的学生获得解答。


"I have a 3 prospective students from Spain who would like to study at OISE Young Learners. I have several questions for you regarding this booking. The three students are from the same family, aged 8, 13 and 14. We have in our website the Full Study program that would be an option for the 13 and 14 years old teenagers. But we do not have any course for the 8 years old in your school. I have seen in your website that you also have one Full Study program for children that would be perfect for the 8 years old child. Are the prices the same than the ones for the Full Study program? Can they take the course without accommodation? Do you have special prices for students of the same family? The whole family would travel together. Do you offer accommodation for families?"

The prices differ depending on schools. The Full Study Program is offered at our school in York where both the 13 and 14 year olds would be able to study. The accommodation at York is split and 12-13 year olds are housed in a building different to those aged 14 and higher. We do have other schools where we offer the Full Study Program, however only the 14year old would be able to study there as they do not accept students aged 13 or under and only OISE Swindon and Folkestone will be open for the dates requested. The 8 year old is able to study the Full Study Program at either OISE Taunton or OISE Cranbrook. I'm afraid we are not able to offer family accommodation.
